Two In A Million

Chapter 18

One week later.. in New York

The two groups gathered with their managers in the meeting room to discuss the schedual for their stay in New York City. Both groups were very busy. There were photo shoots, TV appearances, Radio interviews, and VMA rehersals along with two concerts.

"So today you girls are on Rosie O' Donnell. Guys, you have a radio interview and a photo shoot." Jonny told them. "Guys you need to be ready in 45 minutes."

"And girls, we go for Rosie in 2 hours. Don't bother with your wardrobe, we've picked outfits out for you already." Andy said.

"Compliments of FuMan Skeeto." Chris added in. "You have to give the line props when you go on for me."

"Will do Chris." The girls nodded and smiled. They were, according to Chris, the 'new cover models for the FuMan Skeeto line.' So they basically wore that brand of clothing alot. But they had absolutley no objections. The clothes were awesome, and they even got to help out with a few designs.

"Alirght everybody, go get ready." Jonny dismissed the groups. They all walked back towards their hotel rooms, making little conversations.

"So guys, you've been on Rosie before. What is she like?" Priscilla asked.

"Oh Rosie is the best." Joey told them. "Although she has her own opinion alot, so you might not be able to finish your sentance sometimes."

They all laughed. Lance shook his head. "But honestly, Rosie is one of our favorite shows to go on. Very down to Earth."

"So she isn't gonna ask us our favorite color then?" Angela joked.

"Nope, I think they all know that already anyways." Justin replied. As they split off to their rooms, JC went over to Kait.

"Josh... I need to talk to you."

JC followed her into the room and sat next to her on the bed. "Whats up?"

"Well, I don't know how.. but the relationship got out to the public. And I know that the signifigant other question usually comes up in interviews..." Kait trailed off.

"So your asking if we should tell them or deny it?"

"Basically, yeah." She smiled at his warm expression. AJ and her were very quiet about their relationship at first, but admitted it later on in the relationship. "When I was with, you know... we didn't tell the media at first. I hated lying to all of their fans and all of ours..."

"Well, I am completley comfortable with letting them know. How about you? Because if you want to keep it quiet we can."

"No, I want to tell them. I just wanted to make sure it was okay with you." She looked at the clock. "Well, I must go shower so I don't smell stinky for Rosie today."

JC laughed. "You aren't stinky."

"I know. The smell of sweat and perspiration is like a natural perfume for me..." She rolled her eyes and stood up.

"I don't know if I can ever take you seriously." JC joked. "So before I leave you to get myself ready as well, I have a question to ask you."

"Ask away Joshy."

"Will you be listening to us this afternoon?"

"Of course I will. Will you be watching us on Rosie?"

"I will make sure the TV at the photo shoot is on ABC to see your beautiful face."

"You are to sweet Joshy."

* * * * *

"Kirstie! Turn the radio up!" Kait called from the other room. Her stylist did as told and turned the station up that was holding the interview. After emerging from the room dressed in her stage clothes for the show, she heard the five familiar voices on the radio.

"Hey New York City! Today Z100 is lucky enough to have *NSync in the studio! Thats right ladies.. the fab five themselves." The DJ called over the radio. The three girls of Heaven Sent cheered along with their hair stylists who were now doing their hair.

"Hey New York!"

"We'll be right back with *NSync!" The show cut to a Heaven Sent song.

"You know what? My voice sounds weird on the radio." Ang pointed out as the radio played her verse of 'Crush'.

"Ang, your voice sounds weird no matter what. It ain't the radio."

"SILLA! That was not funny! I do not sound weird!"

"Angela, if you want your hair to look pretty for all the people watching Rosie, you need to calm down and let me style..." Jessica, the hair stylist said through clenched teeth.

"Sorry Jess." Ang apoligized. Silla giggled and Kait rolled her eyes as the song ended.

"And that was Heaven Sent with Crush!" The DJ called, returning to the show. "Hey guys, you've been touring along side Heaven Sent for a while now. How has that been going?"

"Ohh.. the moment of truth..." Sill joked, awaiting an answer.

"Great! They are all really sweet women." Chris spoke up. "All three are very talented and it is a pleasure to share the same stage with them."

"Oh that was so rehersed!" Kait called.

"They sure seem like it." "What the hell is this DJ implying? We've never met him!"

"Angela.." Jessica warned.

"So JC, there are rumors flying around the streets and on MTV. And as much as I hate asking these kind of questions, I get paid to. So lets just clear it up right now. What is the relationship between you and Kaitlyn from Heaven Sent?"

Kait's ears perked at the question. She knew she and JC had talked about it earlier, but was still interested in what he would say. The others in the room stopped talking as well, all waiting for JC's response.

"Well.." JC began. Kait bit her lip out of nervousness. Its something she avoided doing, but right now it was just something to calm her until JC answered. "Kait and I are currently seeing eachother outside of a friendship. And their is something very special there."

"No pun intended." Joey added, breaking the tension in the little booth and the room at the set of Rosie. The guys laughed, along with the girls and the conversation preceeded.

"OK folks, their you have it! Straight from the mouth of JC himself, Kait and JC are dating! Okay, so onto other things. How are you guys getting ready for the VMA's?"

The interview continued very smoothly. Kait felt as if a large weight had been taken off of her shoulders. It made her more at ease, and comfortable. Which was good since they were making an appearance on a television show. About a half an hour after the interview ended, the girls had finished their performance and were having their own interview.

"Hey girls! It is great to finally meet you three!" Rosie began. "My son loves you. It was Ricky Martin and *NSync, but now its you and *NSync."

The girls laughed. "Well Rosie, it's great to be here. Tell your son hi for us." Ang smiled.

"I will don't worry sweetie. Speaking of *NSync, you girls are touring with those cutie-poototies right now. Whats that like?"

"O it is so much fun!" Kait replied. "They are really cool, like older brothes. Well, kinda." Kait realized how awkard that sounded and blushed.

"I love those guys. They are very talented. Now did you know them before the tour began?"

"Well that whole situation is weird. As you know, we were on tour with the Backstreet Boys before the tour started. And were also on JIVE records like *NSync, but had never met because of our busy schedual." Sill informed. "But we were definitley fans. I mean.. who isn't an *NSync fan?"

All the girls in the audience screamed and the interview continued. Most of the conversation was about the VMA's and their tour, which was what they were most prepared for. They even had some questions in the audience.

"Okay sweetie so whats your name, where are you from, and whats your question?" Rosie asked the teen standing at the microphone.

"Hi Rosie and Heaven Sent. My name is Maddie, I'm from Florida. I would like to know how you got your name?"

"We all got together to start a group before we actually had a name. Kait had an idea to just write down a bunch of name we would like, and we'd all iliminate ones we didn't like. So we came up with Heaven Sent, which I believe was Kait's idea." Silla said, rermembering the day they had done the whole thing.

"Yeah. It also has meaning to us because we're all religious. Me and Ang are Catholic, while Sill is Christian. And we didn't want to call ourselves Angels either, so Heaven Sent seemed the best."

"Alright thank you!"

"Next question?"

"Oh gosh... wow." The girl who looked about in her late teens stood at the mic in awe that she actually was on. "Hi. My names Liz, and I'm from Brooklyn. I have a question for you Kait. Who is a better kisser? AJ or JC?"

"I'm not gonna..." Kait blushed and looked down at her feet.

"Oh come on Kait!" Ang and Sill said together. Kait looked at them, then at Rosie, then at Liz. She sighed, knowing she would be made to say it one way or another.

"I.. well.. I know for a fact he is watching right now. Thats all I am gonna tell you."

"JC!" Ang exclaimed. She then looked towards Liz. ""Hun, even if her answer wasn't JC, she would still say it was because there would be a problem if she didn't. But I know that the answer is JC."

"And just how do you know?" Kait looked at Ang, interested in her answer.

"I can tell."

As they were on their way back to the hotel after the show, Kait's cell phone began to ring. After Sill turned the radio down, she picked it up. "Talk To Me."

"Thats a really nice way to answer your phone Kat."

"Hey Josh. How was the photo shoot?"

"It was good. We watched Rosie. Great performance."

"Thank you. Did you guys by any chance watch the whole thing?"

"Yeah. I have a question..."

Kait sensed what his question would be and smiled. "Ask away Joshy."

"You meant me right?"

"No.. I meant Joey." Kait answered sarcasticlly. She could almost see JC's face flashing his famous smile.

"Thats nice to hear."

Chapter 19
Two In A Million
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