Two In A Million

Chapter 2

Kaitlyn awoke with tears in her eyes. Kaitlyn, it's 10:00, go back to sleep! A voice in her head shouted. It only added to her pounding headache which was driving her crazy. So she went to take some medicine, and thought about the times she and AJ shared. Like the time they first met.


Kaitlyn was sitting at the bar of a local club in Orlando. Her group had just finished a concert earlier on, and now was the time to party. It was one of the last few stops of the BBMak North American Tour, so she wanted to enjoy every minute of it.

"Excuse me, but I couldn't help but notice you sitting all alone over here. I was thinking, maybe I could do something to change that."

Kait turned to see AJ from the Backstreet Boys. "Oh really? Sit down, as you recently noticed, the seat is free. hey... I'm Kaitlyn."

"Yes, your one of the ladies of Heaven Sent, am I correct?" AJ asked. Kait nodded and he stuck his hand out. "Well... I'm AJ." They sat, drinking their drinks and talking about their seperate groups and tours.

"Care to dance?" He asked as Mandy Moore's 'I Wanna Be With You' came on. On the dance floor, Kait felt something she had never felt before. But she knew this, She never wanted to leave his arms. As the night progressed, they reamined near eachother. At the end of the night, they exchanged cell numbers and parted ways.

*~End FlashBack~*

Tears slowly made their way down Kait's cheek. They always called it their song. It was true though, and still was. She wanted to be with him. Badly. No matter what, he was her first love.

Kaitlyn, NO! Don't think about it. You can't feel this way anymore. Not after what he said. So go back to sleep and you'll be fine. Sighing, she switched her thoughts to the months ahead of her.

They were going to release their second album, and do some promotional stuff for it while on tour with *N Sync. Even with this, her thoughts drifted back to AJ. I remember the way he reacted when I told him we were touring with them.


"Excuse me... say that again? Who?" AJ questioned. He and Kait were eating dinner in the 'dining area' of his hotel suite, and she had just told him about their next tour.

"We're co- headlinging with *N Sync. Don't act so excited for me. Geeze." She chuckeled. But the look on his face was serious. He didn't want her to go.

"Don't worry I won't. But why them? It's bad enough your leaving me, but for a bunch of queers?" AJ hated them. Their two groups had such a rivalry between them, and this was just too much. Kait shook her head.

"First of all, I'm not leaving you. Second of all, aen't you guys a little to old to have this stupid rivalry between eachother? And third, they aren't queer AJ. They all love women as much as you do." She responded. She had always thought the whole rivalry was childish. Couldn't they just get along?

"Don't defend them babe." He argued. But he softened when he looked into her eyes. "Besides, I only love one woman. And I don't want her taken away from me."

A smile grew on Kait's face. She snaked her arms around his neck and leaned her lips to his ear. "Don't woryy babe." She wispered. "She'll stay with you. I promise." She looked him in the eyes, and he leaned forward, capturing her lips in a passionate kiss.

*~End Flashback~*

He doesn't love you anymore, Kait thought, as she tossed and turned in bed. You need to get over him. You are going on the road again. There are plenty of guys out there, so forget him and move on. Kait decided she was right, but she still couldn't sleep. So she grabbed the remote and switched on the TV. After flipping through abit, she rested on MTV. This just in time for a News Brief.

"This is John Norris with an MTV news brief. Longtime couple AJ McLean and Kaitlyn Smith have broken things off after half a year of dating. McLean along with his group the Backstreet Boys will go overseas for a tour while Smith and her group Heaven Sent will go with fellow bandmates Angela Rossello and Priscilla Slingerland on tour with another boyband. The Heaven Sent/*N Sync tour will kick off in two weeks. In other news..."

Kaitlyn grabbed the remote and quickly shut the TV off. She hugged her knees to her chest and cried softly. "How do they find out so damn fast?" She asked herself. Sighing, she got up and finished packing for her trip.

Chapter 3
Two In A Million
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