Never Say Never


October 20, 20000

"Okay, I think we have finished!" Destiny said, looking at the finalized paper laying on the desk in front of her.

"Destiny, thank you so much for your help. You are a genius." Beyonce Knowles, lead singer of girl group Destiny's Child, praised.

Destiny just shook her head and smiled. "Beyonce, it was a pleasure working with you."

Beyonce smiled and nodded in response, then laft after saying good-bye. They had spent the last two hours working on song being written for Destiny's Child's new album. A letter had been written to Beyonce by a fan who had been molested as a child, and using that they wrote 'The Story Of Beauty'.

Ever since that competetion, Destyin had been less shy about sharing her music. The industry had no objections to her or her music, she was a very respected newcomer. Artists like Mya, Boyzone, Christina Aguilera, Brandy, and many more had recorded songs written by Destiny. Some had even asked for her personally.

She had even expanded her writing horizons. MTV writers had teamed up with Destiny to create a made for TV movie titled 'Love Song'. 'What My Heart Says' was being used as the main theme, and the storyline involved a biracial attraction.

But now, after a long day of work, all she wanted to do was go home. As usual, she had worked more than the 10 hour day that was required. Tonight, she just wanted to go home and fall asleep into the next morning, which was also her day off.

The roads were deserted, making her drive even more relaxing. After pulling into her long driveway, she turned off the ignition, not bothering to park it in the garage. The home she had moved into last year was located in a private part of Orlando, secluded from all who would harm anything. And those who did live near were good people, so no worries were caused.

Walking in, she immediatley noticed the flashing red light at the end of the front hallway, signaling the messages on the machine.Destiny kicked her black sandals off and walked silentley towards the main living area of her mini-mansion. As she passed the machine, she hit play, then walked straight forward to collapse onto the couch.

"Destiny! Hey girl, it's Chantel; as if you didn't know. Callin to say hey, you know, Mya is enjoying your room and all. She found one of your old picture shoeboxes in the attic, I guess thats why I am calling. Call back and we can do lunch! And call Nichelle.. cause she lost oyur number again! Ha.. Bye D!"

Destiny laughed at her friend. After Destiny hjad moved into her new home, Mya had moved into the room she once occupied. Chantel and Mya had called it their 'Bachlorette Pad' for a while, until they had found good men like Nikki's to cling to. Destiny made a mental note to call them in the morning and awaited the second message.

"Hey, Destiny! Its Shanice! Your recptionist said you were busy, so I told her I would just leave a message on your machine. Its been a while since we've talked, and I am gonna be in town for a week in November, so call me and we can make plans to go Christmas shopping. Talk to you later!"

It was eleven-thirty, therfor too late to return Shanice's call. So there as another to-do tomorrow after she was fully awake. Destiny closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip, hoping that the next message would be quick so she could get to sleep as soon as possible.

"Hey baby, it's me. I din't want to bother you at work, 'cuz I know you were working with Beyonce today. I hope that went well. Anyways, we may be pulling an all nighter here, Jonny is really killing us. If it gets over to early in the morning, I'll just stay at Justin's or something, alright? If I don't see you- sleep well and I love you. Sweet dreams, baby."

Destiny sighed with dissapointment, knowing JC wouldn't be home tonight. The guys were working hard on plans for their new album. They were getting alot of time to complete it, but songs still needed to be chosen and arrangments needed to be made earleir than the release date, since their new tour would begin in late May.

Now even more tired, She stood up and began to walk through the living room and to the main stairs. Her steps were quick; all she wanted to do was collapse and wake up next year.

Slowly, she opened the door to the master bedroom which she and JC shared. After shutting the door, she flipped on the light to find three suitcases sitting on the bed, packed and all ready to go. She knotted her eyebrows in confusion, then looked over when she heard noises coming from the bathroom. Cautiously, Destiny walked over to the connected room, pushing the door open.

Her eyes widened when she saw JC packing her make up into a mini suitcase. "Umm.. JC? What are you doing?"

"Packing." He said simply, putting her perfume and his colone into the bag.

"What are you packing for?"

"A vacation."

"Who is going on vacation?" She asked, now walking over to him and placking her hands on his arms to stop him from placing anything else into the bag. "And why do they need our stuff?"

JC laughed and kissed her cheek lightly. "Nobody better need our stuff, because we are going to vacation to Jamaica."

Destiny's eyes widened as he began packing again. Quickly, she brought a hand to his opposite cheek and turned his head to look at her. "Did you say we are going to Jamaica?"

"Yeah." He said softly, putting his hand over hers and moving it to his mouth. Gently, he began to place soft kisses on each finger tip.

"Oh.My.God." She breathed, then jumoped into his arms. She kissed his neck several times while giggling uncontrollably. "I can't believe this! I have always wanted to go to Jamaica!"

JC knew that certain fact, which is why he had chosen the location. One night while out on the town, he planned on popping the question. He had been thinking about it for a while, and recently found the courage when the two had gotten into a conversation about how they wanted to spend the rest of their lives. He said he wanted to spend it with her, and she had confessed that she never wanted to lose him. Thats when he knew what to do.

"When are we leaving?" She asked, arms still locked around his neck. A huge smile was on her face, which was glowing like a candle.

"Tomorrow morning."

Suddenly, her arms dropped. "Tomorrow? I have so much to do.. call the office, reschedual appointments, call everyone else.."

"Destiny," JC said, placing a finger over her lips to quiet her. "I've taken care of everything. Your office knows, your friends know, all your appointments for the next two weeks have been reschedualed and Chris is going to watch the house. This is going to be a relaxing vacatation for the both of us. No worries- they are left right here."

Destiny gazed into his eyes. Things like that were just one of the many reasons she was in love with him. "I love you, JC."

"I love you too, Destiny."

Now baby they can't believe that
You and me are together
Thats why they should have never
Never said never

In case you are wondering, the two had a wonderful, relaxing vacation in Jamaica. Many surprises came, including JC's proposal. But one thing was not surprising- her answer of yes.

Their relationship was very publically known, especially after their return to Orlando. If you have noticed, their is a bi-racial couple in the video for 'This I Promise You'. That was all JC's idea.

Both people knew that some would never accept the realtionship they shared. But JC and Destiny knew, especailly after all they had been through, to never say never.

We didn't let the thoughts that we had
We didn't let the words that they said
Keep us from the love that we now have
Never say never
Never would have been never if allowed
But now we are together
Never Say Never


I LOVED writing this story! I am so sad that it is over, but I hope you all enjoy it. Remember to vote for it at The Reality Awards on July 1st! Thank you so much, and please send comments for the main page!

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