
Chapter 11

Justin backed up against us as I made out a couple pairs of red eyes.
“What are those?” Justin squeaked.
“N-night demons,” I whispered shakily.
“They kinda go around…hunting for blood?”
Justin’s eyes widened and he scrambled behind me.
“I DON’T like this place.”
“Guys…” JC trailed off.
By now the demons emerged from the bushes. Their flaming red hair stood out in the night, matching their glowing red eyes. There were about 8 of them, stepping forward and rubbing their pale hands together. The demons had flat noses and wicked grins. Around each of their thick necks was a gold chain with a red amulet attached to it. Inside was probably the blood of over thousands of people.
“I think we should-”
“AAAAH!” Justin cried, falling to the ground, clutching his shoulder.
“JUSTIN!” I yelled, dropping down to my knees beside him.
“Ah…” he groaned, breathing through clenched teeth. “It hurts…”
“Shh I know Justin,” I soothed him.
“I thought you put a shield around me,” Justin squeaked.
“So did I…”
“Justin move your hand,” I ordered.
“I can’t,” he whimpered.
“Please Justin,” I pleaded. “Please so I can help you.”
Justin squeezed his eyes shut and moved his hand. On his muscular arm was a dart.
“Justin!” I cried, pulling it out quickly.
“What?” he asked confusedly.
“Rena, I could use some help here!”
“Hang on Justin,” I whispered, kissing him softly. Then I jumped to my feet.
“Why are they just staring like that?” JC asked fearfully.
“I don’t know…but I don’t like it.”
“What do we do?”
I tried to remember…then I had it.
“We have to fight them.”
“You know…punching and stuff.”
“What about those…dart things?” JC wondered.
“Watch out,” was all I could say.
JC gulped. “Ok.”
I ran forward and kicked the first demon. When he fell back though, the other demons looked around wildly.
The confused looks on their faces confused ME.
“They can’t see you.”
My head snapped toward him. No duh! I was only concentrating on Justin and JC when I cast the spell. Then I smiled. “Time to party.”
I ran forward and crouched. I extended one leg and swung it around, knocking them all off their feet. They looked around frantically.
JC took the opportunity to punch a demon getting too close.
Finally, the all backed off and left, yelling in their unknown language.
“That was good, wasn’t Justin?” I asked.
When no answer came, I turned around.
JC got there first. He looked up at me apologetically. “Rena…”
“NO. There is NO way that killed him!” I cried, running over and dropping to my knees.
“NO! Don’t say ANYTHING! He’s fine.” I tried hard to keep the tears from falling. I put my hand to the side of his face. But instead of the familiar warmth I always felt, it was cold. My insides froze. “Justin?”
“He’s fine…he’s fine…” I sobbed. “He’s gone…”
“It’s gonna be ok…”
“He’s DEAD JC…how can it be ok?” I asked, my voice muffled by his shirt.
“We’ll get them back. We’ll avenge his death.”
“Justin…god why Justin… Justin…” I sobbed. I squeezed JC tighter than anyone I’ve ever hugged.
“Rena, come on. We have to find that ring.”
“Justin is DEAD!” I cried. “Can’t you SEE?”
“Rena. He’s in a better place now. We can’t change what happened.”
“YES we can. We can go to the Council…they can change this,” I sobbed.
“He’s dead…he’s really dead…”
I looked up. The familiar red eyes were watching once again. This time, there were more of them.
JC stood up and pulled me with him. But I reached for Justin.
“SERENA!” JC yelled. “COME ON!”
“JUSTIN!!” I shrieked. “COME BACK!!”
JC kneeled and threw me over his shoulder. Then he ran as fast as he could.
“I love you…”
“Serena no.”
“We have to go back!”
I groaned in frustration. “Serena. Get this. I know you love Justin. I know he loved you. But you have to understand. There was NOTHING we could’ve done.”
“But I wish there could’ve…” she whispered.
“C’mon Rena. We need to get some sleep. Busy day tomorrow.”
But the only response I got was a sniffle.

Chapter 12
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