Two In A Million

Chapter 13

"Girls, you know that you aren't allowed anywhere without security." Andy began his speech about how important it is wo have security and let someone know where your going. The three had heard it many times before, but never for reasons as serious as this. Andy knew very well that they weren't listening, and he didn't actually expect them to. But he still dragged on.

Kait sat sat between Silla and Angela, thinking about what had happened earlier. She wished the guys didn't have to leave for soundcheck either. Right now all she need was to be in JC's arms, and hearing his voice calm her feelings. Feelings of confusion, ones she had never felt before. Of course, she had never been in the situation before.


"Umm, can I get a... Burger Big Kids Meal?" Kait asked, finishing the groups orders at the fast food joint.

"For here or to go?"

"To go." Sill butted in as Ang paid. The woman nodded and went to get their food. "We should be getting back soon. Andy may have said to relax, but he'll be EXTREMLEY mad if we get back late." She informed them. So they whispered quietley until their food came.

"Umm, excuse me? I don't mean to sound wierd or anything... but do I know you from somewhere? All three of you look so familiar." The girls fell into a hidden panic as their food returned. There shades were on, but maybe that wasn't enough. Maybe this cashier knew who they were.

"Oh, no. We got that alot thought. We must just have those kind of faces, you know?" Ang paid the confused woman. "Thank you." She plastered a fake smile and left with Kait and Sill.

Once outside, they stopped for a little chat and to take a sip of their drinks. Kait was the first to speak. "That was really close you guys. I told you we should have security!"

"Aww Kait, loosen up! Enjoy the freedom. We handeled it, and now we're fine." Sill replied, puncing Kait's arm. "But about your oreder. A Big Kids Meal?"

"OH MY GOD IT'S HEAVEN SENT!" They heard in the distance. Thats when the first fan came, just asking for an autograph and picture. They smiled, signd, and posed and went on their way. But they didn't get very far. Other fans came, not asking for an autograph.They surrounded the girls and tried to touch them. Much like some fans do. they scratched them, tore their clothes, and many other things.

Then, their rescuers came.

*~End Flashback~*

"So, I've decided to be even tougher on you guys. You are not allowed out anywhere without security." Andy concluded, adding a new rule.

"But Andy that not fair. What if I wanna go on a date or something?" Angela argued. Her and Silla didn't want their privacy taken away. Yet kait didn't respond. She didn't even hear him.

"Security will go with you. They aren't gonna hold your hands or anything, they'll just be there to observe and make sure nothing happens." Andy sighed. "Also, go get some sleep. You guys aren't going on tonight."

Those last words snapped Kait back into reality. "Oh yes we are. Those fans bought tickets to see Heaven Sent and *NSync, and their gonna see Heaven Sent and *NSync. No way am I going to sit here and mope about what happened today when I could go out and do something I love instead."

After a few minutes of arguing over the subject, Andy finally gave in. Kait had a good point, so he had to let them. He called Jonny while the girls, accompanied by security, headed towards the arena.

* * * * *

"Hello Houston!" Ang yelled to the large crowd of fans. Looking at all of them, the girls realized how special their fans were. They would always appreciate them. For they were the reason they were performing tonight. And they reason they were where they were today. Music is a tough busnieuss, and the fans make it that much easier.

No matter how cruel some people could be.

Chapter 14
Two In A Million
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