
Chapter 7

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Ariel asked for the hundredth time.
“YES!” I cried.
“Don’t blow up on me. I’m just worried about you.”
“It was just a slap, ok?”
“JUST a slap? JUST a slap? How hard did he hit you?”
I rolled my eyes.
“Just forget it you guys,” JC said. “She said she’s fine.”
“At least SOMEBODY agrees with me.”
He bit into his burger. “Well it’s true.”
“Don’t talk with your mouth full,” Michael scolded. “Hey Lance!”
I looked over and saw a blonde haired guy, standing around in the cafeteria. He smiled and walked over, sitting next to Michael and Jenny.
“Hey guys,” Michael said, “this is Lance. He just moved here from Mississippi.”
He smiled and shook hands with everyone, learning our names.
“Another new guy, huh?” Jenny commented. Emily whispered loudly, “At least they’re all cute!”
We laughed as JC and Lance blushed.
I blinked in surprise as a pair of hands covered my eyes.
“Guess who?” asked a familiar voice.
“Joey? Is that you?” I asked.
The hands lifted from my face and Chris looked down at me. Joey stood next to him, grinning.
“That was stupid,” I smiled.
Chris shrugged. “You didn’t know, did you?”
“No. But I was wondering why I was smelling metal.” He held up his hands. “I just came from shop class. You know. The MAN class.”
I rolled my eyes. “JC, Lance, this is Chris and Joey. The smart mouthed one’s Chris, and the one with the stupid grin is Joey.”
They scowled at me, but I pretended not to notice.
“Nice to meet you,” Lance and JC greeted.
Suddenly Chris and Joey smiled.
“So you guys done?” Chris asked.
I stood up. “Yeah. I’m pretty much finished.”
I put my tray away and came back to the table, where just about everybody was finishing up.
“How long do we have till 5th?” I asked them.
Lance glanced down at his watch. “Like about 15 minutes.”
“Wow. We ate fast today,” Shannon commented.
“Yeah really.” I looked around the room. “Where’s Jenny?”
Kelly pointed to the left wall of the cafeteria.
I smiled. Jenny was talking to her boyfriend, Alex. I think she called him AJ or something. He looked kinda like a gangster to me.
“Hey Rena.”
I turned around. “Yeah?”
“I was wondering if I could come to your house tonight,” JC looked around. “You know, to learn a little more about-“
“More about what?” Michael interrupted.
“Um uh, computers! Yeah. Computers.”
‘Smooth’ I thought silently. “Yeah sure JC. You can come over.”
Michael continued, “But you’re great at the computer. I saw you in the computer lab. You were typing faster than my mom, and she’s a secretary,” he pointed out.
JC looked panicked for about a second. “I might be able to type, but I suck at finding things.”
“Oh.” He looked at me. “So Serena, I heard about that restraining order Campbell put on Timberlake. Are you serious?”
I nodded. “If you mean Jason, yeah.”
“Whoa. That guy’s crazy. Last year he almost broke a guy’s back playin’football,” he revealed.
My eyes widened. “Wow.”
“Is he really that rough?” JC asked.
“You bet.”
I could tell JC was having second thoughts about football.
“I always thought he was nice,” I admitted.
Michael just shrugged.
“Then why is Justin related to him?” JC asked. “Justin seems to be a cool guy.”
“I know. That’s the difference.”
“Hey guys.” Jenny looked at me. “Guess what?”
“What?” I asked. JC and Michael were equally curious.
“I have a double date with AJ!” she squealed.
“Who are you doubling with?” we pretty much all asked.
She looked at me expectantly.
My eyes widened. “ME? Uh uh. No way!”
“Oh come on Rena! I really need this.” She pleaded with her eyes too.
“Who’s the other guy?” I asked.
“His friend Brian.”
“Brian Littrell?” I asked. “The guy on the basketball team? The guy that can beat Justin at basketball if he tried? The hot one?”
She laughed. “Yeah.”
I held up my hands. “Sorry. Can’t. I’ve got plans.”
“When?” she cried out disdainfully.
“Just about 5 minutes ago. JC’s coming over.”
She cocked an eyebrow. “Really?”
JC nodded. “Yeah.”
She sulked. Then she straightened. “Emily!”
I laughed as she tried to persuade Emily to come with her.
“She likes who?” JC asked, still not sure of who AJ was.
“He’s that gangster lookin’ guy in Spanish class,” I told him.
“Oh! He’s kinda weird if ya ask me,” he said.
“He’s nice I guess,” Michael partially defended.
I shrugged.
“Hey Rena,” Ariel greeted.
“Hey Ari.”
“So did Jenny-”
I nodded. “You?”
She nodded too. “She’s hooked.”
“You got that right,” Michael and I said together.
“But Brian IS tempting,” she admitted.
“Then why don’t you say yes?” Chris butted in, Joey close behind.
“Because I have a boyfriend, moron,” she shot back, talking about her boyfriend of 5 months, Jeff.
He stepped back. “Ooh. Mad woman on the loose.”
“Shut up or I’ll make you.”
“I’m shaking in my Valentine boxers,” he said sarcastically.
“You wear Valentine boxers?” we questioned.
“NO! Do you believe EVERYTHING that comes out of this mouth?” he asked.
I rolled my eyes once again.
The bell rang shrilly and we took after the exit like trained dogs.
I closed my locker and walked to English Lit with JC. Chris walked with us too, but only till he got to Spanish.
“Hey Justin,” I greeted, sitting down in front of him.
“Hey Rena.”
I was relieved to be on friendly terms with him again. All this stress was gonna break me sooner or later, but thankfully, not on Justin’s problem.
Justin tapped my shoulder.
“Did Jason hurt you bad?” he asked softly.
“Just a slap. That’s all.”
“Are you sure?”
“Don’t worry Baby. I’m fine.”
He smiled at my nickname for him and said, “If you say so.”
I felt another tap, but instead it was JC.
“So you and Justin back to normal?” he asked.
“Yeah. Thank god too.”
He smiled. “See? Didn’t I tell you everything would work out?”
He hit me playfully in the arm. I laughed and hit him back just as the teacher walked in.

Chapter 8
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