Two In A Million

Chapter 21

(next day)

"The day has finally come! The show is tonight! Can you believe it?" Ang asked. They were all in Kait's room, talking about the plans for tonight. Kait and JC would be sharing a limo with Sill and Justin, while the rest would be in another limo. Andy had it all planned out for them, and he had just blown it on them today. "I wanna ride with you guys though!"

"Oh Ang, you know Andy!" Sill joked. Then a knock came at the door. "COME IN!"

"Sill, is this your room? I don't think so!" Kait cleared her throat. "COME IN!" Kait watched as JC came in and sat down next to her. "Hay Joshy whats shakin?"

He casually wrapped an arm arounf Kait's waist. "Well, considering that tonight is the VMA's and all.. and considering that I haven't seen your dress.."

"Nope, sorry Joshy. You aren't gonna see the dress until tonight. End of discussion." He sighed and she laughed at him. "Sprry to keep you in suspense honey, but thats the way its gonna be. Onto other things now."

Another knock came to the door. "COME IN!" Kait yelled again. In walked Sophie, Kait's hair and make-up artist for the evening. "Hey Soph! Okay now it is time for everyone to leave so I can get ready."

Ang and Sill got up, waved, and walked out towards their separate rooms. They also needed to get ready, so it was perfect timing. JC stood next to Kait by the bed. "Sophie, go on in. I'll be there in a second!" Kait smiled warmly then turned to face JC.

Immediatley, she felt his lips puch against hers. She wrapped her arms around his neck to help keep up with the quickening pace of his lips. As JC pulled Kait closer, she forgot all about Sophie who was setting up in the bathroom. The only thing on her mind was JC, and the dance their tounges were taking part in.

Kait pulled away reluctantly, savoring the taste of his lips. "I'm sorry honey. You aren't gonna see the dress yet."

"What makes you think I want that?"

"The fact that that was the best kiss I have ever recieved. I can tell its yours too cause look at your lips..." Kait put a finger up to the lips hers were placed on moments before. "There swollen."

"Yours are too baby. Would you like not to kiss like that anymore? I can arrange it..." JC couldn't finish, because this time Kait had kissed him. They stood kissing in the doorway, wrapped in eachother's arms. Sophie finished setting up in the bathroom and walked out to see the couple. She hated to break them up, but her and Kait had to get started.

"Ahem.." She cleared her throat. Kait pulled away and blushed when she saw Sophie. "I hate to do this to you JC, but I have to steal Kait away. If we wanna get finished in time.. the first thing we need to do is start."

"Sorry Sophie.." Kait apoligized. She turned back to JC again. "Well, I have to go and get a make over so I can look beautiful for you tonight."

"You already are beautiful..." JC leaned in and kissed her quickly. "See you later Kat."

"Bye Joshy." Kait shut the door behind him and turned to look at Sophie. "Men."

"You have a good man there Kait!" Kait smiled and made her way to Sophie. "In to the bathroom my dear. Lets start off with your hair. What shall we do?"

"I know exactly what I want Soph. Lets make sure it works!"

2 hours later

"Thanks Sophie! Bye!" Kait called to Sophie. She waved back and continued down the hall. Turning the corner she saw JC walking in her direction.

"Hey Sophie. Is she ready?" JC asked. Sophie couldn't believe how good he looked. His outfit was a direct complement to Kait's. He wore a wife beater underneath a mesh navy long sleeve over it. A black leather coat completed the top half of him. His pants were navy cargos, a change from the usaual tight pants he wore to events like this. Priscilla insisted that he wear them, so he just did. He looked very handsome.

"Yes, shes all ready. You'll love her JC." Sophie assured him, then she left walking towards the elevator letting JC get to her on time.

I already love her. JC said to himself as he knocked on Kait's hotel room door. He heard her call to him, then she opened the door. He couldn't believe his eyes. Kait's hair, which was dark brown and shoulder length, was now lighter with blond highlights and had lost a good 2 inches. His eyes traveled to her outfit, the dress he was anxious to see. It was no dissapointment. It was navy blue like his. The top crossed over her chest then crossed in back conecting at the sides to the skirt. Her belly was bare, drawing attention to the new addition to her body. And her skirt was long with a large slit on the left side. Her whole outfit sparkeled, making her beauty shine.

"Hello Josh. Are you ready to win some VMA's?" She asked, glad that he looked so good in his outfit.

JC stood there for a minute, taking her in, than held his arm out. She linked with his and he smiled. "Lets go, beautiful."

Chapter 22
Two In A Million
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