
Chapter 2

“So where do you live?” I asked him.
“I live on Melody Lane,” he replied.
“Oh my god. You’re that new family that moved in down the street?” I gaped.
This was too creepy to be true. First the classes…now his house.
“Yeah. Why?”
I ran through the road. “I live on that street!”
“What luck,” he smiled.
“Really. So you still for that tour tonight?” I asked, walking slower now.
“Yup. I need to get familiar with this place if I’m gonna live here!”
I laughed. “I guess so. So how about 4:30?”
“That’ll work. It’ll give me about 2 hours on this homework. I don’thave much, you?”
“Not much either.”
“Could I come by early if I got finished?” he asked, turning down our road.
“I guess so. Call first though.”
“What’s your number?” he asked.
“487-3665,” I said slowly.
“That’s not that hard to remember.” He paused. “What was it again?”
I laughed and hit his arm lightly.
“I’m serious.”
I smiled and repeated it.
“Kay. Got it now.”
“This is my house,” I said, stopping at a 2-story house.
“Wow. This is a cool lookin’ house,” JC commented. “Looks better than my house.”
“Your house looks almost just like mine!”
“Sort of. But there’s a vibe I get from this house. Like it’s magic or something.”
I laughed nervously. ‘If he only knew the truth’
“I guess I’ll see you later,” he said, turning toward his house across the street, walking backwards.
My eyes widened when I saw the red car speeding down the street. JC, however, was oblivious to his possible cause of death.
“JC!” I shrieked, running to him. “SHIELD, SHIELD, SHIELD!” I screamed.
Not a moment too soon. There was a huge crash and then there was the smell of burning. I could feel the air and force of the car crashing.
“Oh my god what happened?” JC cried.
“There was a car coming…” I said, looking at the damaged car.
The driver was staring at us.
“Why’d you yell shield, shield, shield?” JC asked.
Suddenly, there was a puff of smoke and there was a huge, silver, shieldin front of us.
Before JC could see it, I pointed it away.
‘Oh my god’ I thought. “I was hoping for it.”
“Um, why don’t I go to your house?” I suggested, growing slightly panicked.
“Uh, sure,” he agreed hesitantly, taking a last look at the wreck.
He opened the door and I stepped inside. The place was a mess of boxes. Opened and unopened. There were strange contents in one box. They looked ancient.
‘Oh man, oh man’
I knew I had to tell my aunts.
We went into the kitchen, which was notably neater than the other room.
He set his backpack on the table. “Sorry about the mess.”
“It’s ok. You just moved in.”
He pulled up 2 chairs and I sat down.
“So what should we do first?” he asked. “The biology, history, or science?”
“Science is the easiest.”
So for about an hour we did our homework, talking and stuff. He was the sweetest guy I had ever met-maybe tied with Justin. Even if Justin hurt me I still have to give him credit for being sweet.
Suddenly I remembered about my aunts. I was about to ask to use the phonewhen I realized that they were in the Magical Dimension for a party. They said it was an opening of a new realm or something.
“Whew we’re done,” JC said, leaning back in his chair. “I wish I had a lemonade right about now.”
To my dismay, a glass appeared in front of him.
“I-I,” I stuttered. Then I realized what I could do. I pointed and wiped his memory of the recent minute. I pointed away the lemonade too.
“Finally we’re done.”
“What do you wanna do?” he asked.
“I’m gonna check my messages,” I said, getting up.
“Oh. Come back soon.”
I smiled and waved.
He waved back and I went out the door.
There was a figure sitting on my steps. I walked over to my house and he jumped up.
“Where were you?” he asked.
“Hi to you too Justin,” I replied sarcastically.
“Where were you? I’ve been waiting for the last 10 minutes!”
“Why are you always so sarcastic with me?” he asked.
“What are you talking about?”
“Every time I’m talking to you, you always make a sarcastic remark.”
He stepped inside the house. “You don’t even talk to me anymore.”
“C’mon Serena. Just because we broke up doesn’t me we can’t be friends.”
“How can I be a friend to a heartbreaker?” I asked him.
“For the millionth time, I’m sorry!” he shouted.
“It’s not gonna work Justin! You had 3 chances! You blew them all!” My mature side was fading fast. Any feeling of trying to act normal vanished.
“Well it was unintentional,” he defended. “I never meant to hurt you.”
“Yeah right.”
“Why would I ever hurt you Rena?” he asked softly.
“Because,” I said, finding no excuse.
“Because I don’t know, ok?” I snapped back.
“C’mon Rena. Give me another chance, I won’t hurt you this time, I promise,” he pleaded, holding my hand.
“That’s what you said before Justin. You never knew how much hurt me. I couldn’t look at you,” I said softly.
“That was all my fault and I’m sorry! Really! God Rena please? I need you.”
“All you need is a girl Justin. Go get another one.”
“I don’t want them. I want you,” he begged.
I couldn’t help but melt a little, but I pulled myself together. “I’m sorry Justin.”
“Please Rena. I love you,” he whispered.
I longed to say “I love you too”, but I refused to give in.
“I know you do Justin. I wish I could say the same. And please. JC’s waiting for me.”
His face fell. “You’re going out with JC?”
“Not really. We’re just driving around town.”
I felt so guilty at that moment. “I’m sorry.” I got on my tiptoes andkissed his cheek, but he turned his head and our lips met. His lips movedskillfully as I failed to get away. He wrapped his arms around my waistand I did the same. After about a minute, we parted.
“What do you say? One more chance?” Justin asked softly, resting his forehead on mine. Tears rolled down my cheeks as I pulled away from him. “I’m sorry Justin. But please…understand…I can’t be hurt anymore.” I ran out the door and burst into JC’s house. The tears were still falling, but I didn’t care.
“Serena what’s wrong?” JC asked worriedly, hesitating before pulling me to him.
“It’s Justin,” I sobbed, my tears soaking his shirt.
“What happened?” he asked, stroking my hair.
“He wanted another chance. I gave him 3. I was saying no…then he kissed me and I ran… Oh god JC I don’t know what to do!”
“Do you love him?” he asked.
“I don’t know.”
“I think you do know.”
“He… he’s probably the only person I ever loved,” I sniffled.
“C’mon Serena. You have to tell him,” JC said softly.
“I can’t.”
“Yes you can.”
“I can’t take him back. How can I know if he won’t hurt me again?”
“You don’t, but you have to trust him.”
“Please JC,” I whispered. “Don’t make me tell him. Please.”
He sighed. “I guess I can’t make you.”
I hugged him around the neck. He hugged me back, making me feel comforted.
“Thanks JC.”
“It’s no problem Rena. Not for you.”
His words left a warm mark in my mind. He sounded so sincere to me. I parted from him and looked down.
“Wanna just stay here and watch a movie?” JC asked softly.
“I’d like that.”
He made me sit down on his couch and cleared the area of the living room. Then he put in a tape and turned on the TV.
When the title page came, I found out it was the movie Dumb and Dumber.
“This’ll get a laugh or two outta you,” JC grinned.
I smiled slightly and let JC put his arm around my shoulders.
About halfway through the movie my eyelids grew heavy and I let myself fall asleep in the comfort of JC’s presence.

Chapter 3
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