
Chapter 6

The next morning, I went through the sequence of things almost mindlessly, for my head was elsewhere. Because of it I almost tripped down the stairs. If it weren’t for Aunt Chloe’s conjured air mattress, I would’ve been a blob on the floor.
“Remember Serena, we’re picking you up at 2:00 sharp,” Aunt Chelsea reminded, “for that lecture from Dr. Hingeveld. I don’t wanna miss it.”
“Yeah sure Aunt Chelsea,” I mumbled, walking out the door.
Once out of the door, I stopped.
“What’d she say?” I asked myself. Then I just shrugged and started on my way to school.
“Rena! Wait up!” called a voice.
I spun around and saw JC jogging over to me, his navy blue backpack bouncing up and down.
He caught up to me. “Hey.”
I smiled. “Hey.”
“How are you?”
“I’m great.” ‘Now’
“So did anything happen after I left?”
I bit my lip. “Um JC…”
His eyes darkened just a bit. “What?”
“I have to tell you something.”
“What?” he asked, coming closer.
“Do you believe in witches?”
"Would you believe that your parents were witches?” I asked, feeling the actual pressure fall on me.
“No.” “Would you believe that I was a witch?” I asked nervously.
He shook his head. “No.”
“What if I told you I was?”
He just stared at me, then he smiled. “You had me going for a while, but I figured it out.”
Just about snapping from all my problems, I grabbed his wrist and pulled him behind a bush.
“What are you doing?” he demanded.
“I want you to believe me.”
“That you’re a witch? Yeah. Right.”
I held out my hand, palm up and pointed. With a puff of smoke, a golden box appeared in my hand. JC’s eyes widened in disbelief. I held the boxout to him.
“Go ahead. Open it.”
He gulped and took the box into his quivering hands, and opened it. When the cap was completely off, dozens of letters flew out of the box and formed a straight line about a foot away from his eyes. The golden letters shimmered, ‘You’re one too’
“I’m a what?” he stammered.
I pointed at the letters and they formed the words, ‘You’re a warlock JC’
I swear he almost became pale.
“You sure?”
I nodded. Then I pointed the box and the letters away.
“I’m a warlock?”
I smiled and nodded. “And probably a good one too.”
“How do you know?”
“That one day when you asked my why I yelled shield three times. A shield was in the air, but you didn’t notice it.”
“I THOUGHT something was weird. When you saved me from that car.”
I smiled for the first time in a while. “I guess I’m gonna have to teach you some things.”
“Like what?”
“Say something you want 3 times.”
“What do you want right now?”
“Um, a Coke?”
“Say it 3 times.”
“Coke, Coke, Coke?”
His jaw dropped when in ice cold Coke appeared in his hand. Then, after about 10 seconds, he smiled.
“So what else can I do?”
I laughed. “We can get to school.”
“Spells. After I say it, then you do it too. OK?”
He nodded.
I pointed to myself and recited the familiar spell, “Transport me and my stuff to/A hidden place at my high school.”
I exhaled and waited for JC. About 2 seconds later, he appeared beside me.
“Whoa. That was weird.”
“You’ll get used to it. C’mon.”
My problems lifted and I felt good being, for once, the one who controlled another’s fate. I led him out of the trees and we walked inside of the enormous high school.
“Oh JC?”
“You can’t tell anyone ok?”
He nodded.
“Even if you think you can trust them, don’t tell them-unless you want to take the risk. But for now, don’t tell anyone. Promise me.”
He nodded. “You have my word.”
I smiled. “Let’s get to class.”
After we got our stuff, we had about 6 minutes till class started. I was just discussing the different ways of casting spells when Natalie came up behind me.
“So how are you today Serena?” she asked with a fake smile.
“I’m doing great Natalie,” I replied, mocking her tone. “Oh, and to save you the trouble, JC is ok too.”
She pouted. “I was just trying to be nice.”
“Oh really? You mean like that time when you stole my boyfriend last year?” I asked her sarcastically.
“I didn’t steal him!” Then she blurted, “I paid him.”
My eyes widened, then I heard JC snicker. I looked at him in disbelief. Then I started cracking up.
“What’s so funny?” she asked.
“Nothing Nat. Nothing.”
Then I grabbed JC’s hand and pulled him aside.
“Did you do that?” I hissed, almost laughing.
“You already know how? It took me like, a month or two to learn that Fountain of Truth spell!”
He just shrugged. “I’m just lucky I guess.”
I shook my head and turned around toward the direction of my first period class when I saw Justin. He looked almost drunk. His eyes were red, his hair was unkempt, his body was tense. The other kids were looking strangely at him too.
I walked over and before I could say anything, Jason pulled me away.
“Damn girl what’d you do?” he hissed, pushing me against the locker.
“What are you talking about?” I asked, frightened at his action. He was always so nice and gentle. This was obviously not the case.
“Look at him! You did something and I know it. You didn’t…you DIDN’T!”
“What?” I squeaked, shrinking back.
“You didn’t take him back?” he asked, in a fortunately more quiet tone.
“Was I supposed to?”
His eyes widened. “Why? I thought you loved him!”
“I do.”
“Then what the hell is wrong you?”
“I couldn’t take him back.”
“Why not?” he asked through clenched teeth.
I couldn’t understand why he was getting so mad. I knew he was Justin’s best friend and older brother (by only about 1 minute), but I didn’t know that he could be so violent. What was worse was that I didn’t know why.
“I-I love somebody else,” I stammered.
I could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.
“HOW?! God girl you’re gonna get it…” he threatened, shaking his head slowly from side to side.
Some kids had crowded around us, pointing and looking at me worriedly.
“Why are you doing this?” I whimpered, backing up as hard as I could into the lockers.
I knew I could just use my magic and get away, but that would expose me and I’d have to see the Magic Council and get punished.
“He’s my brother! You hurt him so bad you don’t even know. And let me tell you, you’re gonna get it.”
Before I could ask him anything else, his hard hand whipped at my face, making it snap to the right. And when it did, my right cheek made contactwith a lock. Gasps sounded and muttering grew louder.
I burst into tears and fell to the ground, my cheek throbbing.
Jason looked down at me mercilessly. He pulled his foot back and I prepared myself.
“Invisible shield, invisible shield, invisible shield,” I whispered to myself, ignoring the stabbing pain in my cheek. I heard the quiet pop and I knew I’d be protected. I shut my eyes, but the blow never came. I looked up and saw JC and Justin restraining Jason. My friends Shannon and Erica pulled me up and I took off the spell. I scrambled to get my things.
Justin was yelling at Jason and JC walked over to me.
“Are you ok?” he whispered.
I nodded before he hugged me for a couple seconds. After we parted Justin came up to me and asked if I was ok.
I nodded again. “Why did he do that?”
“I dunno, but somethin’ in his fuckin’ head is going wrong. I’m sorry.”
“You don’t have to be sorry. He told me it was my fault,” I said quietly.
“It’s not your fault. He just went a little too far,” he said, coming closer to me.
I shook my head.
“Hey c’mon Angel. It’s not your fault. It could never be your fault,” he whispered, kissing my forehead.
I hugged him tightly. “I love you Justin.”
He stroked my hair. “I love you too.”
I parted from him and said, “I should be getting to class. I’ll see you later.” I showed him the ring and smiled lightly.
He looked at me, then the ring, then he smiled too. His face transformed back into the Justin we knew. I headed back over to JC.
“You ok?” he asked.
“Yeah I’m fine.”
“Come here,” he said, pulling me closer. Then he turned my head to the left, running his fingers over the tender spot on my cheek.
I winced when the stinging finally made its way to my nervous system.
Instantly he pulled his hand away. “Did I hurt you?”
I shook my head immediately. “No! Of course you didn’t. It just kinda surprised me, that’s all.”
He pursed his lips, but nodded. “Ok…”
“C’mon. We’re late,” I said, grabbing his hand.
“Are you sure you’re ok?” he asked again, pulling me back.
“I’m fine!” I said exasperatedly, pulling him harder.
He took one long stride and whispered, “Can I cast a spell to be sure?”
I rolled my eyes. “Fine.”
He pointed to my cheek and muttered some words. Then, the stinging in my cheek stopped.
“Ok. There. Satisfied?” I asked, ignoring the feeling of awe when he performed these spells almost effortlessly.
He smiled. “Yep.”
I shook my head and saw the principal heading toward me.
“Are you ok Serena?” he asked, worriedly.
“It’s ok Mr. Campbell. I’m fine now,” I assured him.
He nodded. “I suspended Jason, just to tell you.”
“Why?” I gasped.
“He physically assaulted you Serena! What am I supposed to do?”
“You could give him detention and get a restraining order on him.”
The older black man thought for a minute. “If you wish.”
“That would be great. And make it about 4 months, ok Mr. Campbell?”
He nodded. “Will do. Here’s a pass.” He handed me a sheet of white paperand I took it, glad that Mr. Morris wouldn’t have to torture me in front of the class.
“Welcome. Good morning Mr. Chasez.”
JC nodded in acknowledgment.
“C’mon JC.”

Chapter 7
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