Two In A Million

Chapter 20

JC didn't believe his eyes. But after re-reading the letter, he realized what he was seeing was true.


The message was typed in bold capital letters. he had recieved some crazy messages before, but none like this. It was like someone was going to punish him for loving someone. It can't be more than a fan he told himself over and over. But something just didn't feel right about it.

Not about to hurt Kait, or let some crazy fan get to him, JC folded the note and stuck it in his pant pocket. He leaned back, ready to shut his eyes when the door flew open. Ang and Sill came in. "JC, god.."

JC immediatley arose to his feet, more awake then ever. "What? What happened?"

"Read this, then figure it out." Ang handed him a paper much like the one he had recieved minutes earlier. He saw the same bold capital letters and fear clouded over his blue eyes. He cleared his throat and began.

"KAIT, BABY, WHY WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THAT PIECE OF SCUM? ALL I WANT IS YOU, AND THATS WHAT I'M GONNA GET. THERE IS NOTHING STOPPING ME, NOT EVEN YOUR MAN. SO TELL JC TO WATCH HIS BACK." JC dropped the letter and fumbeled to his pocket to retrieve the one he had gotten. Slowly, he reached his shaky hand out and have it to Priscilla.

After reading it over, Sill looked up at him. "God JC.. you don't think anyone would actually do anything.. do you?"

JC was massaging his temples, thinkinng about the whole thing. he didn't wanna tell the girls he didn't know, but he didn't want to lie to them by telling them nothing would happen either. So he tried the best he could to remain calm. "I can tell you girls.. in all my years I've never had anything like this happen. I can honestly tell you I don;t know what to think. In my opinion, we should try to remain as calm as possible. Just keep it between the two groups now though okay? If any more come.. we'll tell Andy and Jonny. But for now just keep it hush."

The two girls knew he was worried and trying to make sense, and what he said did. If media got word of this, they'd blow it out of proportion. "Well, now here is the next question." Ang began. "Where is Kait?"

JC's head shot up from his hands. "You mean.. you don't know where she is?"

Priscilla could hear the worry in his voice. "She ran out after she read the letter. After we figured out what was wrong, we came here cause we figured this was where she was." JC's head dropped to his hands. "We still can't find her."

"I'm here guys. I'm.. I'm okay." All three heads looked over to the doorway to see Kait standing in the doorway to the *NSync dressing room. They could tell she was crying, her eyes were red and puffy. JC stood up and the two just stood there, looking at eachother. Taking the hint, Sill nudged Ang's side.

"We'll just go and talk to the others now." Ang nodded in agreement and moved past KAit in the doorway.

Slowly, Kait made her way to JC's open arms. "Oh god Josh!"

JC held her tight, afraid to let go. She stood there, crying into his chest, hands around his waist. JC stroked her hair and whispered softly. "Shh Kat... you're okay. I'm not gonna let anything happen."

"Thats not what I was worried about." She whispered, wiping her tears. "I was scared for you. I really care about you Josh. I don't ever want anyone to hurt you. And I've never gotten anything like that before, and it just scared the crap out of me."

JC slowly pulled away to look into Kait's eyes. "kat, nobosy is ever going to hurt me or you. I'm never gonna let anything happen, I promise." He heard her faint sniffel and knew know was the time to tell her. "I love you."

Though he took, her by surprise, Kait had mutual feelings. She hadn't expected it at a time like this though. But she still was prepared. "I love you too."

Chapter 21
Two In A Million
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