
Chapter 1

BEEP!! Groggily I reached over and tried to switch off my alarm, but to no avail.‘Must be that stupid lock’
I tried to cover my head with my pillow, but the harsh opera music foundits way to my ears.
“Fine I’ll get up!” I yelled at the clock, throwing the pillow off my head.
The clock stopped singing immediately.
I scowled at the annoying clock. It was still a couple minutes earlyfor getting ready for school, but I knew I needed them.
I shuffled sleepily into the bathroom and took a steaming hot shower. When I stepped out, I covered myself with the fluffy pink towel. Then I raised my finger to my hair and it dried instantly. After that I dried myself.
“What should I do with it today?” I asked myself. Then I just shrugged in carelessness and pointed up an outfit.
My reflection in the glass showed that I was wearing a cerulean Abercrombie tank top and black flares.
I pointed to my long, raven black hair and it became wavy.
‘Being a witch has its perks’ I thought happily. With that happy note I got out of the bathroom and went downstairs.
“Hey Aunt Chelsea, Aunt Chloe.”
I sat down at the small round table with my 2 aunts.
Since I became a witch when I was 16, I was to train with my aunts. I couldn’t see my parents that often, considering they had big jobs inthe Magical Dimension.
“How are you today Serena?” asked my Aunt Chloe.
“I’m fine. Thanks to that shower.”
“So what do you want for breakfast today?” asked Aunt Chelsea, sipping from her coffee.
“I dunno. I guess I’ll have some donuts or something.”
Instantly, I box of Dunkin’ Donuts were in front of me. I smiled and took a glazed one.
“You gonna pop into school today?” asked Chloe.
“If I’m late.” I chewed on the donut.
“I guess you’d better get moving then,” urged Chelsea.
I rolled my eyes. Aunt Chelsea was always worrying about my state of health and intelligence and all that important stuff. The fun things were Aunt Chloe’s job. But that fun often caused Aunt Chloe to be irresponsible. I flicked my wrist and my black backpack came whizzing to my outstretched hand.
“I guess you’re right. Well, I’ll see you guys!”
I finished off my donut and washed my hands. Then I was on my way out. My chunky sandals were the cause of my slowness, so I decided to takea shortcut and just Transport to school. I hid behind a bush and pointedto myself.
“Safely transport me and my stuff to,
A hidden spot at my high school.”
Poof! I was at school, only, behind a tree.
I brushed myself off and stepped out from behind of the tree, only tocrash into someone, sending me to the ground. The other person gruntedas he too, landed on the cement sidewalk.
I cleared my hair out of my face and looked at the other person. My eyeswidened. He probably was the best looking guy I had ever seen! His wavybrown hair stood up, his intense blue eyes were almost like an endlesssky, his complexion was fair, fairly masculine… I don’t have a word todescribe it.
He hurried to his feet and stretched out his hand. “Sorry about that.I’m JC,” he apologized, pulling me up.
“Uh, no problem,” I managed to say, brushing myself off once again.
“So do you always hide behind trees and ambush people?” he grinned.
I blushed. ‘Great going Serena. You’ve just made yourself look like atotal freak’ Luckily, I caught myself. “N-no. I just happened to be behind there. But anyway, my name’s Serena,” I introduced, shaking his softhand.
He smiled and I almost dissolved. “Serena huh? Cool.”
“So are you new here? I haven’t seen you around here,” I noted.
“Well, I start at this school today,” he said, picking up his scattered books.
“Oh. So how do you like it here so far?” I asked.
“It was ok. Now I think it’s better,” he smiled.
I blushed. “Uh, well who do you have first period?”
“Um,” he looked at his schedule. “Mr. Morris?”
“I have him too! I could show you there,” I said, thrilled at spending more time with the new stranger.
“Thanks! I thought I’d be a total outcast or something,” he thanked, relieved.
“Well I’m sure you’ll make friends easily.”
“Could you show me where my locker is too?” he asked.
“Sure. We have some time to kill.”
“It’s locker…B784.”
My eyes widened. “That’s just 2 down from mine!”
“What’re the odds?” he shrugged.
‘Pretty damn good’
“C’mon let’s find your locker,” I said, walking into the large school building.
We walked down the long halls and finally reached a group of lockers. I pointed to one. “This is your locker.”
“Oh, thanks,” he said, getting to work on his combination.
I went 2 to the left and opened my locker. I checked my reflection in my mirror and redid my make up in a quick point.
Then I put all my stuff inside and took out what I needed for geometry. JC had everything in his locker finally. But it was so neat! He had one of those locker shelves and all his books went underneath. Then on top would be like the notebooks or whatever, then his backpack. He got his books just as the kids started piling in.
The once empty and lifeless halls were starting to fill with activityand noise.
“Good you’re still there, I thought I lost you or something,” JC said, coming closer.
‘Yeah right’ I thought. Instead I said, “It’s ok. Just stay close or you-”
“Hi Serena,” said a sarcastic voice.
My face twisted and I turned from JC to the person. “What do you want Natalie?” I asked.
Natalie was probably my only real enemy in this school, and let me tellyou, she is probably everyone’s enemy in some sense. She might be oneof the most popular girls in school, but I still despised her. SometimesI wonder how she got there in the first place. Basically, she was a selfishlittle brat who believes that she is the most perfect being in the world. JC stood behind me uncertainly, obviously sensing my unfriendliness. Natalie, of course, noticed him and turned into her flirty, sugar sweetmode. “Oh I haven’t seen you around here. I’m Natalie.”
“Oh god Natalie just lay off with the sucking up ok? You’re just a spoiled brat with no sense of friendliness and honesty. I don’t know how you became one of the most popular girls in school, but I’m sure it wasn’t by their choice,” I said without missing a beat. It felt like a hugeweight had been lifted off my shoulders.
Her eyes blazed with her prissy fury. I only said what I said because JC was there. If he wasn’t, then she would probably be Ms. Nasty-no wait,correction-HERSELF.
She just turned on her heel and stormed off, her 3 friends-Amanda, Caitlin,and Sandra- followed after her, their faces like the one of their master’s. “Wow. She wasn’t very nice was she?” JC asked, speaking at last.
“No, not really. I’d advise you not to get tangled with her. She canbe as nice as a snake,” I told him, walking toward our first class.
I said hi to several of my friends before we got there.
“You know a lot of people here, don’t you?” JC asked.
“Yeah I guess. Depends on what you mean by a lot,” I shrugged, walking into the room.
No one else was in there except for Mr. Morris, who was sitting at his desk, correcting some extra papers. I sat down at my usual seat, in the exact middle of the classroom.
JC went and gave him a note and Mr. Morris scowled.
“Mondays are the worst,” he mumbled before accepting the note. Then helooked around. “You can sit anywhere you wish, as long as you won’t bedisruptive.”
JC looked at me then sat down next to me.
“Anything I should know about Mr. Monday over there?” JC whispered almostinaudibly.
I smiled and whispered back, “He’s always grouchy and couldn’t care lessof what we do, as long as he gets paid.” One by one, kids came in and took their seats, only glancing at the newstudent among them.
“Hey Rena!” my best friend Ariel greeted me. She sat down on the otherside of me, to the left.
She took notice of JC and whispered to me, “Who’s the new guy? He’s cute.”
“His name’s JC. And he’s not cute he’s hot!”
She almost laughed. I didn’t say that about many guys at our school,and she knew that well.
I leaned to my right and tapped JC on the shoulder. He jumped.
Laughing, I introduced, “JC, this is my friend Ariel. Ariel, JC.” JC smiled and she blushed a little.
Finally, the bell rang.
I ripped a piece of paper and wrote neatly, ‘Be prepared to have the shit bored out of you!’ Then I folded it up and casually threw it onto JC’s desk.
From the corner of my eye I watched him. He looked at me once and unfolded the note. After he read it, he smiled.
The smile stayed on my face as I listened to the monotonous drone of Mr. Morris’s voice.
“Oh my god that was boring!” JC sighed, following me out the door.
“Oh I know,” I agreed, waving at one of my friends. “He’s totally unqualified, except that we’re at a teacher shortage or something.”
“Hey Serena!” came a loud voice.
I stopped on my tracks and turned around. My heart dropped and I sighed. “Hey Justin.”
He smiled warmly. “Who’s the new guy?”
“New student,” I replied.
“Oh.” He looked JC up and down. Then he smiled and extended his hand.
“I’m Justin. Quarterback of the football team, captain of the basketball team.”
“Football? I love football,” JC smiled, shaking his hand.
“I like this guy already,” Justin complimented him. Then he looked at me. “So Serena, how do you feel about this Saturday?”
I rolled my eyes. Everyone knew Justin had a huge crush on me, some knew he loved me, but frankly, I didn’t feel…attracted to him, unlike the rest of the female student body, plus half the girls at the opposing high school. Ok, so maybe I was A LITTLE bit…ok so I love the guy, butI couldn’t trust him not to hurt me.
“Justin, do I have to tell you again? I am NOT gonna say yes. You’re just a good friend of mine. That’s all,” I said firmly, but compassionately, not wanting to hurt his feelings.
He cocked his head and gave me one of his puppy dog looks. “Please? Maybe if we got to know each other even more THEN you’ll be interested in me again.”
I smiled at his persistence. “Maybe.”
He beamed. It was the first time I had even gave him a subtle acceptance since we broke up. I knew in my heart I loved him, but I refused to believe it. He hurt me so bad; I couldn’t even find it in me to forgive him.
I lived up to this saying: “No man is worth your tears; the only one who is will never make you cry.” I cried for days. Cross HIM off.
The girls passing by stared at me enviously. And I was like, ‘Go ahead, take him’
“Great!” Then he went in the opposite direction.
“Justin,” JC said slowly, “is…your boyfriend?”
I looked at him as if he had just grown an extra head. “Yeah. Right. Well, we used to go out, then things got complicated.”
“What kind of things?” he asked, opening his locker.
“I guess you can say he…” I searched for the right phrase, “broke my heart.”
He looked at me thoughtfully. “Sorry,” he said sincerely.
“Hey it happens to everybody right?” I shrugged, getting out my history books.
“It shouldn’t happen to YOU,” he said simply, standing by my locker.
I smiled at his slight compliment. “You’re sweet JC. You really are.”
He smiled his killer smile and I felt that feeling I hadn’t felt forso long.
“It doesn’t happen all the time, so I wouldn’t get used to it!” he joked.
I laughed. I was so happy that we had pretty much every class together-except for 7th period. I had like, biology or something, and he had a special class for advanced students. I thought it was like for nerds or something so I didn’t join, but JC? My god.
JC pulled out another note-identical to the one he had in geometry. He probably had a million of ‘em.
Again we were the first ones inside. I guess other kids thought it was ‘stupid’ or ‘uncool’ to get into class early. Who made that rule? I sure didn’t.
I had a thing about sitting in the middle of the room, so you can guess I sat once again in the middle. And again JC sat down next to me.
Once everyone got in, she spoke.
“Good morning everyone. We have a new student joining us. Please tellus your name and something about yourself,” she said, gesturing him to stand.
He declined from her gesture. “My name’s JC. I moved from Florida. Before that I lived in Bowie, Maryland. And before THAT I lived in Washington DC,” he said flowingly.
“Wow. Well JC, I hope you’re enjoying your school day so far,” she said warmly.
He glanced at me and smiled. “I am.”
I blushed slightly and I hoped that the other kids wouldn’t notice me shifting uncomfortably in my seat as heat crept up my face.
“My name is Ms. Honey.” Then she became professional. Ok class. Today we’re discussing some of the battles of Gettysburg.”
I looked at the ceiling. “Another boring class,” I muttered.
JC looked at me expectantly, as if saying, “How’s THIS class?”
I smiled weakly at him and mouthed, “Boring.”
He shook his head and rested it on his hand.
The second hand inched closer and closer to the 12…BRING!
We all practically jumped out of our seats and stampeded to the door.
“Another boring class! How many of these do you have?” he sighed.
“Just 4. These 4. That’s it. All the rest of the classes are either ok or good.”
“Good,” he said, relieved.
“So you wanna sit with my friends and me for lunch?” I asked, shutting my tan locker with a slam.
“Your friends…” he thought aloud.
“They’re not all girls, if that’s what you’re thinking,” I said quickly.
“Oh. Ok then.”
We made our way down to the cafeteria. People were looking at us, but I dismissed it because JC was a new kid, so they were expected to look at him.
“Rena!” Ariel shouted.
I smiled and walked over to the table. I sat down on the vacant side.
“Hey Serena,” came a familiar voice.
I slouched slightly. “Hi Justin.” It was strange too, considering he never, I mean NEVER sat with me at lunch.
He sat to my right and some of his friends sat to his right. My friends were whispering to each other. From what they told me, they had huge crushes on Justin.
“Hey Serena,” JC greeted, sitting on my left.
“Hey JC,” I said back, ignoring the glare Justin shot at me-or was it JC?
I saw the looks my friends gave JC, and I knew they thought he was hot too. Jenny looked at me, and I knew I had to introduce everyone.
“JC, these are my friends, Ariel, Emily, Jenny, Shannon, Kelly, Michael, and of course you know Justin,” I introduced. “Guys, this is JC.”
The girls smiled at him.
“So what’s for lunch today?” he asked.
“I think it’s like tacos or something,” I answered back.
Then there was a tap on my shoulder.
I turned and groaned. My Quizmaster. Great. Now I have a test. A Quizmaster is supposed to sort of train you and quizzes you so you can get to be a full witch. I was doing pretty well so far. But he had an annoying habit of showing up when I didn’t want him to. This was one of those times.
“What do you want?” I said, ignoring the stares of all my friends (plus ex’s).
He smiled and snapped his fingers. Suddenly, all of the kids froze.
“Not another test! Please! I don’t want JC to think I’m a freak!” I whined to him.
“JC? Who’s he?” he asked. Then he looked. “Oh. You like this guy?”
“I guess I do, but what’re you here for?” I asked impatiently.
“Test, of course! The test is to find out if you…” he trailed off.
“What?” I cried.
“Find out if you love Justin.”
My eyes bugged out of my head. “What?!”
“That’s it. Just find out if you love him or not, and the test is over.”
“What’s with THIS test? Isn’t Justin MY personal life?”
“Well, you know, I just wanted to see if you’ll get this.”
My shoulders slumped. “Why?”
“You’ll see,” he said. Then he snapped his fingers again. Everyone unfroze.
“What’s wrong?” Justin and JC asked at the same time.
“Nothing. Just a sudden thought.”
JC didn’t buy it, but I think Justin did-I think.
I focused on getting my lunch, with a couple skeptical glances at me from a worried JC.
It was sweet he was worrying about me, but I was too worried about my new test to think about it.
I just stirred the chicken soup mindlessly and snapped awake when my friend Shannon snapped her fingers in my face.
“What?” I sounded like I just woke up.
“What’s with you today?” she asked, throwing her blonde hair over her shoulder.
“What are you talking about?” I asked her. “Just a second ago you were all hyper and talkative,” JC started, “but now you’re just staring into space or something.”
“Sorry. I’ve just things on my mind.”
“Like if you’re going to say yes to my question?” Justin asked.
“Yeah that’s it,” I replied. Hey, what was I supposed to say?
“Do you have the notes for last Friday’s class for Lit?” Justin asked.
“Yeah. I’ll give them to you later.”
“How about next period?”
“Oh yeah. I forgot we had that class together.”
He rolled his eyes.
“We have Lit. next period?” JC asked.
“Yeah. Mrs. Gaughan is the strictest teacher though,” I said.
“Another one,” he sighed. “Is there any GOOD points about this school?”
“The people here are awesome,” I said, slapping five’s with my friends.
“Well there’s one.”
“I’ll figure something out,” I said sarcastically.
“You guys done?” Ariel asked, standing up.
“I guess I’m done,” I said, pushing my chair back.
“Just a second,” JC said between chewing his taco.
I stood for about 10 seconds before he stood up too. We threw away the remains of our lunches.
Most high schools didn’t have this, but ours had a little area in the cafeteria that was set up as a living room to talk while lunch got over with. The students raised money for it. And believe me. That was A LOT of money. So if a sofa were damaged, we’d have to raise the money to fix it.
“This is cool,” JC commented, sitting down on one of the plush couches.
“Yeah,” I agreed, sitting down next to him.
After a few short minutes of silence, JC spoke.
“So tell me something about you,” JC said.
“Well, I was born on December 3,” I started. “I am a visual learner. I like to draw and do art. I also like music and stuff.”
He nodded. “Year ’76?”
“Cool. I’m just like you,” he laughed. “Except that I was born in August.”
I laughed with him. “Yeah right. You probably don’t even use the phone as often as me.”
“How often do you use the phone?” he asked.
“About an hour or two a day.”
“Yup. I’m just like you,” he said smiling.
I tried to concentrate on what Jason was saying, but my head kept turning to Serena and…JC. She seemed so happy with him. I couldn’t help but feel jealous. I used all my strength to keep from charging over there and prying her away.
‘It’s your fault anyway’ I scolded myself. ‘It’s your fault you lost her’ ,br> She was my girlfriend at one time…a glorious time. We went out for about a year. I loved her with all my heart…and I knew she did too…but I guess she was stopping herself. In my mind I knew she hated me for what I did…but really I tried to apologize, I really did. She said I neglected her and spent all of my time with the teams. That’s when I made probably the biggest mistake of my life.
“What?!” I cried, dropping the box in my hand, which, luckily, was out of her sight.
“I’m sorry Justin. But this is just not working,” she said apologetically. Tears rimmed her almond shaped eyes.
“But nothing Justin. I just don’t feel like your girlfriend. I feel like a trophy,” she interrupted.
“What are you talking about? I love you!” I exclaimed, my heart sinking lower and lower.
“You love me? I can tell,” she scoffed. “You spend so much of your time with that damn football team that you’re practically attached at the head!”
I looked at her. “That’s why? You know that they can’t win without me-“
Flames erupted in her violet eyes, turning them practically blue. An angry tear streaked down her cheek. “That’s all?! You stay with them to WIN?! Oh my god Justin. I am breaking up with you, now. Goodbye Justin,” she said angrily, storming out of my house.
Instantly I felt guilty and regretted my careless and heartless words.
“Rena!” I shouted after her.
“Forget it Justin!”
“Rena! Please! I’m sorry!” I shouted louder, ignoring the stares of some neighboring people.
She ran and I ran after her.
Once I caught up to her, I grabbed her arm.
Her head snapped back, sending some of her black hair to whip at my face.Her angry eyes burned. “I HATE YOU! I HATE YOU!” she yelled loudly.
I felt like I had been punched in the stomach. My grip loosened on herarm and she ran away from me-forever.
I held back the tears at the mere memory.
“Hey man,” Jason said, getting my attention.
He looked toward the recent direction of my gaze. Then my twin shook his head.
“Get her back Justin.”
“What are you talking about?” I said lamely.
“You know what I’m talking about,” he said, “I mean Serena. You’re likea dead man now. God just get her back. I know you love her.”
“She hates me.”
“No she doesn’t.” He pointed over her direction. “She loves you, I know it.”
“Just look at her Jace. She looks so happy just TALKING to JC. I mean, what does he have that I don’t have?” I asked.
“He cares.”
“He wouldn’t hurt her.”
“Whose side are you on?” I asked him.
“No one’s. I’m just sayin’, man. He likes her.”
I swallowed the lump in my throat. My soul went numb. I knew that if he asked her out, she’d say yes, and that she’d get over me, if she hadn’t already. He stood at a greater chance than I did, and he probably knew that.
“Look I’m sorry if I said anything to offend you,” he apologized.
“It’s ok.”
“Maybe if she says yes to your date, you can use the old Timberlake charm huh?”
“I know it won’t work. She’s never gonna want me as her boyfriend ever again.”
“At least try,” he urged.
I glanced at Serena again and I felt as if I turned green with jealousy. JC had his arm around Serena-MY Serena-’s shoulders. They watched the TV on the side of the room. And the worst thing was…she seemed to like it. I forced my eyes away.
The bell rung, and I jumped to my feet and walked briskly to my locker-which was 4 away from Serena’s; six lockers down from JC’s.
“Yeah sure. Tonight?” I heard Serena say as she passed me.
I knew immediately that he had asked her out. I felt miserable now. I knew she’d turn me down now. The ONE time she said MAYBE since our breakup…
I slammed my locker shut and started toward my next class, literature. Yippee. Spare me.
I took my usual seat-the one next to Serena’s.
When JC and Serena stepped in I looked away.
Serena sat down next to me and JC sat next to her.
“Hey Justin,” said a female voice.
“Hey Shannon.”
“Why are you so sad?” she asked, taking a seat next to me.
“No reason.”
“It’s Serena, isn’t it?”
“It just took her about a week to get over me. Why? I didn’t do anything seriously wrong. I just spent some time with the guys. Is that such a crime? You know I love her,” I rambled.
She shook her head. “It didn’t take her a week.”
I stopped. “6 days?”
She shook her head again. “Try 2 months Justin.”
My eyes widened in disbelief and satisfaction of the fact that she didn’t get over me easily. “T-two months?”
“Yup. You hurt her that bad Justin.”
She took it the wrong direction I wanted it to. “I didn’t mean to hurther. I never wanted to.”
“I know you didn’t. But Justin, it hurt her. It’s your fault. Now she’sgonna go out with that cutie JC.”
I rested my head in my arms on the desk. I did it mainly because I didn’t want her to see the tear that escaped my eye.

Chapter 2
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