Never Say Never

Chapter 1

"Lets go D!" Chantel called up the stairs. "If we don't get to the beach now, they won't save us a spot!"

"Hold your horses Chantel, I'm almost ready!" Destiny shot back. She sighed and looked at her reflection one last time. Her silver two piece complemented her dark skin, showing off her thin figure. The new kahki shorts she recieved for her birthday fit well, and accented her. She propped her sunglasses on the top of her short black hair and picked up her bag. Thats when she saw the scar. It was still there on her side after 8 years. The haunting memories of that night were ones she hated to think about.

To cover it up, Destiny through on a silver T-Shirt and headed down the stairs. There on the couch sat her best friend, Chantel Brady. The had grown up together in New York City. Once Destiny recovered from her wounds, Chantel and her family took her in and together they moved down to Orlando. Destiny would be forever grateful. She never asked for their help, but they gave it to her anyway. Through it all, Chantel and her parents were there to help her.

Now that they were 23, Chantel and Destiny moved into a new home on the other side of Orlando. Both worked at a record store, which payed very highly and helped pay for the house. "Okay D, now that your ready, lets get going. Nikita, Mya, and Nichelle are probably already there."

As they made there way towards the beach in Chantels jeep, Destiny sang along with the Toni Braxton song on the radio. She loved music, especially R&B and Jazz. Inlike Chantel, she wasn't a fan of Pop and Rap music. Music was a love of hers, but she mostly stuck with her culture. Her voice was decent, but her real love was writing songs. Nobody knew about the music she wrote, but Destiny liked it like that. Her lyrics were a way to express her feelings. And those feelings were ones she liked to keep private.

"I know you like this music. I do too." Chantel switched stations. "But since this is my car, I will choose the music."

"Yes mommy." Destiny joked. The up beat tempo of a boyband song came on and she rolled her eyes and turned to Chantel. "Which one is this? Backstreet Men?.. some number of Degrees?"

"You know what? You are so clueless that it isn't even funny. Its Backstreet Boys and 98 Degrees." Chantel corrected Destiny. "And no, this isn't either of them. This my friend, is *NSync. better than both of the other two."

"Whatever Chan. You know I don't listen to this kind of music. But hey.. whatever floats your boat." Destiny shifted in the passanger seat to look out of the window. The busy streets of Orlando flew by as Chantel sped towards the beach. The lyrics being sung on the radio were different from the other boybands Chantel listened to. They were catchy and people could rekate to them.

Its tearin up my heart when I'm with you
But when we are apart I feel it too.
And no matter what I do I feel the pain
With or without you.

"You know, I hate to admit this to you.. but they aren't half bad."

"Are my ears working correctly? Did Destiny Evans, otherwise known as Ms.Black culture USA, admit to actually liking a boyband? " Chantel asked sarcastically.

"I didn't say I liked them .. I said I liked this song." Destiny flipped the radio off. "And don't call me that! There is absolutley nothing wrong with me taking part on my culture. You should try it Chantel, you learn alot."

"No D, that is where you're wrong. I do know about my culture. And if I need to know anything else about it, I can ask you. " Chantel shut off the ignition and opened her door. Destiny followed her kead and headed to the back. "But I don't wanna argue about it. Its Saturday, let me enjoy my weekend."

"Sorry Chan. But let me tell you this.. I promise I will never become like Nichelle."

"If you turn like Nichelle, I will shoot your black ass."

Destiny laughed and slung her bag over her shoulder. "I give you permission."

The girls laughed and walked onto the sand. Usually on Saturday, the beach was packed with tourists. But today there weren't alot of people. "This is gonna be a nice, peaceful Saturday D."


"Wait.. I take it back!" Chantel sighed as Destiny tried not to laugh.Chantel plastered a fake smile on her face as they approached the group of girls waiting for them. "Nichelle! Nikita! Mya!"

"Hey Chantel!" Mya called. Mya was much like Chantel. Both had long, braided black hair. Both were the same height at 5'7. Both had creamy black skin. It made sense though, they were sisters. Mya ran up and gave both a big hug. "Mom is really mad at you two. You 'never visit' or 'never call' anymore!"

Destiny laughed at Mya's attempt at mockery. Mya was only 19, which is why she still lived with her parents. Destiny and her were good friends, but not as good as Chantel. But it was still the closet she could get to a family. "We try Mya, we try."

"I know D. Now lets go before Nichelle goes CC on us." Mya pulled them over to the blanket. CC was what they called Culture Crazy. When Nichelle went CC, she talked like the stereotype of black people. All 'Sisters and Brothers' and 'Our ancestors were ut throught slavery..'. they knew it was true, but it was still unnessecary. "There here!"

"Hey girls." Nikita said, not once looking up from thebook she was engrossedn in.

"Reading another trashy romance Nikki?" Chantel asked, sitting next to a sleeping Nichelle. She set her stuff down and grabbed a coke out of the cooler.

"Its not trashy! But it si romance!" Nikita looked up, revealing her tan face. She had mixed races. Her mother was white, and her father black. She always said she looked most like her father. Her hair was dark brown, making her appearance exotic and tempting to most men. But Nikita was to involved in soap operas, novels, movies and basically everything that wasn' real life to think about real life romance. "Listen to the plot.."

"Thats okay nikki. Keep reading.." Destiny also sat on the blanket alongside Mya and Nichelle. "Whats with sleeping beauty over here?"

"My sister my sister," Nichelle propped herself op on her elbows. "I am not sleeping, mearly resting. But I am beautiful. Yes, I know it. Bow down before your queen.."

"HEADS UP!" A volleyball came flying through the air and hit Nichelle head on, causing her to stop midsentance and rub her forehead. The ball fell to the blanket leaving the other four to laugh at the recent event.

"Sorry about that." Destiny looked up and saw a dark haired man about her age in Navy Blue swim trunks. His chest was bare, revealing his well built arms and abs. But what caught Destiny's attention were his eyes. They were a captivating shade of blue, unlike any she had ever seen. Since the others were still laughing at a dazed Nichelle, Destiny grabbed the ball and stood up.

"Don't apoligize. You made her shut up, I'm forever grateful." He laughed and she stuck out her hand. "I'm Destiny."

"Destiny huh? Thats a beautiful name." He shook her hand and Destiny noticed his firm grip. "I'm JC."

"Well JC, thanks again and here is your ball." Destiny handed over the white volleyball and smiled.

"Yup. And thank you ." He turned and began to walk away but stopped and turned back again. "You know what? We just lost a few players. Do you wanna play?"

"Sure. Hold on and I'll ask them." He nodded and jogged over to his friends at the net. Destiny turned to her own friends who were just getting over their laughter. "Any of you wanna play some volleyball? Chantel?"

"Count me in!"


"Naw, I suck at volleyball."


"Sure, I'll play."


"You expect me to go play with those white boys who damaged my growing mind? Think again Destiny."

"Whatever Chell." Destiny sighed and kicked off her shoes while removing her tanktop. As soon as all 3 of them were ready, they headed out to the net where JC and 2 of his friends were waiting. "Hey JC."

"Hey Destiny. This is Justin." JC pointed to a tall, curly haired boy. "And that is Chris." He then pointed to a short dark haired man.

"Hey Justin, Chris." She returned their handshakes then turned to her own friends. "This is Chantel and Mya."

The groups said hi and Chris seized the oppurtunity. "Is your friend okay? She looked pissed after Poo Foo hit her."

"Nichelle? Shes fine!" Chantel replied. "Who is this Poo Foo? I wanna thank him for shutting her big mouth up."

"Poo Foo is Lance, and he would be over there laying down. I always told him he sucked at VB." Justin said, directing all attention to a blond with spiky hair who was tanning himself. Justin then pointed to the hot dog stand. "And over there in the yellow trunks is Joey. He ditched us for food, like he always does."

The girls laughed and Mya cleared her throat. "Well, the one Lance hit is Nichelle. And the one reading is Nikita."

The 3 guys nodded and JC threw the ball so Destiny could catch it. "Guys against girls. First to 15 wins. Loser.."

"Loser buys ice-cream!" Chris called.

"Okay then loser buys ice-cream." Destiny replied. "Our serve."

Destiny went to the corner of the court and served, starting the game.

* * * * *

"Justin misses! And we win!" Chantel jumped up and down, mocking an announcer. "Looks liek I'm getting me some ice-cream!"

"Yeah sure... we let you win." Justin replied. "You know, we didn't wanna make you feel bad."

"Oh no, you did not just say that." Chantel followed Justin his towel where the money was.

"Des, I'm not in the mood for ice-cream about now. I'm just gonna go back to the blanket okay?"

"Sure Mya. I'll be over in a bit." Destiny waved and went to catch up with JC. "Good game."

"Don't worry, I'm not a sore loser like Justin." JC assured her. Looking over her shoulder, she saw Justin and Chantel still arguing playfully. Chris was already at the ice-cream vendor. "So you up for some ice-cream? I owe you it."

"No, you don't have to. I'm fine."

"Yes I do. Come on, its really hot outside."

"Well, alright." Destiny followed JC to the vendor where they met up with Chris.

"So what do you want?" JC asked Destiny.

"Medium twist."

"Okay. I'll have two medium twist cones please." JC ordered. Once it arrived, they both walked along the beach together.

"So.. how do you know your friends?" JC asked, hoping to strike up a conversation. He hadn't known her for very long, but he was very interested in Destiny. Not only was she attractive, but her eyes had a story hidden in them. A story he was dying to hear.

"Wwll, I've known Chantel my whole life. Her and Mya are sisters, and their parents took me in after my parents died."


"Don't be. Nikki lives down the street from me and Chantel. And Nichelle.. well i don;t know why I am friends with Nichelle."

JC laughed. "I know what you mean."

"So what about your friends? How do you know them?"

"We're all in the music busnieuss together." JC stated simply. He silentley prayed she wouldn't ask what he did in the busniuess, because he liked thinking she didn't know who he was. They were slowly beginning to become known in the states, making everyday life difficult.

"I love music." Destiny replied simply.

"Me too."

"I think thats apparant." They laughed and a loud crack of lightning lit the sky. "Holy shit!"

Destiny looked at her cone which had fallen to the ground. She picked it up as the rain came. In the distance, she saw her friends calling to her. "We should get back now JC. A storm is brewing on the horizon."

"Before we go- can I get your number?"

"Of course. I'll give it to you when we get back okay?"

"Sure. Now lets get going!" They both jogged towards their friends. Once they reached JC's blanket, Destiny made sure to write her number down for JC. He smiled as she left.

"D girl hurry!" Destiny took one last look at JC then hurried off towards a screaming JC.

Chapter 2
Never Say Never
Contact Me