Two In A Million

Chapter 16

"Josh, that was so much fun. I've never enjoyed myself more!" Kait said as they exited the elevator to the hotel. The night was perfect, and she couldn't have enjoyed herself more. To her the night couldn't get any better, and nothing could could spoil it.

"You remind me of a little kid coming from Disney Land or something like that... It wasn't that exciting."

"Yeah, but I really had fun. Thank you Josh, for a wonderful evening." They stopped in front of her room.

"Thank you for coming with me Kat." He leaned in and his lips hovered over hers. JC wasn't making a move, just standing there, so Kait leaned in and did it for him. The kiss was gentle, a soft and blissful one. They now considered themselves a couple, but didn't go to far with each other. Slow was the way they both wanted to take it, so it was perfect. As Kait pulled away, he smiled. "Sorry about that... hesitated a little."

"Thats okay, G'night Joshy." Kait opened her door and walked inside. She smiled at him one last time and then shut the door.

* * * * *

"I never thought one movie could be so boring." Sill mumbeled as she stretched from her posistion on the bed. She and Justin had just finished watching 'The First Wives Club. "I told you it was a mistake to watch one of Ang's movies."

"Well, you know Ang better than I do, but I was interested. It's one of those movies my mom watched and I wanted to see it." He sat up from his sitting position next to her. "Besides, it was either that or Indiana Jones, and I have seen that TOO many times with JC..."

Silla laughed and made her way to the TV to shut it off. "Well Curly, I'm tired so get your woshipped ass out of my room."

"Worshipped? I guess you could say that... I mean, who can blame them? I am a DEAD SEXY BITCH. Look at these muscles." Justin began to flex, being funny and showing off his muscles to Sill who stood laughing.

"I honestly don't know what those teenies see in you. If they only knew how BIG your head actually is... all they see is your cute little face on a pin up that has been tacked to their walls."

Justin stopped and stood up straight. "I am cute, aren't I?"

"You see what I mean? Now go before your big head explodes all over my room." Sill shooed him off towards the door and Justin laughed. "What is so funny?"

"Nothing... Its just that.." He stopped laughing and leaned over to her ear. "You admitted that you thought I was cute."

Sill thought about it for a moment, then smiled. "I guess I did Hot Shot... what are you gonna do about it?"

Justin backed away and looked her in the eyes. "I cant do what I want to. Theres a minor detail holding me back. So for right now.. I'm not gonna do anything." He reached for the handle, "See ya later Silla."

* * * * *

"So, let me get this straight. You like Justin, but you don't wanna hurt Dan." " Yeah. I really, really like Justin " Kait heard Silla sigh. " And I'm not sure about the whole Dan thing. Is it really gonna work? " Kait heard whispers in the backround and listened as Ang butted into conversation.

" What Dan thing?"

"Never mind Ang, I'll tell you later.."

"Why not now?"

"Because I am ON THE PHONE. Hold on a minute okay?" Sill put the phone back up to her ear and heard Kait laughing. " I'm sorry, Ang got back from her trip to the movies... well anyways, what am I gonna do Kait? "

"Sill, I can't make your decisions for you."

"I know but..."

"Just tell Ang, get it out of your system again, and then call me back when you've decided what your gonna do. Okay?"

"Alright then. Talk to ya later Kait. And thanks."

"Buh bye now." Kait hung up and layed across her bed. As soon as her head hit the pillow, she fell into a peaceful sleep.

* * * * *

"J man, she has a boyfriend, and thats all I can say. I can only imagine what Kait is telling Sill."

"C, I know she has a boyfriend. Thats why I didn't kiss her when I left." He rested his head in his hands for a minute, then his head shot up. "You could call her... find out what she is thinking and how she feels."

"NO!" JC protested. "But, you could go to your room and think real hard. I mean REAL hard Justin. Think like you've never thought before. And then, call Priscilla. Tell her how you feel, thought I think she may already know, and pray."

"He's very luck... Dan is." Justin walked to the door. "And so are you Jace. You and Kait have the perfect relationship, its all like a picture. Just don't let her slip away."

Justin walked out, not hearing JC respond. "Don't worry, I won't."

* * * * *


The phone in Kait's room rang, the sound awakening her from her peaceful sleep. Sighing, she rubbed her eyes and picked it up. "You just got off the phone with me 5 minutes ago! There is no possible way you have a decision yet.. so BYE!"

"Kat! Kat!" She heard on the other line. She stared at the phone for a few seconds then brought it back up to her ear.


"It's JC. Umm.. what was that all about?"

"Oh I'm sorry!" She crossed her legs getting comfortable on the bed. "I thought you were Priscilla calling.."

"How is she holding up?"

"You make it sound like her mother died!" She heard him laugh through the phone. "Well anyways, she is really confusing. Right now she should be thinking... so we'll see." Kait inhaled the beautiful scent of the rose he had given her. "So how about Curly boy?"

"I sent him away to think. I trust that he will at least try to use his brain."

"You are so mean Josh!" The couple continued talking about little nothings, just enjoying the sound of each others voice. After a while, they agreed that they should clear up theie phone lines in case Justin or Priscilla called. Kait lay back in her bead and switched ont the TV to MTV, which was playing a 'Real World' marathon. It ended and came to commercial.

"This is Bryan McFayden with an MTV news brief. The VMA's being held in New York City may be the first public appearance for new couple JC Chasez and Kaitlyn Smith. Smith, who recently broke things off with Backstreet Boy AJ McLean, and her group Heaven Sent are noninated for four awards at the event. Chasez and his group *N Sync are nominated for seven. Both groups will be performing. The VMA's will be held September 8 in New York City. Thats the news for now, stay tuned for more new at ten to the hour, every hour here on MTV."

"Oh my god! What are these people? How do they find out so damn fast about EVERYTHING??!" Sighing, Kait clicked off the TV. MTV is creating the end of me.

Chapter 17
Two In A Million
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