Two In A Million

Chapter 19

"Guys! You will never guess who just asked me to be his date to the VMA's!" Ang yelled excitedly after hanging up her cell phone the next day at the VMA rehersals.

"Lemme try. Is it.." Kait began, pretending to think hard. "Lance?"

"How'd you know?" Ang asked dumbfounded. Priscilla rolled her eyes and laughed along with Kait. "What?"

"Two reasons. One- you have spent all of your time together." Ang nodded and Silla continued. "But I think the second reason just plain gives it away. When you were on the phone, you said 'Hey Lance!'"

"Oh yeah I guess you're right." Ang shrugged her shoulders then looked at Silla again. "Are the costumes ready yet?"

"I thought you'd never ask!" Ang and Kait looked at eachother excitedly as Priscilla went into the 'closet' of the dressing room of Radio City Music Hall. This was it, they were about to see the costumes that would 'blow the FuMan Skeeto line up!' according to Chris. When Silla came back, she had in her hands 3 pairs of blue jean overalls with the FuMan symbol on the front. "So what do you think?"

"Umm.. well.. there.. different." Ang said, at loss for words. She didn't know what else to say. This was nothing like what they were expecting. It definitley wasn't like Sill to make an outfit like this.

"Very different." Kait added. Priscilla noticed what they were doing and gave herself a mental high five. this was what she wanted them to do, how she wanted them to react.

"You don't like them?" She asked with puppy dog eyes.

"NO! I mean.. well.." Ang was again at loss for words. "Its not that we don't like them. It's just that..."

"We were.. uh.. expecting something a little more.." Kait seaarched for the perfect word. "Exciting."

"You don't think think that these..." Sill looked down at the outfits, then her eyes widened. "Ohh! I forgot the other part! You see, this is only half of the outfit!"

Kait and Ang were already confused, so the look on their faces didn't change much. Sill smiled and went back into the closet after setting the overalls down. She held the outfits in her hands but stayed in the closet, making a sound like she was going through a bunch of clothes. "YOU KNOW... I KNEW THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG BECAUSE I KNOW YOU GUYS WILL LOVE THE ACTUAL OUTFITS!"

"Jesus Sill! Don't freggin yell so damn loud! I bet Christina Aguilera can hear you on the other side of the hall!" Kait said, rubbing her ears. Sill only did it for effect.

Sill popped her head out of the closet. "Christina Aguilera is across the hall?"

"Just get the damn outfits Sill! We have to get out there to practice soon." Ang said, sticking out her hip and placing her hands on them.

"Oh, here they are!" Kait and Angela grew anxious again for the sight of their stage outfits. As she entered the room, she flashed three outfits. All were the same style- a short tube top and a pair of short shorts with a matching bandanna and go go boots. There was one red outift, one pink, and another white. "So how do you guys like them? Ang.. your red, I'm pink, and Kait your white."

"Sill these are absolutley fabulous! Wow!" Ang had her outfit in her hands and was feeling the shiny red material. Flipping the shorts over, she saw the FuMan Skeeto symbol on the butt part. "This was your idea?"

"Well, that part was all thanks to Chris. But the rest.. yeah it was mine." Sill smiled satifactlly. "I was watching Austin Powers and then Britney Spears came on MTV."

"What are we doing with the overalls?" Kait asked.

"We are gonna strip. See where I am coming from now. I worked it out with Wade too.. so he knows all about it. Right after the beginning part where we do this.." Sill showed them a dance step they did. "We let the straps go and some dancers will take them backstage."

"Sill what a great idea." Another thought popped into Kait's mind. "So.. you guys saw JC's outift right?"

"Yes we did. It matches yours. And he is anxious to see yours as well. Just like I'll bet your anxious to see his." Silla nudged Kait's stomach. Kait shoved her and rolled her eyes.

"Whatever. Now about this whole ride thing.." A knock came at the door, stopping Kait midsentance. Kait walked over and opened it. "Hey Andy, come on in."

"Can't stay, just giving you girls some mail." Andy handed her a few envelopes then left, One was for Priscilla, one for Angela, and two for her. She went over to a chair as the other two read theirs. She smiled at the first one.

"Guys listen! Dear Aunt Katie, Hi! I saw you on Rosie you sounded good. My friends thought so too. They said you looked real pretty. The Kindergarden teacher said I was lucky to have such a talented cousin. I told her thanks. Mommy said we were gonna watch you on MTV. She said you were nominated for a award. I hope you win.If you do could you say hi to me? Mommy, Daddy, and Sarah say hi. Sarah isn't old enough to write yet, so I just said it for her. And Mommy says that you have good taste in men. What does that mean? Mommy won't tell me. Alright well I have to go to bed now. Good luck! Love Critter. " Kait read aloud. "Aww he is so cute!"

"Your cousin? Yeah he is! He's like... 6 now right?" Ang asked.

"Yeah. He is actually has pretty decent handwriting, but then again my Aunt probably helped. Oh well." The others went back to reading their letter and Kait looked at the envelope to her second letter. There was no return address, which she thought was extremley weird. Shrugging, she ripped the top and took the letter out.

"Oh god." Kait gasped. She dropped the letter and ran out of the room sniffeling. Sill went over to where she was sitting while Ang tried to call Kait back. Sill couldn't believe what she was seeing.

"Ang get over here!" Sill called.

Chapter 20
Two In A Million
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