"Where are you going Joe?" JC asked his
friends who was putting the finishing touches on his hair.
"With Ebony?" He asked, referring to his longtime girlfriend.
"No. She's sick."
"Oh so you're going over to her house." JC followed
Joey to the door.
"Who said that? I'll see you later C." Whit that, Joey left
JC standing at the doorway in disbeliefe. Joey's wonderful
girlfriend was sick, and he was going out without her.
JC was very good friends with Ebony, so he decided
to go and check on her.

Joey had seemed kind of.. actually really annoyed
with his girlfriend lately.Like she was a teeny
who followed him around begging for an autograph. Everytime
she would show up on the caller ID box, he would make sure to
find something else to do so he wouldn't have to talk
to her. And JC couldn't even remember the last time he did
something special for her.

~Tell me when was the last time
You brought her roses home from work.
Tell me when was the last time
You rubbed her feet 'cause she said they hurt.
Tell me when was the last time
You bought a card to tell her how you feel.
Don't even know when was the last time
You lit a candle for a late night meal.~

JC rang the doorway to Ebony's home. About 2 minutes later,
the door opened to reveal eachother. Ebony's eyes widened.
"Oh gosh JC! Look at me!"
He did and saw that she was dressed in her pajama's,
fuzzy slippers and all. A tissue box was stuck under her arm and
her hair was in a low messy bun. But she still managed to look beautiful.
"Well hi to you too Ebony."
"Oh gosh I'm sorry Jayce! Hi and come in!"
"How are you feeling sweetie?" JC asked.
"Horrible! But it is probably just a 24 hour bug."
JC put a hand to her forehead and shook his head.
"Ebony sweetie, you're burning up. Go lie down and I'll try and
cook some soup."
She nodded and kissed JC's cheek. "Thank you Jayce."

He smiled and entered the kitchen. As he prepared the stove,
Joey came into his mind. Joey was her boyfriend, so why
wasn't he here? Because he's out JC mocked
in his head. The more he thought about it, the more JC realized
the game Joey was trying to play. And he wouldn't let him play Ebony.

~How long will it be
Before you treat her like your queen.
And how long will it take
Before she starts coming home too late.
And how long will it be
Before she starts running in the streets.
You better take the time
To treat her like your lady~

JC leaned down and kissed Ebony's forehead. She had
fallen asleep about an hour ago, but JC stayed to
make sure she was okay. And she was. Her blond curly
ringlets lay all over her pillow, making her look like a goddess. Her eyes
were closed so nobody was able to see the green orbs
underneath. Her temperature had cooled since his arrival earlier that night.
And even though it was a 24 hour bug, JC knew something else was wrong.
And it was about Joey. He felt so awful because he let Joey go. And last
night was not a night to go out.

And she said lately when her and Joey actually talked, all
would do is argue. And about the stupidest things too. And she
never saw him anymore. Last night he should have been there. Ebony didn't tell JC,
but he knew what the date was. A date no boyfriend should miss..

~You probably don't know when was the last time
You stopped to open up her car door.
And tell me when was the last time
You heard her say baby do it once more.
Tell me when was the last time
You didn't have an argument.
Don't even know when was the last time
You told the truth about where you've been.~

The next morning, Joey walked into the house with
tired eyes. As he enetered the living room, he saw JC sitting
on the couch. "Hey C."
"Hey Joe. Where were you?" He asked casually.
"With who?"
"Why would you care?"
"Because your girlfriend sat at home last night sick, on
your 1 year anniversary, while you were 'out'"
"Last night wasn't our one year anniversary."
"Yeah it was Joe. If you don't believe me
go and look at your calendar. All circled and everything."
"Well.. she was sick."
"Who cares? I was over and she is miserable! You could have at the
very least gotten her a 'Get Well' card and some flowers! But
no , instead your out cheating with some cheap slut!"
"I can't believe you Joe. I want you to think real hard
about what you just said. Do you like lieing?"

~Now if this don't apply to you
Keep doin what you you do.
But if the shoe fits you well
Take a minute just to ask yourself

How long will it be
Before you treat her like your queen
And how long will it take
Before she starts coming home too late.
And how long will it be
Before she starts running in the streets
You better take the time
To treat her like you lady.~

JC leaned against Joey's doorframe. He knew it was
wrong to listen in, but he needed to know what Joey was up to.
"Hey Baby." He heard him say. Good JC thought He's talking
to Ebony.
JC listened some more.
"Yeah, last night was fun. We'll have to do it again some time...No
I haven't broken up with her yet." What?! HE screamed
in his head. Break up with Ebony?!
"Brooke, will you calm down? I am gonna as soon as I get off the
phone with you!" Brooke? Who the hell.. I'll kill him. I'm gonna
hang him from a flag pole for all to see.

"Look babe, I gotta go alright? I'll see you later tonight." JC heard Joey hang
up then dial again. Over the phone? That is so low! She is gonna die!

"Hey Ebony... yeah its Joey... Well let me get to the point. I don't
think the relationship is working very well. I'm trying to say
I don't wanna see you anymore... please don't cry.. Listen I have to go."

JC stepped back from the door as he heard Joey approach. Joey flinched
as he saw his friend. "Oh, hey C."
"Don't you dare 'Hey C' me!" He pushed Joey against the wall. "I could
kill you right now, you know? I could fucking kill you!"
"Let me explain.."
JC shoved Joey again. "I don't want you to explain. And
I am not gonna kill you. But if you aren't out of my house
by the time I get home then I will kill you."
Before he let go of Joey, he punched him clear across the face.

~Now see whats old to you
Its just like new to the next man.
What you don't do for her
She'll find someone else who can.
If you don't wanna lose
Out on the best thing you ever had.
You better take it from me
You'll only end up just a lonley man.~

He ignored the pain in his hand as he reached
Ebony's front door. Not bothering to knock, he walked right in.
"Ebony? Sweetie?"
Faint cries and sniffles were heard from the couch. JC looked and saw
Ebony crying into a pillow, not even knowing he was there.
He sat on the edge and rubbed her back. "Ebony sweetie, talk to me."
When Ebony saw JC, she broke down even more. Somehow
she managed to sit uproght and fall into his open arms.
"Jayce, I can't believe how blind I have been."
"You weren't blind sweetie. He is just an ass."
"Thats not what I'm talking about." She pulled away
to look into his captivating blue eyes. "I've been with Joey..
when all I have ever wanted was you."

JC couldn't believe his ears. Did she feel the same way he did?
Or was she still upset from her breakup? "Sweetie, I know you don't mean that."
"I do mean it Jayce. I've felt this way for a while now. I just picked the
wrong time to realize it."
Looking into her eyes, JC saw the truth in them.Slwoly he leaned in
and caressed her lips. When they pulled away, they went right
back to holding each other.
"Josh?" She wispered. "Don't hurt me."
He stroked Ebony's silky hair.
"I won't. I promise."

~How long will it be
Before you treat her like your queen.
And how long will it take
Beofore she starts coming home too late.
And how long will it be
Before she starts running in the streets.
You better take the time
To treat her like your lady.~

* * * * *
