Two In A Million

Chapter 1

Kaitlyn Smith smiled as she exited the elevator. The events of the day were all so exciting. Her groups video for their new release 'Special' had debuted at number 4 on TRL today. Also, they finalized the plans for a tour headlining with *N Sync. But the best thing in her mind, her boyfriend AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys had something important to tell her. She could only wonder what it was. But nothing could spoil the day she was having, it was to good.

Kaitlyn knocked on AJ's hotel room door. They had been a couple for 6 months. A very good couple at that. It helped that her group were opening for the boys, but that was beside the point. In her eyes, AJ was the perfect guy. No flaws, no pet peeves. She loved everything about him. AJ opened the door and she smiled.

"Hey hun, whats up?" Kait asked as she gave AJ a quick kiss on the cheek. She walked in and sat on the bed. AJ shut the door and followed.

"Kait... I think we need to talk." He began. Taking her hand in his, he sighed and continued. "Let me get right to the point. I've been thinking about us and our realtionship. After all this thinking, I've finally come to a decision. I've decided-"

Kait's face began confused as he trailed off. "W.. what?" She asked, worried of what his next words might be.

"Kait, sweetie, I think it would be best if we just ended it here." AJ responded. Tears began to weld up in Kait's eyes after she heard him say those words. I couldn't have heard him right. We can't end it here. We have something, he can't just let it go here!

"W.. What? I.. I thought..."

"Kait, your career is taking off. Mine is growing. I mean, look. Your fan base is expanding and if we keep this up, who knows what will happen to it." She couldn't believe him. Listening to his voice say those untrue words. A voice that once brought her comfort was now only bringing her pain.

"AJ, we've been throught this before... we can do it again..." The tears now stained Kait's cheeks. AJ wiped her cheek with his thumb and looked into her deep green eyes. He looked down, and shook his head.

Kait stood up, with a sudden brst of anger. "You bastard. You mean to tell me that after six months your just gonna throw it away? What? Was I some kind of distraction while we were on tour together? I never thought you could do something like this... but since you've just proved to me that you could, I hope you regret it someday. You've just let me go, and deep down, I know you don't want to. Goodbye, AJ."

Turning on her heels, she let all her emotions spill out. Sobbing, she headed to the door. Once she reached it, AJ stood up from his position on the bed. "Kait, you're wrong. You're gonna thank me one day. This is for the best."

After hearing him she turned. Looking him in his eyes, she let the rest of her anger out. "Bite me you asshole." With that, she slammed the door and ran to the elevator, crying harder than ever.

AJ sat in his room thinking about what just happened. She's right. Someday you are going to regret that. He thought to himself. Laying back on his bed, he shut his eyes. He did still love her very much. But there was one factor that poked at him every minute of everyday. Trust. He didn't really know how much he could trust her. And with the upcoming *N Sync tour, it just made him wonder even more. They were the enemy, and he couldn't let her with them if they were still together. No trust would be there at all. Relationships need trust, so this was the right thing to do.

Kaitlyn ran into her room, and lay stomach down on the bed, sobbing into her pillow. How could he do this to me? She thought. The one thing that bothered her was this- she though she loved him. And at one time, she did. And the sad thing, she still did. Even if he hurt her. Kait was glad they were leaving tomorrow for their tour prep.

"O shut up Ang." Kaitlyn heard in the distance. It was Priscilla Slingerland, one of her best friends and bandmates. From the sound of it she was talking to the other in their trio, Angela Rossello. Great Kait thought. This is just what I need.

"Kait!" Angela cried through laughter. She entered the room, Priscilla at her side. Taking a breath, she continued. "Kait?"

"I'm over here. Leave me alone!" She said, her voice muffled because of the pillow. Angela and Priscilla walked over to the bed and sat on either sides of her.

"Kait... what happened? Whats wrong?" Angela asked. Kait sat up and rubbed the tears from her red eyes.

Taking in a deep breath, she let them know. "AJ broke up with me." She managed to get that much out, but after the tears came again. She brought her knees close to her chest hugging them tightly, and buried her head into them.

"Kait! But why? You guys were the perfect couple!" Angela said, rubbing Kait's back.

"Ang... again... SHUT UP!" Silla replied throwing a pillow at her. Kaitlyn slightly laughed and rubbed her tears. Her friends could always lighten a bad situation.

"It's okay Sill. He said it would be best because 'my career is taking off and his is growing.' What a bunch of bull." Kait rested her knees and sat Indian style. "Is he so blind to see that his career is fading? As long as *N Sync keeps getting bigger, their gonna get smaller. He knows that."

"Not to change the subject or anything, but speaking of *N Sync, we meet them tomorrow at 3:00. Lunch at Planet Hollywood in Orlando." Sill informed them. Ang rolled her eyes, and Kait shook her head. "What? I just thought you should know!"

"So lets get to sleep. For some odd reason, we have to be at the airport at midnight. That gives us four hours. Plane leaves at 1:00, be ready at 11:30 okay?" Kait asked. They all agreed and left eachother alone. Surprisingly, Kait got to sleep.

Well, for a little while.

Chapter 2
Two In A Million