Two In A Million

Chapter 17

The next night, after the concert

"Okay, BYE MOM!" Kait called, walking away from the car. "Gosh! I love my family, but when I come home its like 'leave me alone PLEASE!' you know?"

"Yep I do. The same way when we go home too. But you have a cool family Kait. All three of you do." Lance said as they walked towards the bus. They had just finished a concert in the girls hometown of Albany, New York. Their families were there and they had seen all of their friends as well.

"Girls, now that everything is finished I take it there is a hot club anticipating our arrival?" Chris questioned.

"Oh yeah, we're going to Studio 64." Sill told him.

They nodded and went to their buses to get ready. Studio 64 was the girls' absolute favorite club in their hometown. It was like a spinoff of the old club Studio 54, and it held some of the best DJ's around. All in all, it was a great place to party.

As Kait got ready, she thought back to the days previous events. Sill had made her decision, and in Kait's point of view, it was a good one.


"Hey Kait." Sill said really softly. Kait immediatley noticed the tone, and knew something was wrong.

"Sill, whats wrong? Didn't you just go see Dan?"

"Yeah, I did."


"Well, we made a clean break. He seemed to agree with everything I said about the relationship. So now I am single."

Angela was also there. "So whats buggin you?"

"I thought that was it, but then I saw him when we were rehersing... and he.." Tears threatened to pour from Sill's eyes.

"What? What did he do Sill?" Kait was serious. She had known Dan for like, ever. If he had done something, he would sure hear it from her for sure.

"Remember Mandy? His ex?"

"Oh yeah. The reason Mya sang that song.. anyways. What does she have to do with it?"

"Well, the Case Of The Ex struck again, and their together."

"Oh Gosh Sill, was he cheating on you?" Ang asked, rubbing her friends back.

"I don't know for sure. But I am sure glad I broke up with him if he was."

*~End Flashback~*

As they entered the club, Kait glanced over at Justin. He had found a spot on the wall to lean against. His eyes were fixated on something, and kait had no doubt who it was. But to make sure, she followed his gaze and found Sill who was talking to an old friend at the bar. She felt for both of them. "Joshy, I'll be right back."

"Okay baby. Need anything? A drink?"

"No, I'm okay. I'll be right back." She gave him a quick kiss on the cheek then walked over to Justin. "Hey Justin"

"Hi Kait." He turned to face her. "So, she's decided to stay away from me right?"

"No, not exactly. Don't tell her I told you this, but her and Dan broke up." Kait didn't tell him anymore. She knew that Dan was not cheating on Silla, she had talked to him earlier. He explained it as a reaction to what he was feeling. He was upset that they had broken up, but admitted to Kait that he knew the relationship wasn't going to work. So all in all, Dan was being faithull to Sill. "But that doesn't mean it was for you Justin, remember that. If you talk to her, do not come on strong. Just talk."

"Are you sure she'll want to talk to me? I mean.."

"Justin, just go talk to her. You didn't do anything wrong at all, so don't make it sound like you did. Now go before someone else talks to her."

Justin smiled. "Thanks Kait." He wrapped her in a friendly hug which she gladly returned. Justin pulled away and smiled one more time before making his way towards Priscilla.

"You like playing matchmaker, don't you Kit Kat?" JC asked, walking up to her.

"I just don't like seeing my friends lonley." She replied.

"Well, what about seeing your boyfriend lonley?" Kait saw his puppy dog eyes and laughed.

"Don't try Joshy, you are really bad at that." He rolled his eyes. "Come and dance with me lonley man." They walked hand in hand to the center of the floor. JC gladly held Kait in his arms as their body's moved to the beat of a slow song.

"Aww, how cute. Joshy, look at them. They are so cute..." JC looked at where Kait was pointing and grinned. Priscilla and Justin were dancing together. "Oh I see we have another. Go Ang!"

Again JC followed Kaits finger and saw Angela and Lance dancing. Kait smiled and sighed dramitically. "Love is in the air."

JC looked down and her and she looked up at him. It was a picture perfect moment, the two just looking into each others eyes. Slowly, they leaned in and their lips caressed one anothers. Their lips were like them, doing a slow dance filled with passion. As he pulled away, JC kissed her nose. "Sure is."

Chapter 18
Two In A Million
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