
Chapter 9

We walked in silence mostly. Occasionally we’d say something, but it would never last long. I could only guess he was thinking about Serena. I was too, but I tried to make conversation.
We were about half a mile away from the crystal house. I was so scared, but I tried not to show it. But in reality, I was scared to death.
“How are we gonna do this?” he asked.
“I don’t know. But we’ll try.”
“How am I gonna survive if I can’t even protect myself?” he went on.
“I don’t know. I guess I’ll put a shield on you or something.”
“Then do that!” he said, stopping.
I sighed. “Ok. Ok. Hmm… With power of fire, water, ice, and wind/put a shield around Justin.”
Bright pink sparkles flew from my finger to around Justin. He watched the sparks settle on him, then smiled.
“There. Satisfied?” I asked jokingly.
“Yeah. You should put a shield around YOU too.”
I pointed to myself and said, “I see a dragon and I will flee/so put a strong shield around me.”
The same thing happened. “Whew.”
“At least they can’t hurt us now.”
“Where are we?” I asked, looking around.
He shrugged. “How’m I supposed to know?”
Just then, a large black shadow leapt at me and I jumped to my right. I halted immediately then too, for there was a man in a night black cloak and a white face. He had red eyes and a grin that could scare the Lurkers. I turned around and saw Justin in the same position. There were about 4 of them, all circling us, trapping us. Who knew what they could do?
*Rena!* I cried out fearfully.
*What?* she asked.
*These guys in black cloaks are trapping us!*
*Are their eyes red?* she asked quickly.
*Oh no,* she groaned.
*What?* Justin shouted.
*Those are the Ghouls of Doom.*
*Doom?!* Justin shrieked, which was kinda weird for a guy, you know.
The dark figures closed in closer and closer. There was about 2 yards in between us.
*Freeze them!* she cried.
*How?* I asked in panic.
*Use a freezing spell!*
*How would I do that?*
*Hurry!* Justin added loudly.
By this time, Justin’s and my back were pressed together, the demons closing in. Now there were about 5 feet away from us. There was a deafening drone of their muttering voices. Their gloved hands were slowly rising too.
*I know it’s us they want to seize/with this spell I’ll make them freeze! Quick!*
I repeated the words, but they only flickered. *It’s not working!* I yelled.
*Why not?*
*They just flickered, then reappeared!*
*Help!* Justin cried.
They only had about 3 feet to go. Their chants grew louder, and finally I could understand what they were saying…
“…these weak humans are in our way/we cannot afford/to let them stay/we need to continue/our master’s great task/because they are scared /they cannot attack/our one mission is one too great/our powerful master/ will decide their fate/we as one will proudly vanquish/so these puny humans/will quickly diminish/their weak bodies/will face our wrath/all us four/will kill on behalf/of our clan/our counterparts/we’ll send a spell/right through their hearts-“
*JC! I think I’ve got it!*
*This spell they’re doing is creeping me out!* I said.
*Oh no! Hurry! Say this: ‘I need help in my situation/these demons aren’t doing right/I need your help so dearly/send the Demon of Holy Light.*
I repeated the chant frantically, and nothing happened for about 2 seconds, and fear overtook the both of us, but Justin screamed as the demon’s hands glowed a blood red. Then, a ray of pale pink light spread through the dark forest, and the demons shrank back, all shouting randomly instead of chanting as one. Relief spread through my body as they shrieked and disappeared. The only traces of their presence were the black robes that lay on the dusty ground. The light stayed there, warming my spirits and my confidence.
*Did it work?* Serena asked eagerly.
*Yes, it did. THANK you!*
*All hail Rena!* Justin said gratefully.
She laughed. Which was probably the most beautiful sound I had ever heard since after school. *I have to find a way to get to you guys.*
*How?* I asked. *You’re in that stupid cage.*
*I know. But I’ve made friends with one of them. He doesn’t seem so bad. He actually cared that I was crying.*
*You were crying?* Justin asked. *Why?*
*Cuz you guys were leaving.*
I smiled. *You miss us?*
Justin smiled also. *Yeah. You miss us?*
*Of course I do! You guys are like my best friends!*
My smile grew wider. *I wish you were here,* I said privately.
*Me too.*

Chapter 10
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