
Chapter 10

I paced back and forth in my make shift cage, which was probably big enough to hold about 10 people.
“Why are you pacing?” asked Trouble.
“I’m worried,” I said.
“About what?”
“My friends, that’s what.”
“What are you gonna do?”
I looked at the small person. “Try to help them.”
“But you’re here.”
“Gee I’m glad you noticed that,” I said sarcastically.
“Can I get you anything to eat?” Trouble asked.
I pursed my lips and my stomach growled at the mention of food being offered. “What is there to eat?”
“Some grilled worm sandwiches or something, I don’t know for sure,” Trouble said, shrugging his shoulders.
I blinked. “Uh, no thank you.”
“Suit yourself.”
“God I feel like my neck is coming off,” I complained, walking forward once again.
“With all these noises and stuff, I’m surprised it hasn’t,” JC replied, stepping over the corpse of an unidentifiable animal.
“I know whatcha mean.”
“Do you know where we’re going?” I asked, following cautiously.
“Oh god we’re lost!” I cried, jumping when I saw the swarm of bats fly up into the starry night sky.
“Shh!” JC hushed. “You’ll give us away!”
I sighed. “Whatever.”
“I wish I knew where we are supposed to be going,” he muttered.
I rolled my eyes. “You don’t even know where we’re supposed to be going!”I said in my loudest whisper.
“Shut up. I’m new, remember?”
“And I am a mortal,” I said as a matter of factly.
“Ok, I’ll give you that. But. I don’t have any clue where we are fuckin’ goin!” JC groaned.
“Just ask Rena,” I said.
“She doesn’t know where we are.”
“She might,” I insisted.
“Maybe later.”
I looked up at the sky and I shivered. An experience so different…my best friend is a witch…I’m in a crazy piece of the woods with red stars…redstars? I looked again. I inhaled deeply as I realized that the stars were like red drops of blood. I shuddered and caught up to JC.
“God this is freaky,” I said quietly.
“Ya think?”
“I just wanna go home.”
“Don’t we all.”
I pursed my lips. “JC?”
“Do you like Serena?”
JC stopped. “What?”
“Do you like Serena?” I repeated.
JC looked thoughtful. “We just met. I can’t tell if I just met her. Although I have to admit…”
He smiled. “She’s a great person.”
I nodded. “Yeah. She is.”
An awkward silence followed.
Then JC cleared his voice. “Why do you ask?”
“I’m thinking you already know.”
“Do you really love her?” he asked boldly.
“Do you question the fact?” I asked back.
He nodded. “That’s what I thought.”
“Why’d YOU ask?” I smiled.
“Just wondering.”
“I got it!” I said suddenly. I looked around. The Lurkers were at the far end of the room, talking and eating. So I decided to take a chance.
Dual spells were always hard for me, so I concentrated hard. My right hand drew a symbol for ‘illusion’ in Chinese in the air, while I recited a spell for invisibility in my head. I felt the familiar tingle and I waited a couple seconds. Then I side stepped. I almost shivered as I saw the replica of myself. It looked so real. I pointed so she lay on the ground, sleeping.
‘Here goes’ I thought, raising my finger. Then I drew out ‘locate’ in Chinese and thought hard. With a light poof, I appeared in the darkness of the woods.
“Justin?” I whispered. “JC?”
“Where are you?”
“Over here.”
I recognized the voice as JC’s. I stepped from behind the tree and bumped into something, knocking myself down.
I squinted and made out JC’s familiar eyes.
JC smiled and stood up, extending his hand. “Once again Rena.”
I rolled my eyes and stood up. “It wasn’t my fault that you were behind the tree.”
“Oh yes it was.”
“You brought me here.”
“Wasn’t my choice. You wanted to come.”
“Hate to break up this Kodak moment,” Justin interrupted shakily, “but I think those midgets are back.”

Chapter 11
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