Two In A Million

Chapter 15


"Well Curly, I never knew you had it in you." Silla said as she dried off.

"What do you mean?"

"You know... end the little thing with Britney." he laughed as she continued. "We've met her a few times. She is a sweetheart and all, but she didn't seem like she would take it very easily."

"Well, it was for both of our benefits. We both are still good friends, but after a while, we just lost the feeling we had before. We were too good of friends." He sat in a chair next to hers by the poolside. "We had known eachother since MMC, and the relationship just wasn't working. But yeah, still pretty good friends."

"So when we see her in New York next week there shouldn't be any problem?" She sat up so she could look him in the eyes. Justin quickly looked at the ground. If he looked at her, he didn't know what would happen. "I don't know... I don't have a date yet..."

Looking up, he was met by Priscilla's stare. He moved forward so his lips were just centimeters from hers. Sill wanted to kiss him badly, but couldn't do that to Dan. So she turned away. "I.. I'm sorry Justin." She ran to her room.

Justin knew what Silla was doing. He didn't blame her either. It was cool with him if she didn't share the feelings that he felt around her. To him, she was perfect. A reason he woke up every morning. It may have sounded stupid, but he really liked her. But, she was taken. And that was it. So he decided to go and talk with JC.

* * * * *

"Kait! Open the door!" Sill pounded on Kait's door. She really need to talk to her, about what had taken place at the pool. Her feelings and emotions were so mixed up right now, and she need to talk to someone. And Angela went out somewhere with Lance, so she was out of the question.

When no answer came, Silla decided to check Lance and JC's room. She probably is there since Lance is gone. So she headed down the hall. Since she wasn't really paying attention, she whammed into something while turnung the corner. "Oww!" She cried. Looking up, she saw what she hit. "I'm sorry J!"

"I'm fine Sill. What about you?" He extended a hand to help her up. She met his hand and soon was up on her feet. But she couldn't ignore the tingle she felt when their hands met.

"I'm good. Just on my way to JC's room to see if a certain member of Heaven Sent is in there." She smiled and began to walk off. Justin soon caught up with her.

"I'm on my way there too. Only, not for Kait. For JC actually." They walked the rest of the short way in silence. Sill was glad for this, because she didn't know what to say. She wouldn't know until she talked to Kait.

They reached the door and Justin knocked. No answer. Again, he knocked. And again, no answer. So he reached into his pocket and pulled out a card. Silla gave him a confused look and he noticed. "Spare Key."

She mouthed an 'oh' as Justin slowly opened the door. Quietley, they walked in. But once in, they realized nobody was there. "Umm.. Justin, where are they? I don't remember them saying they were going anywhere."

"Neither do I. I'll call Jonny." Justin made his way over to the phone on the nightstand. "Geeze, do Lance and JC know the meaning of the word clean?"

Sill laughed and waited as Justin talked on the phone.

"Hey Jonny.... Yeah I'm good. Listen.. I was just wondering if you knew where Kait and JC were off to? Really? Ha, I should have known. Alright, thanks Jonny. Bye." Justin hung up and looked over to Silla. "Well, JC and Kait went out for Lunch then to the House Of Blues, and as you know Lance and Angela are off seeing that movie."

"Fugures. Well, I guess I'll just go back to my room and wait." She headed towards the door. As she reached for the handle, she stopped herself. "Say Curly, you wanna come over and watch a movie? Ang is gone so she won't bother us."

"Umm.. well..."

"We're friends Justin."

"Okay.. give me fifteen minutes."

"Alright see ya then Hot Shot." Sill left and headed towards her room, leaving Justin. After snapping back into reality, he left towards his room to freshen up.

Chapter 16
Two In A Million
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