Two In A Million

Chapter 12

"Hey Andy, where are the girls?" JC asked Andy as they passed each other in the hallway.

"I don't know, I was just gonna ask you the same thing. Security hasn't seen them, and neither has Jonny." Andy told him. Both men were worried for the girls safety. "The guys don't know either."

"Well, they aren't in there rooms." JC's mind began to think about what could have happened. I hope they're okay, Kat... I have to find them. "I'll go look for them okay?"

"Alright. Call me AS SOON as you find them." Andy yelled as JC dashed towards the elevator. What if something happened? He thought as he pressed the down button repeatedly. God hurry! The doors soon opened, and inside stood Lance and Justin.

"Scoop, Curly, stay inside the elevator. We have to go and find the girls." JC entered and hit the button for the first floor.

"Find? What do you mean find? Are they lost or something?" Justin asked. Lance punched his arm.

"No you dimbass, we are playing a game of hide- and- seek. YES they're lost!" Lance then turned towards JC. "Where were they last?"

"Umm.." JC thought for a moment. "They left their meeting around twelve noon. Then they just dissapeared. Nobody can find them." Lance noticed the worried tone in JC's voice when he spoke. He knew he was worried about Kait, and nobody balmed him. They were very close, even if they were a new couple.

"Well, now that I am back on earth, what are we waiting for?" Justin asked, stepping out of the elevator. "Dre! Lonnie!" He called to the two body guards. They started over then he turned to the guys. "Put your shades and hats on."

When the guards got over, they explained the situation then started to the car. Dre drove. "Where do you guys wanna check first?"

"Just drive as slow as we can down a few blocks." Lance told them. They began scanning sidewalks and places, with no luck. So they got out in hopes of finding them inside a clothing store or somewhere like that.

At an Abercrombie & Fitch store, a group of girls was talking VERY loudly. Because of this, they couldn't help but hear, "Heaven Sent is over at Burger King!"

The group of men stopped walking and looked at eachother. A huge weight had just been put on their shoulders, because situations like this could get ugly. They had been in a few of these before, and they were no laughing matter at all. Lonnie was the first to speak. "Lets go before something happens."

Before another word was said, they hurried off towards the restaraunt. As they came closer, they could hear an increasing amount of screaming. They looked and a mob of teenagers huddeled around something. Their was never any doubt about what, or who, those somethings were. This was exactly what they were afraid of.

"Oh no, my god. We have to go get them..." JC started towards the crowd but was pulled back by Dre. "Let me go man."

"NO!!" Dre shouted. "If you go over there to help, you'll get mobbed too. And I know you want to go get them, but it would be best of you just stayed here for now."

JC sighed, knowing his bodyguard was right. But he was terrified of what might happen if they didn't get to them soon. They all thought about what they should do to save them until Justin came up with an idea.

"I have an idea!" Justin yelled. The others looked at him, then went back to their own state of minds, not believing him. "No, I really do have an idea! Okay, Dre... you go up to one of those girls and say Britney Spears is over at Abercrombie & Fitch. Most of them should go."

Dre went over to a teenage girl and whispered in her ear. Her eyes widened and she grabbed her friends and told them. "Oh My God! Britney Spears is at Abercrombie!" Her and her friends darted towards the store, followed by most of the crowd. Soon, only few were left.

"Okay now we can take action." Lonnie and Dre headed towards the fans and pushed through them. Dissapointed, they took a hint and left, probably heading over towards Abercrombie. Then JC saw them, saw her. With torn clothes and out of control hair, and scared looks on their faces. They looked completley helpless.

Rushing over, the guys crouched near their bodyguards. JC took one look at Kait, and immediatley pulled her into his arms. He was careful not to hold her too tight, being afraid he would break her fragile body. Kait didn't reply, just returned the hug. She was scared to death.

"Hey guys, we'll go get the car. Stay here okay?" Lonnie pointed to the ground, and went off with Dre to get the car. JC nodded, still holding Kait. Looking over he saw Justin who was comforting Priscilla, and Lance who was helping Angela. The car began and they all helped the girls to their feet. Ang and Sill barely made it to the car, but as soon as Kait stood up she collapsed into his JC's arms.

"It's okay... your okay." JC whispered over her soft cries. Carefully, her carried her back to the car, and back to safety.

Chapter 13
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