Two In A Million

Chapter 11

The Next Day

"So its final then? 'Crush' into 'All I Desire'?" Angela asked at their performance meeting the next day.

"Yep. We have a five minute time period, so that will fit in just fine." Andy said as he scribbled down the ideas on his pad of paper.

"Okay, since there is such a long time, how about in between the two we put a dance routine or something?" Kait asked. "We could get Wade, he's good."

"That will be perfect. I'll be sure to do that." Andy wrote some more on his pad of paper. "Silla, do you have any ideas for the performance?"

"Yeah.. but mine is for costumes. I'll talk to Monique about it." He wrote even more, then turned to them.

"Alright then girls. Stay here, and please excuse me while I call Wade about the coreography. Be right back." Andy left the room, dialing his cell phone. Sitting around the table waiting, the girls began to talk.

"Silla.. have you called Dan yet?" asked Ang. Priscilla shook her head no. "Well, why not?"

"Ang, we just found out yesterday! I'll call him, but not so soon. In a couple of days.." She turned to Kait. "Well, why so glum chum? I haven't seen you this down since..." Sill thought about it, then mentally scolded herself. "Never mind."

Kait popped back into reality. "Huh? Oh sorry, just thinking about the whole thing. I really am hating MTV right about now."

"Why do you hate MTV?" Angela asked, turning her attention towards Kait. Sill did the same.

"Because, they decided to nominate us for the Best Group Video award. What nerve they have." Kait sighed and rested her head on her hand. Ang and Sill grew confused and Kait realized she hadn't told them yet.

"What do you mean? Is it because we're against the guys?" Sill asked. "I have a bet with Curly that we beat them in that one." She snickered and slapped five with Ang.

"No, it is because the Backstreet Boys are presenting it." Kait stated, lifting her head to look at them.

"What?!" Sill shouted. "We should of knew they were gonna do this. It's like a little joke they play. Remember Britney and Christina last year? For Eminem?"

Kait nodded and Ang spoke up. "But Kait, I thought you were over AJ. Don't get pissed at me for saying this, but you have a very fine looking guy who adores you!"

"Its not that. I am over him but..." Tears came to her eyes. "I'm afraid of what he'll do. Even if we don't win, he'll freak if he finds out I'm seeing JC. i mean, the man was in rehab."

"Oh, Hun..." The three embraced in a group hug as Andy walked in the room. He stopped when he saw them hugging and smiled.

"Aww, how mice to see that you girls are so close." They parted laughing and he sat back in his chair. "Back to business now."

Kait let out a sigh of relief as Andy began talking again. Her bandmates were were her Best friends, and they were always there for her. Also, Andy was there and so were the guys. Sometimes, she considered herself lucky, but now she was feeling extremley lucky. Plus.. what could AJ do? She knew he wouldn't pull anything dramatic, it wasn't like him. So she stopped thinking about it and focused.

"Wade is flying in. He'll travel with us during the days before the tour and we'll reherse. So he should be here by tomorrow, and thats when we'll start. Any questions ladies?" Andy asked. The girls shook their heads. "Okay, you can go. But wait, two more things. One, Sill tell Anna and Monique your idea. Nothing crazy please. And Two, go relax girls. You have a busy two weeks ahead of you, and you deserve it."

"Oh Andy, I didn't know you cared!" Ang hugged him. "But seriously, thanks... thats very sweet. We'll relax, don't worry."

"Soundcheck at four okay? Be ready to go by three thirty. Bye Ladies."

With that the girls left. "I am starving! Lets get some chow!" Sill yelled, walking towards the elevator. The girls followed, eager to fill their empty stomachs. Entering the elevator, they talked about what they wanted.

"Umm guys, aren't we supposed to have some kind of security with us?" Kait asked as they exited the elevator.

"C'mon Kait! Be spontanious! Just put your shades on and you'll be fine!" Sill nudged her. The girls pulled their sunglasses over their eyes and began walking towards a nearby Burger King.

But they were never prepared for what happened next.

Chapter 12
Two In A Million
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