Never Say Never

Chapter 9

The tour was hell. It was supposed to be a blast- their very first american tour, even if they were opening for Janet Jackson. But it wasn't, at least for JC. He was miserable. Destiny had taken his happiness when she said goodbye. And he missed her too musch to enjoy himself.

And Frankie was just downright annoying. It was like he had stolen all of JC's usual energy. But he was also always talking about setting JC up with some blonde cousin or something. JC didn't even attempt a new realtionship though. None of those girls were Destiny, so he didn't dare bother.

The members of Nsync grew worried. JC would perform fine onstage, but once he stepped off he was back to moping in his bunk. He wouldn't go clubbing, out to eat, to parties, nothing. Only when mandatory would he make a public appearance.

JC would usually just sit and listen to one song. It was one Destiny had listened to, since it was by her favorite singer. Now he was hooked to it. It had new meaning now, since it fit the situation perfectly.

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Come back and bring back my smile
Caom and take these tears away
I need your arms to hold me now
The nights are so unkind
Bring back those nights when I held you beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Uncry these tears
I've cried so many nights
Unbreak my heart
My heart

Take back that sad word goodbye
Bring back the joy to my life
Don't leave me here with these tears
Come and kiss this pain away
I can't forget the day you left
Time is so unkind
And life is so cruel without you here beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Uncry these tears
I've cried so many nights
Unbreak my heart
My heart

Don't leave me in all this pain
Don't leave me out in the rain
Bring back those nights when i held you beside me

Unbreak my heart
Say you'll love me again
Undo this hurt you caused
When you walked out the door
And walked out of my life
Uncry these tears
I've cried so many nights
Unbreak my..

Unbreak my heart
Come back and say you love me
Unbreak my heart
Sweet darlin'
Without you I just can't go on
Can't go on

~*"Unbreak My Heart" By Toni Braxton*~

Now that the Velvet Rope tour was over, it was time to head back to Orlando to prepare for the big healdining debut. While rehersing for this, they would put finishing touches on the Christmas album. Life never had a break for the guys nowadays.

JC removed his headphones and tried to get to sleep. The rest of the guys were already resting, but most of JC's nights were sleepless. All he would ever do was dream of her, his Destiny.

He sighed and shook his head. You have to stop doing this He told himself. He rubbed his tepmles and prepared to go get a drink, but a voice stopeed him.

"Yes babe, I know. I am the man." It was Frankie, probably talking to his girlfriend on his cell phone. Deciding not to disturb, JC lay back and listened.

"It worked up like magic, babe. She broke up with him that night."

Who broke up with who? JC asked himself, becoming more and more interested in the conversation by the minute.

"She was a total retard. I gave her the speech about the risking the career and she was like.. huh?" Frankie laughed as is girlfriend talked. "Her name? Oh, must have forgotten to tell you! Her name was Destiny."

JC's head shot up and smacked against the board above him. Shit! JC immeditaley fogot his pain when he remember the reason he had hit his head. My Destiny? He can't be talking about her..

"I called her like I did with Courtney and the others, and gave her the whole thing about sabotaging his career. After that, it was set in stone."

So he was the one. JC thought, pain still throbbing in his head. Anger was the only emotion he could feel right now. Frankie had made Destiny believe something far from the truth. Not just that, but he had done it before, and would probably do it again. Unless somebody took action.

"Yeah, Jace is still a bit sad. But its better that they are broken up. The money will keep on rolling in."

Money? JC screamed in his head. He put me through hell because he wanted to keep making money? Just wait until you get off the phone, Frankie..

"Babe, I gotta go. I'll see you when we get back. We get in around 5:00 tonight."

JC ignored his goodbyes and pulled a shirt on over his wifebeater. Frankie was going to get it all right. Nobody did that to JC Chasez, or his girlfriend. Not even an employee. JC stood up and swung out of his bunk, immediatley walking towards the front of his bus. His plan was to act like he hadn't heard anything at first, then get him.

He yawned and walked out into the kitchen area of the bus, passing right by Frankie. After getting Advil and a glass of water, he sat on the couch. "Hey Frankie."

"Oh, hey Jace. What are you doing up?" Frankie asked, tucking his cell phone in his pocket. It was around 1 o'clock in the morning, yet he was still dressed in his dress pants and Armani jacket.

"Got a big headache." JC popped the pills in his mouth then took a sip of water, swallowing them to hopefully rid of his pounding headache. "Were you on the phone?"

"Yeah, talking to Katie." He replied nervously. If JC had heard the conversation, he would be done for. Stupid Frankie, stupid! He yelled in his head. You had to call her while you were on the bus, the very quiet bus.

"Really?" JC asked, almost to casually. "What about?"

"You know, the usual. Miss yous, love yous, stuff like that." He just shrugged and twiddled his fingers.

"Must feel good to have somebody, huh?"

"Yeah.. I guess."

"Can i ask you something?" JC set his glass down on the counter then leaned forward. Frankie nodded and JC continued. "What would you do if Katie broke up with you because of what somebody else told her?"

Frankie winced, now knowing his mistakes. "I'dd.. I'd be really upset." He swallowed a large lump in his throat.

"Then," JC stood up. "Why would you do it to me?"

"Huh? What? JC, I have no clue what your talking about.."

"Why?" JC asked, almost breaking down as he fell onto the couch. "Why would you break Destiny and I up?" He rubbed his temples, trying to fight the urge to just hit Frankie. "Why would you make her believe nonsense scramble like that? Why would you take away one of the best things that has ever happend to me?"

Frankie looked down at his fingers again. There was no way he would escape it now, so why try to deny it? "JC, I was trying to save your career..."

"Save my career?" JC asked, tears watering in his eyes. "Save my career? Do you realize that this last month without Destiny was hell for me? I'm not performing at my highest level, I 'm not being the JC the people know me as. That is what can ruin a career, Frankie." He stood up and shot him an evil glare. "I don't believe in violence. But if you aren;t out of this job after you step off this bus tomorrow, then I can changemy beliefes."

With that, JC walked back to his bunk to try and finally get some sleep.

* * * * *

"Chantel, is Destiny here?" Mya asked after Chantel opened the door. Nikita had come with Mya to the house to give Destiny some great news.

"No, shes working. Been working alot lately." Chantel sighed and allowed them inside. "Its like she practically lives there now." They all sat on the living room couch. "Why are you wondering anyways?"

"Well, we have a big oppurtunity for her." Mya began.

"Something that will hopefully," Nikki inturupted her. "Get her mind off of JC."

"Nothing can help that girl.." Chantel said under her breath. "But any attempt is worth it. I'm all ears."

"Okay, well... 'The Attic' is having a little exhibition night. their ccalling it 'Amature Night' or something. Anyways, local singer come and its sort of like a competition. Winner gets a meeting with a record producer."

"Nikki and I," Mya began. "Have taken the liberty of signing her up for an audition. I mean, shes a great singer. We just figured- 'why not?'"

Chantel weakly smiled. "Thats a great idea..." She sighed and leaned back on the couch. "But I don't think Destiny would be up to it."

"Well, we could make her be interested." Nikki began. "Besides, we are her best friends.."

* * * * *

" WHAT?" Destiny asked her friends from behind the counter. Busnieuss was practically dead today, so they didn't need to go to the backroom to talk. It was good though, since Destiny hadn't felt like chatting. But now that she had heard what her friends had done, she was suddenly interested.

"We.. signed you up.. for an audition.. to sing." Mya said slowly. "And you are going, no matter what."

"No you guys. Absolutley not."

A cough was heard and Destiny looked to see a girl and her teenage daughter holding a CD and a poster to purchase. "Oh, I'm really sorry M'am."

"Thats fine." Destiny didn't appreciate the attitude the older woman was aiming towards her. It just added to the horrible mood she was in nowadays. Ever since that night one month ago, she hadn't been the same.

Destiny picked up the CD and removed the security holder. While ringing it up, she noticed the girl's selection. JC's face, along with his four other bandmates, was staring back at her. The poster, sure enough, as an NSync selection as well. "You like NSync?"

"Hell yeah!" The girl smiled. "They kick ass."

"Mandy, watch your mouth young lady." her mother warned.

"So who is your favorite?" Destiny asked after telling the amount to the mother who was now writing a check.

"I think Justin is so hott."

Destiny smiled at first, then stopped after she heard the girls next words. A hidden disgust suddenly filled her as she heard the words that followed.

"I'm so glad he isn't taken like JC is. My friend absolutley hates JC's girlfriend. Her name is Destiny, and he told everyone about her on TRL."

This girls 'friend' didn't even know Destiny, and already hated her. Plus, they weren't going out anymore! She was face to face with one of the reasons she had broken up with JC. If she wasn;t on the job, and her mother wasn't there, Destiny would have told her off right then and there. Instead, she placed the reciept in the bag and her lips turned into a cheesy smile.

"Well, have a nice day! Enjoy your CD and thanks for choosing Record Town."

The girl smiled and walked off, followed by her mother. Destiny couldn't help but over hear her singing the chorus to 'Tearin Up My Heart' and bounving around as they walked into another store.

"Oh, I'm a little teenie and I have no brain what-so-ever." Destin mocked, using a snotty voice. "I think JC is so hott and I wanna marry him and have his children."

Suddenly, a burst of laughter rung through the store. Destiny looked up from her inventory pad at the three who were laughing at her. She had completley forgotten her friends were standing right there. " hi."

"D, what was that all about?" Mya asked while stepping forward to talk with her. "If looks could kill, she'd be a dead fan!"

Destiny just rolled her eyes and went back to her work. They didn't know what had happened. They had no clue about teenies and thier selfish ways. All they knew was that Destiyn despised them.

"Destiny!" It was Ross, calling from his position at Costumer Service. Destiny looked up at him, not bothering to say anything. Once Ross saw she was looking, he continued. "You have a call on Line 3!"

"Alright!" She called back. She picked up the phone and looked at her friends, motioning for them to leave with her hand. Chantel mouthed 'later' and all three left.

Destiny quickly hit the butto to Line 3 and put on a perky voice. "Hello, this is the Orlando Record Town. My name is Destiny, how may I help you?"

"Hello, Destiny. My name is Patrick Atwood, the owner of The Attic. I am calling about your audition for Amature Night."

"Oh yes! About that.." She planned on turning down the audition. This wasn't a good idea and she didn't want any part in it. "I'm not going to.."

"Your audition has been moved to 7:00 tonight. Sorry for the short notice, but alot of people have signed up and we need to move things along."

"Okay, but..."

"Its at the club, and you'll need to come prepared to sing."

"But you don't understand.."

"See you tonight then." With that, Patrick Atwood hung up. ,p> Destiny just set the phone down and sighed. As soon as she rested her head in her hands, the phone reang again. Her head shot up and she looked over at Ross with a whiny look on her face. He just shrugged and nodded. Destiny sighed again and picked up the phone. "Hello, this is Record Town. My name is Destiny, how many I help you?"

"Somebody is in a bad mood today."

Destiny would recognize that voice anywhere. It was so distinctive, and hard to miss. Who else would have a voice as low as that? "Lance?"

"Hey there, Smiley!"

Smiley. Its funny how she missed being called that. "Hey Bass! Whatcha' up to?"

"Actually, I was calling to see how you were. Is this a bad time?"

"No, not at all! Busnieuss is dead around here, but this is just being a really bad day for me."

"Well, tell me about it."

That is why Destiny liked Lance. He was a great listener, and always helped out with things like that. he listened to the story of her whole day- everything fromt he audition to the teenie fan. After that, they just talked about different things. Lance chatted about the tour, and Destiny took his listening role.

"JC hasn't been the same."

This is the one topic that Destiny wanted to avoid. Talking about JC was not something she was ready to do, especially with one of his own friends.

"Destiny? Are you still there?"

"What? Oh yeah, sorry Lance." Destiny bit her lower lip and shut her eyes. "Is.. is he okay? JC, I mean."

She heard Lance sigh on the other end and Destiny opened her eyes again. "He misses you alot, Destiny. He still loves you."

"I still love him too.." Destiny said quietly.

"What? Des, you gotta speak up. I can't hear you."

"Uhh.." Destiny searched for somethign else to say. She didn't want Lance to know. "I umm.. have to go lance. I'll see you around."

* * * * *

Lance smiled at the click on the other end. He had very well heard Destiny's comment on still loving JC. The fact that she was afraid to admit it was no problem. As long as they still loved eachother, nothing could come in the way of his plan. Frankie was long gone, making it even more delightful.

"Hey guys, is Jace around?" Lance asked, walking into the confrence room where they were supposed to be meeting later on.

"Nope. He is in a mini-meeting with Lou about Frankie. Whay?" Justin asked, spinning in his roller chair.

"I just got off the phone with Destiny."

"Smiley?" Chris asked excitedly. "How is she doing?"

"Well, she still loves JC."

Justin's eyes immediatley lit up as he looked over at a smiling Joey, then back up at Lance. "Whats your plan, Bass man?"

"This is what we need to do..."

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