

AJ, Shawn and Brian landed on the grass of Alethior, tying their dragons to the tree nearest them.

The world was familiar but strange all at the same time. The buildings had changed, the people had changed. THEY had changed. They all wandered down the streets together, ignoring the bewildered and shocked looks of the townspeople. Of course, they were supposed dead in the world, having not returned for quite a while. Naturally they were scared, saying they were “spirits”. Mm hmm. Right.


AJ stopped and strained to remember the voice. It was so long ago…and yet he knew. The brunette turned around.

“Alaina? Oh my god Alaina,” he whispered, once again seeing her beautiful face.

Her big blue eyes shone with tears as she threw her arms around her lover.

As that happened, Shawn and Brian looked around the area, sighing. How could it be no longer home?


AJ stared at the book he held in his hands. It had been a month since he’d been back, and he and his friends were famous. Famous for being the “greatest scientists in the world”. He received money for experiments, money for appearances…money for his belongings even.

What value did it have to him anymore? Just two years ago he would have longed for it. But now…it was a piece of paper with a number on it.

And Alaina…oh Alaina. She had soaked it up like a sponge. She loved attention, he always knew that. But lately…it had grown to annoyance. She became more insatiable, wanting bigger more expensive things…all material things. AJ couldn’t understand. Wasn’t love enough? Apparently not. He wanted to leave this life so badly. But to where?

AJ shut the book and packed his things.

He was going where he belonged.


Rena, JC, and Justin sat around the porch table of their house laughing at a corny joke that Justin had told. The sky was clear and the weather was perfect. High school had just got out, and they were ready for a break.

Ten feet away, Silverback, Sapphire, and Violet Beauty were showing off their flames, each doing an intricate design as they blew. Rena and the guys would smile and boast their Dragon as they showed off their multi-color fire. One could guess what color was who’s.

Rena glanced over at Violet Beauty and stopped laughing when she noticed the flames weren’t on display anymore. She turned around and found them all crouching and ready for flight.

“V what’s wrong?”

They only responded with the whoosh of their great wings as they flew upward.

“What’s going on?” Justin asked, standing up. “Where’s Sapphire going?”

“I dunno.”

A few minutes later, they could see 5 multi hued dots in the sky, getting bigger by the minute.


“Oh my god.”

“Is that-?”

“EEEEEEE!!!” came a loud joyous cry.

“That can’t be AJ,” Rena said to herself, shaking her head. “Can’t be AJ, can’t be AJ…”

“Oh my god that’s AJ!”

With a great blast of wind, Emerald and Ruby had landed on the vast field, lowering their heads for their humans to walk down.

And there, true as rain, was AJ McLean, running as fast as he could toward them, dæmons and Shawn and Brian not far behind.

“AAAH!” he laughed, nearly bowling Rena over as he swamped her in a hugehug. “Oh how I’ve missed you!”

“I missed you too AJ what’s happening?”

“I realized,” he panted, “that I didn’t belong there anymore…and that…we all belong together. All of us.”

Rena, JC, and Justin smiled and looked at each of them, then hugging them all at least once, laughing in pure happiness.

Even the Dragons were happy, playing and getting to know each other again.

Her eyes watered as she smiled at the newcomers.

“Welcome home.”


Note from Kait- I know I am not the onyl one who enjoyed this story sooo much, so please send Jessie some Feedback! All authors appreciate it!

