Two In A Million

Chapter 10

"VMA nomination's are out." Jonny Wright said as the two groups met with their managers for a meeting a week later. "The show is in two weeks. Perfect timing considering thats when we schedualed a little break."

"So were we nominated?" Joey asked his manager. The whole room shot looks of disbelief. "What? What did I say?"

"You guys were nominated. No doubt about it." Silla joked.

"True... you were nominated guys." Andy told them. "Girls, you were too."

The three girls of Heaven Sent gave him looks of confusion. "Excuse me?" Ang managed to stutter. Kait's heart stopped, and Silla's jaw dropped.

"Well, the guys were nominated for 7, you guys for 3." Jonny told them. "And both groups will be performing at the show."

"Holy shitskis!" Kait yelled, jumping into JC's arms. He laughed as a wide smile stuck on her face. "Andy, don't keep us hanging! What catagories??!!"

"Lemme see..." Andy lifted a piece of paper and began scanning it. "Best New Artist, and your against the guys in Best Dance video and Best Group video. All nominations for the video Crush."

"Ooh girls, I feel a bet coming on. Who's gonna win?" Justin asked, rubbing his hands together.

"That isn't what I'm worried about. I'm wondering what we are going to do for the performance. How are we going to top what we did last year?" Lance exclaimed, recalling their 2000 VMA performance. It was huge, and in his opinion one of their best ever.

"Well, tomorrow we begin brainstorming what we are gonna do for performances. Show is in two weeks, we arrive in New York in 10 days. See you at 4:00 sharp okay?" Andy asked the large group of performers. They nodded and stood up to leave. "Umm.. Kait, could you come here for a minute?"

Kait left JC outside and walked back inside of the room. Jonny left and she looked at her manager. "Yes Andy?"

"I just thought I'd give you a forewarning. The presenters for the Best group video are rumored to be the Backstreet Boys." Andy told her with a look of sympathy. He knew Kait was seeing JC, but still thought she might want to know, so she doesn't freeze if they won.

"Oh, okay. See you later Andy." Kait said softly. She walked towarsd the door very slowly. Oh my god he'll be there. What if we win? What will he do if I show up with JC? Questions jumped into Kait's mind as she crept towards the door where JC was standing. What will AJ do?

Stepping out of the room, she was met by JC's handsome face. Trying to force a smile, she gave an akward look in response. "Umm, Kat are you okay? What did Andy say?"

She began walking down the hall, JC next to her. "Nothing really. He just decided to ruin it for me. The whole thing." She laughed, trying to calm her nerves. "He told me who might presenting the Best Group Video award. And if we don't win it, you guys will, and if either if us go up there..." She sighed on the brink of tears.

"Kat, who is presenting this award?" JC asked, concern filling his sapphire eyes. Turning, she wrapped her arms around his neck and rested her head on his shoulder. Tears stained his shirt, but that was the last thing on his mind.

"It's them, the Backstreet Boys. MTV has it in for me, I can tell." She still wept, his arms holding her closley.

"Shh, Kat, sweetie.. they don't have it in for you. Their just playing a little joke, thats all. But to me it isn't a joke. I just managed to get the glisten in your eyes, and I don't want them taking it away. So lets just forget about it for now and focus on the tour."

"You are such a sweetheart." Kait kissed him softly. "Well.. I'm gonna take a nap. I need some sleep."

"Alright then. Sweet Dreaming." She began to walk away and he smiled. "Bye Kat, baby."

"Bye Joshy, honey." He watched her walk down the hall and to the elevator. Sometimes I hate my job. All the stress it puts on me. He thought as he made his way to his room. Theres the tour, the award, then Kat. I can't have her like this. She's too beautiful to be upset.

Why are you thinking about him? You have JC! Kait shut her eyes and tried to fall asleep. Your afraid of what he might do. Even if he did break up with you, he is still going to go crazy when he finds out your dating a guy from *NSync! What are you going to do?

Chapter 11
Two In A Million
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