-*A Story Written For Anna*-

Dust flew off the book as Anna blew on the cover. She hadn't taken the time to look back on her life in the longest time. Now that she had been through so much, she felt it was the appropriate thing to do. Gently, she lifted the cover to the book entitled 'Memories'.

The very first picture her brown eyes landed on was one of her sitting in a bathtub along with her best friend. Both were about three years old, splashing eachother while talking in their little best friend language. They had grown up next door to eachother, and their mothers had always dreamed of having a friendship in the next generation. Thats what they got.

The next picture was one that will permanentley stick in Anna's mind. The two of them again, this time five years old, kissing eachother. Their eyes were squeezed tightly shut and their hands were in fists at their sides. The two had decided on kissing after watching a movie at her house where the main couple kissed alot. Anna's mother just happened to have her camera, and that very picture was one both families trasured deeply.

The second page contained two pictures. The first was of Anna and him at age six. They stood together, his front tooth missing, smiling brightly as the school bus pulled up. It was their first day of kindergarden. Their backpacks were full, hearts beating with anticipation, and they were ready.

The next picture was of Anna singing on her swingset at age seven. Her brown hair was flowing behind her as she swung forward. He stood behind, giggling as she swung harder than before. When she came back, he would push her and make her swing even higher. Back then, it was what they did for fun.

Anna smiled remembering the very first years she and Justin spent as best friends. What great friends they were. Those years were some of the best, when it was the unstoppable dup of Anna and Justin.

After flipping through a couple more pictures of their elementary years, Anna turned the page. That was the end of the years they would dress up as Batman and Catwoman for halloween. The end of when they would sleep over one another's houses. But it certinley wasn't the end of their friendship.

~A special smile
A certain touch
I've never had a love
That I loved so much
When I look back, you're everywhere
Turn the page, you were there~

The next series of pictures was from their teenage years. Immediatley Anna's eyes fell onto a close up of Justin's face. he was smiling brightly, for he had just recieved a special acedemic award. His curly hair was long and moppy, hanging from the top of his perfectly shaped head. At the time he was about fourteen.

Another special picture of those years was one that reminded Anna of how they spent most of their nights. Doing homework together. In this certain picture, they are sitting indian style leaning against the couch of Justin's home. Each had their math books sitting in their laps, and were scribbling the the answers in their notebooks.

One of the last pictures of them in school was of Justin in his basketball uniform and Anna in her cheerleading uniform. This was the night of the big championship game. Though at the time they were seeing other people, they looked like an actual couple. Anna's arms were rapped around his stomach, her head resting on his chest. Justin had his right arm wrapped around her back, and his left hand rested where Anna's were locked. They looked absolutley perfect for eachother.

The very last picture of those years was of prom. Justin had flown in from his job to be Anna's date. Her corsage was tied around her wrist, matching the beautiful dress she had chosen. The picture was surrounded by ones of Anna getting ready at home, but in the middle was their professionally captured photo. He stood behind her, arms wrapped around her waist. She stood in front of him, hands resting on top of his and a sweet smiled on her face. Again, they looked like a perfect couple.

They would laugh when in those years people would tell them what a cute couple they made. Friends was all they were, and being anything more would not only be uncomfortable, but also silly. Anna and Justin would be friends forever, nothing more and nothing less.

~My very best friend
My summer day
My only someone to depend on
When I lost my way
You came and answered
My every prayer
Turn the page, you were there~

The past section lacked pictures of the two of them together. Justin had (and still has) a very promising talent. His mother Lynn and he were always off at auditions and stuff like that. Sometimes, Anna would be able to come along, but mostly she stayed home.

It was during those years where Anna became more independant. All of her younger years, she had Justin to depend on. And though he was a great support, the time that he was away at MMC was the time Anna took to find herself.

Anna always knew that when Justin came back from each one of his travels they would be back to normal. Sometimes it was weird, waking up in the morning and expecting to spend the day with your very best friend; then not being able to. Sometimes Anna would miss him so much that she would cry. Yet, she always knew he would be coming back.

When justin left for his big musical career in NSync, she was miserable. They wrote all the time, called whevever possible, but Anna always feared that they would lose touch and never speak to eachother again. It would be a rare occaision that he came back to Memphis.

It was around that time in her life when Anna realized how she truly felt for Justin. She made a promise to herself that she would do whatever it takes to keep with him. Losing him forever would be a terrible thing, so she was determined to keep him.

~What would I do I some strange morning
I opened up my eyes to find you gone
I can't imagine how I would survive it
Or how I would go on~

The next section of pictures was when they were near there 20's. Anna had joined the NSync clothing/costume team after a disasterous stlyist was finally fired. the very first picture was of Anna arrived at the airport and ran into Justin's arms. The security guard had taken a picture. It had been there first time seeing eachother in about a year.

Justin's shirt was off in another picture. Anna was handing him a shirt to change into for the next part of their stage show. Both were in extreme concentration, and didn't even notice a friend take the picture. It was one of Anna's favorites.

Chris had taken the next picture. The two were slow dancing together at Joey's Halloween party. Costume was required, so Justin went as Romeo and Anna as Juliet. The two were looking into eachother's eyes and smiling brightly in this picture. Anna remembered that night as the night that Justin had told her he loved her. They weren't dating at the time, but started after that.

The story behind one of the next pictures was funny. It was the very first tabloid story about Anna and Justin. They were on a date at an amusement park and Anna was feeding Justin a piece of cotton candy. Underneath her arm was a teddy bear he had won her. The Tabloid's headline read- Justin's Secret Love... Bye Bye Britney! Anna loved that picture because it was one of them looking like normal people.

After many more pictures of their dating years, Anna came across a picture that made a tear arise in her eye. They were both 25 years old, enjoying a night at a fancy restaraunt. Justin was down on one knee, presenting her a box. Anna had her hand over her mouth in surprise. That night, Justin had paid a waiter to snap a picture so they would have a picture to remember the night he proposed.

~My one sure thing
My solid ground
All I ever wanted
Was the love the we've found
When I look back you're everywhere
Turn the page, you were there~

Anna smiled as she twisted the ring on her left ring finger. What a beautfil and expensive ring it was. The next pictures were her favorites. Their wedding day was absolutley goergous. The day she became Mrs. Justin timberlake was captured beautifully in the next picture, all taken by a professional photographer.

First picture was of Best Man, Joshua Chasez, straightening Justin's tie in the back room of the church. Though Anna was not there at the time, she could almost hear the words shared between the two. JC was probably giving Justin a pep talk, since he himself had been married the year before. It was a great moment between he best of friends.

In the brides preperation room was where the next picture was taken. Anna, standing in front of the mirror checking her apperance while her mother fixed her hair and Justin's mother fixed the train of the expensive white dress. Both mothers were striving to make Anna even more beautiful than she already was.

After glancing at some pictures of the first part of the ceremony, anna came across two that made her smile. The first was of them looking into eachothers eyes at the altar as Justin recited his homemade vows. They were completley focused on eachother and totally in love.

The second was of their frist kiss shared as Mr, and Mrs Timberlake. The photographer had blurred out the rest of the picture to make the only thing in focus the kissing couple. Anna's arms were around his neck, and Justin's around her lower back. Their eyes were sloed, and it made Anna think of their very first kiss.

There were some great pictures of the reception. It was a great collection. The two dancing together, feeding eachother cake, the whole nine yards. Also pictures of Anna dancing with Justin's father and Justin dancing with Anna's mother, and all other traditional things that happen at weddings.

The very last picture that fit in the book was of them standing together in front of the limo that would take them to the airport, where they would head off to Burmuda. Both were changed into normal clothes. waving goodbye to everybody.

~A special smile
A certain touch
I've never had a love that I've loved so much
When I look back you're everywhere
Turn the page, you were there~

"Anna, sweetie?"

She turned to see Justin's sleepy form walking down the stairs. His robe swayed slightly behind him as he came into the sitting room and sat beside her.

"Are you okay?" Justin asked, referring to the recent bug she had been experiancing. "It's 3 am, sweetie."

Anna smiled at his concern as he placed a hand on her forhead. He was a wonderful husband. All chilhood, she had dreamed of what they had now. "I just couldn't sleep, honey."

"Is it that bug? Did you vomit again?"

Smiling nervously, she took Justin's hand down from her face. "No, Justin..." She didn't quite know how to tell him the news. How would he react? All Anna knew that telling him now was sooner than telling him tomorrow. Now all she needed were the right words to say.

Noticing her look, Justin took her hands in his. "Anna, whats wrong?"

She sighed and squeezed his hands. "Justin, I went to the doctor todayand they ran some tests-"

Fear struck his face and his heart. The tone his wife was using made him scared. Nothing could be wrong with her. She was as healthy now as she was when they were little kids in Memphis. If anything life threawtening was wrong, then he wouldn't know what to do. His whole life, Anna had been there. He didn't know if he could go on without her.

"Justin.... I'm pregnant."

His heart jumped. Did he hear her correctly? "Wha... what?"

"I am pregnant with our child, Justin." Anna said, hoping for a positive reaction.

"Oh my gosh! I am gonna be a daddy!" Justin pulled Anna into a hug then pulled back and ran to the kitchen. Anna followed laughing at his excitement. "Oh gosh I gotta call mom, dad, Jace and the guys, and-"

"Justin," she put a finger to his lips to calm him down. "It's to early. Just calm down, okay honey?"

Justin took a deep breath then grinned at his wife. "I love you, Mrs. Timberlake."

"I love you too, Mr. Timberlake."

Justin kissed her softly as he draped an arm around her and they went to sit on the couch. Anna reopened the photo book, and together they remembered everything that happened with their past. They were more than ready for their child. It was another level of their still growing realtionship.

With each turn of the page came another memory of the two. They would always be there for eachother, and now had somebody else to be there for. They also knew that another photo album would be needed to capture all the new memories in the making.

~You came and answered
My every prayer
Turn the page, you were there~

*Song credit- Aaliyah, "Turn The Page" (can be found on the soundtrack to 'Music of the Heart')*
