Two In A Million

Chapter 14

2 Days Later

"Your all... I... Desire." Heaven Sent finished their dance rehersal with Wade. All day they had gone over the moves, with no break at all. Now they had it down perfect.

"Okay girls, great job today. Angela, keep working on that one move. Remember it goes- Umm pa pa." Wade showed the move and Angela watched carfully. "Okay so tomorrow we won't go as long since there is a show, but I will see you guys right?"

"Of course you will, Robson. We don't wanna embaress ourselves on MTV now do we?" Silla punched his arm. "And remember about the costumes, make sure we can fit it in okay?"

"Yep sure. I can't wait to see these costumes of yours. See you later girls." They left and headed down the hall.

"Okay Sill, come on now. What do the costumes look like?" Ang asked. Sill had worked it out with the stylist, and made sure her outfit idea could be arranged. But she hadn't told anyone about it. Thats what worried the other two. Sill was kinda, well, crazy when it came to clothing and was extremley unpredictible.

"All I will tell you is that Fu-Man Skeeto will be playing a role. Chris loved my idea."

"So Chris knows? Well then I will just have to talk to him."

"Angela, I know for a fact Chris won't tell you. Don't ask why, but I do know. So don't waste your time."

"Whatever. So Kait are you coming swimming?"

Kait yawned. "Hells no, I am so Damn tired right now. I'm gonna fall into a deep sleep since their isn't a show."

"Aww Kait come on! The water will wake you up!" Ang begged.

"No but make sure you call Joey. I'm sure he'd love to take my spot."

"Well, I was gonna get all 5 guys. That means JC too." Priscilla persuaded.

"Good for Josh. Make sure he doesn't do anything stupid." Kait left the elevator and went straight to her room. She didn't care. All she wanted to do was rest. After swiping her key card, she entered the room she shared by herself. It was her turn for her own room. The switched off every time. The quiet was what she looked forward to.

She flipped the light switch on and headed straight for the bed. But before she could collapse, she noticed a single red rose on a piece of paper.

Kit Kat,
I know after the other day, your life has gotten even more confusing. But, since we have a little break tonight, would you please join me out for luch and a night at the House Of Blues?

A smile grew on Kait's face as she read the note. "He is such a sweetheart. Big difference form AJ. Wait... why compare? JC is everything I have ever wanted, and AJ isn't in my life anymore. Gosh, I need to stop talking to myself."

She knew the next thing to do. After choosing a nice and casual outfit fot the night, and putting on a little make up, she headed down towards JC and Lance's room. Swing a right and down three doors. Here we are. Gently, she knocked on the door.

"Just a minute!" She heard from inside. So she straightend her skirt, and twireled the rose in her hands as she waited for the door to open. When it did, it revealed a very handsome looking JC. He wore a tight balck shirt under a leather jacket, and a pair of cargos. "Hey Kat. I see you have recieved my note."

"Oh yes, I have Joshy. And I love the rose, its beautiful." She brought it to her nose and smelt the beautiful aroma. "And I would like to take you up on that offer. I have never been to the House Of Blues before, and am very interested."

"Well then, let us be on our way. Andy said Mikey had to come, but I know he'll keep away because he is cool like that. So this will be fun for us." Kait smiled and linked arms with him. "Oh and one more question before we head off."

"Yes Joshy?"

"Well, I was just wondering if you had a date for the VMA's yet?"

"Hmm... no, not yet. I just know that I'm going."

"Well, then would you join me that night and make me the luckiest man attending the event?"

"Of course I will. Now lets go, I'm hungry." They laughed and left for lunch then a night at the House Of Blues.

Chapter 15
Two In A Million
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