
Chapter 8

“Gym,” I groaned, “is ONE subject I CANNOT stand.”
“Oh come on Rena,” JC scoffed. “It’s just a little warm up.”
“Yeah,” I scoffed back. “For YOU Mr. Weightlifter Who Ends Up With A Perfectly Hot Body.”
He cupped his ear. “Did you say hot body?”
I smiled through my frown. “Maybe.”
“Oh come on now. Admit it.”
I cocked an eyebrow. “Admit what?”
“That I have a hot body,” he stated.
“I said it once, and I’m not gonna say it again.”
He just beamed triumphantly.
“You just admitted it,” he smiled.
“You just said ‘I said it once, and I’m not gonna say it again’,” he gloated.
“I can take it back, you know.”
“Yeah but I’ll still know you said it.”
I started running after him around the gym, him laughing and fleeing. We passed the others, who were looking at us strangely.
My side started aching, but I didn’t let that stop me. I ran faster and faster till I caught up with JC. I jumped on his back when he was panting. Then I slid off and landed on my back from exhaustion.
JC stood over me and looked down on me, breathing hard. “See? That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
I sat up. “Was… what wasn’t… so hard?”
“Gym,” he said, sitting down next to me.
I gaped at him. “You just did that to get me to RUN?”
“No. It worked both ways. Kill 2 birds with 1 stone,” he beamed.
I glared at him, but quickly gave into the exhaustion and leaned against his side.
“Serena?” came a man’s voice with a thick English accent.
I forced myself to sit up and look at him. “What Mr. Fenwick?”
He smiled. “That was great running! The best I’ve seen you do all year! How’d you do it?”
I sighed and patted JC’s sweaty shoulder. “I couldn’t have done it without JC Mr. Fenwick. He just kinda jumped in and said the right words to push me along.”
JC looked at me, in a combination of a glare and a surprised one.
Mr. Fenwick turned to JC. “Keep up the good work. Whatever you did, keep it up.”
JC saluted him. “I’ll certainly do my best.” I could tell he was trying not to laugh.
I tried to glower at him, but ended up smiling all the same. Mr. Fenwick left and we both burst into laughter, even though our stomachs were aching already.
“I can’t believe it.”
JC fell back. “But I WILL keep up the good work.”
“You’re kidding me,” I cried, eyes widened.
“Nope. I’ll keep bugging you and you’ll HAVE to run.”
“I can just block your voice you know.”
“Oh yeah. Gotta think about that.” He sat up again. “So I’m still comin’over, right?”
I nodded. “My aunts won’t-OH NO!” I slapped my head.
“The were supposed to pick me up at 2!” I cried, jumping to my feet.
“Why?” JC asked, getting up also.
“Like a lecture or something, I don’t know! They’re gonna kill me!” I started rambling and pacing across the gym floor.
JC grabbed my shoulders and stopped me. “It’s only 2:10. I think you can make it.”
“Class dismissed!” Mr. Fenwick shouted over the bell.
“C’mon JC! I’ll meet you at the front!” I shouted at him, running to the girl’s locker room.
He nodded and ran.
“Finally!” I cried.
“That was only 2 minutes Serena-ah!” he exclaimed as I pulled him behinda tree.
I kept my grip on us as I chanted: “I know my aunts will get really mad/So take us to them really fast!”
The trees around us swirled purple then faded. Then it became multi-colored and we were in front of 2 oak doors.
I looked to my left. Aunt Chelsea stood there looking stern.
“Uh…Hi! Aunt Chelsea,” I greeted weakly.
“What’s your excuse THIS time? I distinctly told you I’d pick you up at 2!” she scolded.
I winced. “I know, but…” then I remembered I was still holding JC’s arm. I pulled him in front of me. “He wanted to come.”
JC glared at me and I shot him a desperate look. It worked. Aunt Chelsea’s features softened.
“At least you’re not late,” she surrendered.
I sighed and whispered to JC, “Thanks. I owe you one.”
“Yes you do,” he grumbled.
I forced my eyes open when someone tapped my shoulder.
JC smiled. “It’s over now.”
“Oh good.” I stood up and grabbed JC’s arm, falling into the heavy stream of people going out. Aunt Chelsea and Aunt Chloe followed behind.
Once we got out of the packed auditorium, I cast a spell and we appeared home.
“It’s about time,” came a yawn. “I noted that you forgot to feed me.”
I pointed at the empty pink dish and Stella trotted over to it.
“Your cat can talk?” JC asked in wonder.
“Yeah. Your pet probably does too.”
“MY pet?”
“Get over it honey. You’ll be seeing A LOT of me,” she purred.
JC nodded uncertainly.
Upstairs I could hear a slight medley of the National Anthem. My aunts had come back.
“Hello everyone!” Aunt Chloe greeted, coming down the stairs.
“Someone had just a TAD too much Cheery Potion,” Stella scoffed.
“Well it’s to balance your overdose of Grouchy Elixir!” she snapped.
“Calm down people,” I said, holding out my hands. “You don’t want to show the newcomer the BAD things about magic, right?”
They stopped arguing and calmed-just A LITTLE. “Guess not,” they muttered.
“Good,” I said. “Now if you need us, we’ll be upstairs.” I dragged JC up the stairs and into my room.
“That was quick.”
“Yeah, yeah.”
“Why hello there,” greeted a voice.
I groaned. “Quizmaster! What do you want?!”
He stepped out of the closet. His green and blue pants we billowing and his silk shirt was swirling colors-literally.
“Oh so you’ve brought HIM.”
“What do you mean, HIM?” I demanded.
“I was just gonna tell you about your next quiz.”
“What is this?” I cried. “It’s like 5 quizzes in 2 days!”
He just shrugged. “It just happens that way I guess.”
“Wait a second,” JC interrupted. “What are you talking about?”
The Quizmaster turned to face him. “I am Serena’s Quizmaster. I test her to see if she can be a full witch.” Then he pursed his lips. “I guess I’ll be yours too.”
“Did I say I WANTED a Quizmaster? From what I’ve seen, I don’t think I want one.”
The Quizmaster scowled slightly. “But you have no choice. I am now your Quizmaster. So how long have you been training?”
“Since today,” he said.
“How old are you?”
The Quizmaster’s eyes widened. “And you haven’t been training? How? Why?”
“My parents didn’t tell me,” he said simply.
“Are you serious? Who are your parents?” he demanded.
JC paused before saying, “Roy and Karen Chasez.”
“Well! Why didn’t they tell you? They’re champion warlock and witch!”
He shrugged.
“So what’s my quiz QUIZmaster?” I asked.
“Oh that. You have to go to the Land of Darkness and retrieve the lost family heirloom,” he said casually.
“WHAT?!” I shouted. “But isn’t the Land of Darkness supposed to be DANGEROUS?!”
Quizmaster just shrugged. “That’s YOUR problem.”
“I can’t do THIS!”
The Quizmaster put his hand below his chin, thinking. “JC can help you.”
“He can’t go into the Land of Darkness!” I protested.
“Neither can you,” JC pointed out.
“That’s different! I have experience!”
“But I learned that truth spell in a shorter time than you didn’t I?”
I tried to argue again, but the words wouldn’t come out! Quizmaster! I glared at the Quizmaster, but he just shook his head. I crossed my arms in front of me angrily. Two against one. That’s not fair.
JC pointed at me. I found that I could talk now.
“You! Why’d you do that?” I ordered.
“I wanted you to stop yelling.”
“For what?”
“So I can come with you.”
“Quizmaster DO something!”
He just shook his head again. “Sorry Serena. He’s going.”
I gave up and plopped down next to JC. “So what are we looking for?”
JC smiled and put his arm reassuringly around my shoulders. I half smiled and half scowled. But in reality I actually was glad that he was coming.
“You are looking for this,” Quizmaster said, conjuring up a screen with a picture of a ring on it. The ring spun around slowly, showing it from all angles. The Quizmaster now had a professor’s outfit on. He held a pointer in his left hand. “This ring has been in your family for over 3 thousand years,” he said professionally. “The stone is a 18 karat diamond, and as you know, a diamond is forever. The band is 24 karat gold. See the little indentations here? That’s the uniqueness of it.”
“So what’s so special about it?” JC asked. “I mean, we can just go to the jewelry store and find that right?”
“Wrong,” he corrected. “You see, this ring contains strong magic. The magic that’s strong enough to defeat Circe, a sorceress believed to be impossible to beat. The magic is in the diamond, and can be summoned by whoever wears it by saying the magic words.”
“What’s that?”
“That is only in Rainer knowledge.”
“So what is it Serena?” JC asked.
I shrugged. “So where is it?”
“In the center of the Land of Darkness.”
“But…dragons live there, don’t they?” I asked.
He nodded several times-like a chipmunk.
“So how are we gonna get it?”
“That’s the test.”
I groaned and JC squeezed my shoulder.
After I sorted out my thoughts, I stood up. “So when do start?”
“Uh, uh, uh. Not yet,” the Quizmaster stopped.
“What? Why not?” we questioned.
“You need a mortal to come with you.”
“A mortal needs to come with you,” he repeated, this time more slowly.
“Only mortals can open the gate. Don’t ask me how, I just know. Oh yeah. When you leave, time here will pause so that when you come back, no time will be lost.”
“Ok, but who should we tell?” I asked myself.
“How about Justin?” JC suggested.
“Wait a minute. What about that whole ‘tell someone you’re a witch and they tell’ rule?” I asked the Quizmaster.
“That’s why you gotta think.”
I groaned in frustration. “But-” I started, but the Quizmaster chose that moment to disappear.
“Who should we tell?” JC asked.
“I dunno. Justin I guess.” I sighed.
“Are you sure?” he asked.
I nodded. “If there’s anyone I trust, it’s Justin.”
“How should we do this?” he asked.
“Tell him it’s a dream.”
“I guess that’ll work.”
“Let’s go,” I said standing up, noting that it was only 4.
JC stood up too. I started to point, but he stopped me. “I got this.”
He grabbed my hand and chanted, “We are on a mission/What is there to grouse? /So in the needs of our dire quest/Take us to Justin’s house.”
‘That was good’ I thought as we appeared at his front door.
“I should go to the door,” I said.
He nodded and I walked up to the familiar door and rang the doorbell.
Within seconds his mom answered.
“Hello Serena!” she smiled. “Justin has been so worried lately. I KNOW you can help.”
I blinked. “Um, can I see Justin for a quick second?”
She smiled even wider. “Sure. Come on in.”
“No really Mrs. Harless. I want to talk to him right here.”
“Oh please call me Lynn. I’ll get Justin.” She turned and walked up the stairs.
I turned my head and smiled reassuringly at JC.
A minute later, Justin came to the door. His face lit up when he saw me. “Hey Rena.”
“Hey Justin. Um, can I talk to you?” I asked quietly.
“Sure. What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing’s WRONG wrong, it’s just that I need to talk to you. Alone.”
He looked past me and saw JC. His eyes darkened a little. “What’s HE doing here?”
“That’s it. WE need to talk to you. Now come on. Tell your mom you’re spending the night at my house. Hurry!”
“Why am I spending the night at your house?” he asked.
“You’re not. Just tell her that!”
He looked at me uncertainly and then went back into the house. I waited impatiently for about 2 minutes before he came back out.
“Ok. Where are we going?” he asked, closing the door.
I grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the spot where JC stood.
“What are you doing?”
“We need to talk.”
“About what?” Justin asked.
“Can I trust you?” I asked him, looking into his eyes.
“Of course you can.”
“With ANYTHING?” I asked.
“Even the weirdest thing that you’ve ever heard?”
“Of course. Can you tell me what this is leading to?”
“We just need to know if we can trust you,” JC explained.
“Trust me? Of course you can trust me, but since I don’t know you well, I can’t say that I can trust you-”
“Believe me, you can trust me,” JC interrupted.
Justin eyed us both suspiciously. “What is this leading to?”
I checked around us, making sure no one was around. Since everyone was eating dinner, I decided it was safe.
“Would you swear not to tell anyone?” I asked.
“Tell what?”
“Just promise me you won’t tell ANYONE. Not your mother, not your brother, not your dad, not your best friend, not anyone.”
“Of course.”
“Will this secret stay with you till you’re in your grave?” JC asked further.
I looked around again and whispered. “We’re witches.”
“Warlock,” JC corrected.
“What?” Justin cried out softly.
“We are witch-and warlock.”
He nodded slowly and his eyebrows rose. “Yeah…right…”
My grip tightened on his arm. “I’m serious Justin.”
“What is your guys’ problem?” he asked us. “This is nuts!”
Tears welled up in my eyes from all the frustration. “God Justin if you’re not gonna believe me then I guess I’ll find somebody else.” I turned around and walked briskly away.
“Rena!” shouted two voices.
Then I could hear footsteps and heavy breathing. Then there was a hand on my shoulder. I whipped around and saw it was JC. I shut my eyes and fell against him, almost collapsing from the exhaustion and frustration of this stupid test. He hugged me reassuringly.
“Why doesn’t he believe me?” I asked, my voice high pitched from my crying.
“I believe you.”
“No you don’t.”
“Yes, I do,” Justin said.
“Are you just saying that because you feel guilty?” JC asked, his voice sounding defensive.
“No. I guess I should’ve believed you guys earlier, but I realize that Rena wouldn’t lie.”
I sniffled and wiped my eyes. “So you believe us?”
He nodded.
“Will you help us?” I asked him.
“With what?”
“I need your help to find a family heirloom.”
“Oh. That’s all?”
“No. It’s in the Land of Darkness.”
“The what?”
“Land of Darkness. I’ll explain somewhere else. C’mon both of you. Grab my hand or something.”
Justin grabbed my hand, so JC put his arm around my waist. I adjusted as quickly as I possibly could and chanted, “I really need more magic/and I know that I am not a sorceress/but take us to/the Land of Darkness.”
The sunset colors swirled into the familiar purple and Justin held my hand tighter. Then the bright colors faded into cold, sad, gloomy colors. In front of us loomed a great set of double gate doors. The thick, black iron bars were covered with dark green vines. At the top was a wooden sign with writing as if it was written with a nail: Land of Darkness. The forest gave me a cold, evil feeling. I almost shivered.
A shrill cry pierced the air and an enormous shadow passed over us. I shrieked and ducked instinctively. It was a pterodactyl. It’s wings stretched for over 6 feet. Instead of bright green or pink, it was a dirty brown. I got myself together and stood up straight. I looked at Justin. His face was pale.
“Are you ok Justin?” I asked.
“Um uh yeah. I’m just fine.”
“Are you sure?” I asked. “You look a little pale.”
“Do I? Maybe it’s cuz of this weather you know? It’s cold.” He looked around slowly. His expression was one of fear.
“So,” JC interrupted, “how do we get in?”
“Since there’s a gate, why don’t we open it?” I suggested.
“Wait. JUSTIN opens it.”
“You have to open it,” JC explained, “because only mortals can.”
“Oh. Ok then. As long as I don’t get eaten or something.”
“We’ll be right here,” I assured him.
He took a breath and pushed against the gates. With a loud creak it opened. Bright white and ultra violet sparks flew from the groaning hinges. A shot of red flew up and settled in the words, “You may enter.”
“JC you go first,” Justin insisted.
Slowly we got inside. The supposed sun was almost gone and it was pitch black in the forest, given that the bare trees towered over us. I held both their hands tightly because I was sure I had seen red and blue eyes glowing at us. There were shadows everywhere, and if someone stepped on twig, we’d all jump in surprise and fright. I couldn’t help thinking that Justin must’ve been so scared, particularly because JC and I knew what to expect-sort of- and Justin didn’t. He’d practically squeeze my fingers out of their sockets. About 10 minutes later, the sun was gone completely.
“Ah I can’t see!” I hissed, nearly tripping over a live tree root.
“Well we can’t either!” JC shot back.
“Then why don’t you use your magical powers and brighten things up a bit?” Justin suggested sarcastically.
“That isn’t a bad idea,” I agreed.
A second later, there was a dim light in front of us. It seemed to have no source.
“Where is that coming from?” Justin asked, squinting at the new light.
“I think it shows up wherever I look,” JC said.
“What?” I questioned, stepping over a dead gray rat.
“If I look at you, the light will be on you,” JC said, “and if I look straight ahead, the light will be straight ahead.”
“Oh. Weird,” Justin and I said together.
“Um Rena?”
“Where are we?” JC asked, stopping at the clearing.
I swallowed thickly as we approached the massive bright blue rock. The rock looked like the inside of a geode rock, only it was… glowing an eerie blue light. The streaks of white ran through like lightning. I could feel the magic within it. It was shaped like a large octagonal prism, only the top went into a point, like a crystal. At the face towards us was a door, only a slight shade lighter.
“Should we go in?” Justin asked nervously.
“No. My Aunt Chelsea always told me never to do anything we aren’t sure of.” I took a breath and said, “I know this space is not wide/but please show us what’s inside.”
A thin layer of the spell appeared in front of me as the reception got clearer and clearer. I gasped when I saw what was inside of the mysterious stone. They were short and had spiky black hair. They all had identical pointy goatees and clothing, except for their leader. Their faces werewrinkled in places of sneers and angry glares. Their dark eyes were piercing, and their ears as pointy as their goatees.
“What are THOSE things?” JC and Justin asked.
I gulped. “Lurkers.”
“Lurkers. They-”
“Who goes there?” shouted a voice.
We jumped and the picture disappeared, revealing us to the Lurkers. His mouth curved into a malicious smile and he called out, “Newcomers!”
In about 10 seconds all the Lurkers had come out in a line, tallest to shortest. Them, the tallest, most fierce looking one came up in front, his face almost cracked with the length of his smile. His robes were black, yet they shimmered. He had his hair bleached, the only sign of difference and superiority in the group.
“Well, who, or should I say WHAT, do we have here?” he asked in a pebbly voice.
“We mean no harm or trouble,” I started. “We just wanted to get something that was lost-”
“Well, too bad Miss. You came, and you get trouble.”
“But please, let me explain. We were sent here by my Quizmaster, the Quizmaster called Derek. He meant it to be a test.”
“And it shall be a test-a test of your survival!” he laughed, his cackle echoing unusually in the forest. The other Lurkers laughed along withhim, but stopped when he did. “So please, come in.”
“Please, we-”
“GET IN!” he bellowed. The underlings chuckled.
Frightened out of our wits, we obeyed. Once we got inside, I could feel the dread creep closer. Inside was practically a torture chamber with ball and chains, locks, cages, whips, arm locks on the walls, a large fire on the far wall, a stretcher-literally, a table with iron chains to hold down the prisoner, and other indescribable monstrosities, made to rival even Hitler’s plans of torture. Justin almost cut off my circulation as I did for JC. I quickly pointed at all three of us.
*JC! What are we gonna do?* I thought to him.
He opened his mouth, but snapped it shut. *Rena?*
*Yes it’s me! I cast a spell for mind talking, private or public.*
*Can Justin do this too?*
*I dunno, let me try. Justin?*
I got the same reaction from him. *Rena?*
*Yes, it’s me. It’s a spell for talking in your mind. What are we gonna do Justin?*
*Obviously,* JC’s voice broke in. *But we can’t with Mr. All Hail Me over there.*
I glanced at the Lurkers. They were huddled in a corner, whispering frantically to each other.
*God what are we gonna do?* I said again, panic setting in.
*Calm down,* JC said. *We have to have a plan. And remember, don’t act like we’re talking, just act normal.*
I nodded, but then thought, *Yeah. How ‘bout you Justin?*
*Got it.*
Then, the leader stepped toward us. We tensed.
He smiled a yellow fang filled grin. “Well, I’m Alastor. What are your names?”
*Say a fake name!* I shouted to them. “Stella.”
*Stella?* they questioned.
*It was the first thing I could come up with!*
Then Alastor looked at JC. “My name’s Ray.”
I interpreted it as a changed form of Roy.
Then Justin. “Paul.”
I recognized that name as his step dad’s.
“Well, since we’re on introductions, here are my people. Turmoil, Trouble, Havoc, Shadow, Eerie, Dismal, Danger, Chance, Peril, Menace, and Chaos.”
*Those names give you a clue?* Justin thought fearfully.
*Just be quiet!* I hissed back.
“Well, then. Won’t you stay for dinner?” Alastor asked.
“Um, no. No thank you. I have a mission to accomplish here,” I said.
“Really? What might that be?”
“It’s to retrieve a family heirloom.”
“What is it?”
“Nothing really,” JC replied.
“Yes so if you could please just let us go we’ll be on our way,” I said.
“Stop right there,” Alastor said sharply.
We froze immediately.
“Must ALL of you go?”
My eyes widened at his hidden plan. “Yes. We need all the help we can get. And the three of us would probably be enough.”
Alastor pursed his thin dry lips. “Well that’s just too bad.”
“What?” I gulped.
“For the exchange of your safely leaving, one of you must stay.”
We started breathing hard and sweat formed on our heads.
*Guys what do we do?* I asked.
*Don’t look at me! I’m the MORTAL one here!*
*Just calm down. We need a plan.*
*That’s what you said before, and look where it’s gotten us!* I cried.
“So which one of you has the honors of staying?”
“Why must we have to stay at all?” I asked politely, trying to stall.
His eyes became sharp. “YOU will stay.”
I could’ve collapsed. “W-what?”
One eyebrow rose. “You…will…stay.”
“But why?” I cried out.
“Yeah why her?” JC asked.
“Anyone who smart mouths me will not get away fairly easily.”
“I only asked you a question,” I protested.
“There you go! Disrespecting leaders. So. Get into the cage,” he ordered.
“You won’t DO anything to her, will you?” Justin asked.
He smiled his evil smile. “What makes you think that?”
I felt like throwing up.
“Look at this place!” Justin cried, waving around. “It’s a torture chamber!”
“So you’ve noticed.”
Tears slowly filled my eyes. “Please let me go.”
“You should’ve thought about that before you opened your mouth.”
*It’s ok Rena. We’ll get you out of this.*
*JC, you’ve only JUST started learning about magic.*
*I can figure this out.*
*If that Alastor does ANYTHING to you, he’d dead.*
*Thanks Justin, but we’re at a desperate point here!*
“So? C’mon.”
“You promise you won’t do ANYTHING to her?” JC asked.
“What do you mean by ANYTHING?” Alastor questioned.
“No torturing, no hitting, attacking or anything negative,” JC clarified.
He pursed his lips again. “What IS allowed?”
“HMM…what about LETTING her go?” Justin asked.
“What he means is like feeding her food and stuff,” JC said quickly.
After great reluctance, Alastor agreed. “But! There’s a catch.”
“What catch?” I squeaked.
He grinned evilly. “You must complete your task in 3 days. If you don’t, then she’s ours for the taking.”
My knees almost gave out.
*It’ll be ok,* JC assured me, squeezing my hand.
*IT’LL be OK?!* I shouted back at him. *If you don’t get this done, I’m DEAD!*
*You won’t be dead,* he repeated in his annoyingly calm voice. *We’ll be back in no time.*
*God are you crazy?* Justin yelled. *We don’t know ANYTHING about this place, much less try and get whatever we’re here for. Who knows WHAT will be in store for us.*
*You’re not ready for dragons,* I said.
*DRAGONS?!* Justin cried. *What are we doing with DRAGONS?*
*They guard the ring.*
*That’s all we’re here for? A ring?* Justin shouted angrily.
*It’s a magic ring,* JC interrupted.
*That doesn’t MEAN it’s special.*
*It has the greatest power in it,* JC argued.
*Whatever, I-*
“So is it a deal?” Alastor asked, breaking our conversation.
“What if we say no?” Justin asked.
*Justin!* we exclaimed.
“Well, Paul, then you all have to stay as our victims,” he smiled.
*Guys, you have to go,* I said softly.
*WHAT?!* they exclaimed.
*You heard him. If we say no, then ALL of us have stay here.*
*It’s better than letting you stay here alone,* Justin pointed out.
*I’m with Justin on this one.*
*I know, but you have to go. For the quiz and for the ring.*
*Are you sure?* JC asked.
*Yes. And besides, this spell doesn’t stop till I take it off. And we can talk for farther than 5 miles, in case you need help.*
*What do we have to lose?* JC asked.
*What do we have to LOSE? We have a woman here to lose man! You may not care, but this person is important to me. I don’t want to lose her.*
*What makes you think I don’t care?* JC shot back.
*The way you’re just throwing her away like a piece of crap!*
*I am NOT throwing her away! And for your information, she happens to be JUST as important to me as she is to you.*
*No she isn’t. She means more to me than you.*
*Nuh uh!*
*Yuh huh!*
*STOP IT!* I shrieked.
“So what is your decision?” Alastor asked.
*You guys are GOING.*
*Why?* Justin protested.
*Because you NEED to. You need to get the ring to get me out of here.*
*But you don’t even know how to use it.* JC tensed.
*I’ll figure something out.*
*Are you sure you want us to do this?* Justin asked.
*I’m sure.*
“Ok. We’ll go,” JC said.
Alastor smiled. “Ok. So Stella, get in the cage.”
I think it was Chaos and Eerie that wheeled out a wooden 5x5x8 cage. It seemed dirty and dusty. And it smelled like rotten cheese. I felt like dying. Which is what would happen if something went wrong anyway.
*I love you Angel,* Justin whispered privately.
*I love you too Baby.*
*Rena?* JC whispered.
*I wanted to tell you…I…I...*
I smiled. *Yeah?*
*I’ll try my best.*
*Oh. I know you will,* I said disappointedly, climbing slowly into the cage.
I saw JC smile comfortingly. *I’ll miss you.*
*I’ll miss both of you,* I said to them.
*Is there any vital information we need to know?* Justin asked.
I thought quickly. *To put the dragons to sleep, play some music. And remember, they’re at the center of the forest, so watch out. And since that IS the heart of the forest, there might be a couple nasty things.*
*Like what?* they chorused.
*Like Swamp Creatures, Cannibal Worms, Forest Ogres, Tree Leaper Trolls, Dark Magic Elves, and the worst kind of dragon, the Fire Breathing Ivory Mountain Dragon.*
*That makes me feel a whole lot better,* Justin grumbled.
*We can take care of those with spells, right?* JC asked.
*Pretty much yes. Swamp Creatures are allergic to fire, the ogres are scared of tigers, the elves don’t like cheery colors, the worms are scared of snakes, the trolls HATE laughing, and the dragon you have to put to sleep. That’s pretty much it,* I said.
*That’s ALL.*
“Well, any last words?” Chaos snickered.
“Shut up midget,” Justin growled. Chaos just glowered.
“No really. Any last words?” Alastor encouraged.
“We’ll be back!” JC said loudly.
Alastor smiled mischievously. “We’ll see.”
“I have something to say,” Justin interrupted.
He cleared his throat, looked at me, then recited softly, “A part of you has grown unto me/together forever we shall be/never apart, maybe in distance /but not in my heart.”
A tear fell out of my eye.
“How sweet,” Alastor mocked. Then his face became hard stone. “Now get out.”
JC reached out to touch my hand, but when he did, blue sparks flew. JC jumped back, holding his right hand.
They laughed. “You can’t get in mortal!”
“Mortal?” I whispered to myself. Of course! He thought we were MORTALS! It made sense anyway.
*Don’t tell him you’re a warlock!* I called to JC.
*I know.*
Tears poured from my eyes when Shadow closed the door.
Trouble looked at me. “Why are you crying?”
I glared angrily at the 3 foot Lurker. “Why would you care?” I turned and crossed my arms.
He walked over to the other side. “You just seem very different from the other mortals we’ve caught.”
“I just wanted to know why you’re crying.”
“Those 2 guys are my best friends. I don’t want anything bad to happen to them.”
“Why do you care?” he asked.
A fire lit in my stomach. “WHY do I care? Are you THAT stupid? I love them!”
His face twisted. “Love?”
“Don’t tell me you don’t know what that means!”
“I don’t.”
I sighed. “It means that you care a lot for someone or something.”
“Is that only in humans?”
“No. It’s in anyone whose heart will allow it.”

Chapter 9
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