Two In A Million

Chapter 22

"Kait! I love your hair!" Ang exclaimed as they entered the lot where the limos were waiting. "Its great!"

"Okay, Kait.. we love your makeover. But we need to show up to the show on time! So everyone in your limos!" Andy said, opening the door for them to get in. Ang rolled her eyes and winked at Kait, who just smiled and entered her own limo.

As the cars set out, Sill spoke up. "Kait, what is on your belly button?"

"A belly button ring. Why?"

"When did you get that done?"

"Sometime last week. I'm surprised you guys didn't notice it yesterday at rehersals! Josh and I went out and I thought it would be fun. So I got it pierced. Isn't it cute?"

"Its cute but..." Justin turned to JC. "I can't believe you of all people let her do that!"

"She convinced me! Plus.. I am very pleased." JC smiled slickly and winked at Kait. The continued talking until the limo pulled up. Those in the other limo were already piling out. "So who wants to get out first?"

"We will C." Justin volunteered. Sill smiled and Justin stepped out. You could hear in the limo the screaming girls. He smiled and reached in for Sill's hand. When Sill stepped out and they linked arms, many were shocked. The flashes of cameras increased, and they smiled making their way down the carpet.

"Lets wow 'em Joshy." Kait said. JC nodded and stepped out. He put a smile on and reached in the limo. Kait gladly took his hand, and they made their way down the carpet as well. The cameras flashed, but they expected it. It was their first telivised appearance as a couple. The media was bound to ask questions, and they did. They stopped a few times, being polite for the cameras. Their managers lectured them on this all the time. They had to be nice, and always appear happy. It was just the image created when you made public appearances.

They made their way to the rest of their crowd, fingers interwined with one anothers. JC spoke up. "We are gonna get broken up for the pre-show, but I'll see you at our seats."

"Okay. Love you." Kait squeezed his hand. He smiled and kissed her nose.

"Love you too." He let go and was dragged away by one of the producers along with the rest of the guys of *NSync.

A different producer approached the girls and led them to a camera where John Norris was standing. They shook hands then were each handed a mic for the pre show.

"This is John Norris, and I'm here with first time VMA nominees Heaven Sent. Welcome girls."

"Hey John." They said in unison.

"This is your first VMA's, so what are you girls feeling about now?"

"Well.." Ang began. "We're just really excited to be here. We all love MTV and its great to be nominated. Lets just hope we win!"

"Now Kait, can you comment on yours and JC Chasez's relationship?"

"Of course I can! Well, me and JC are dating, and he is a great guy. He has a great personality, is a wonderful friend, very understanding, and not to mention cute." Kait winked at the camera then smiled.

"Alright well how about you other two? Where are your dates for the evening?" John asked Sill and Ang.

"We both came as friends with one of the guys. Just so we weren't lonley." Sill told him. He smiled warmly. Sill and Justin along with Lance and Ang decided to keep things quiet since their relationships weren't very serious.

"How about your performance?"

"That is gonna be off the hook, I can tell you that." Kait said. "Most of it was our idea, and after rehersing it we know all of the people are gonna love it."

"Well ladies, I wish you the best of luck tonight. Thanks for stopping by." They nidded and left after John said. "Now off to Gideon who is with *NSync."

The girls left then headed into the hall. Before they left for their seats, they needed to stop by their dressing room to do some vocal warmups and make sure everything was there. After finding their room they walked in to see Sophie talking to Avery, their vocal coach.

"Ladies! You all look very lovely this evening!" Avery went over and hugged each member of Heaven Sent. He had grown very close to the girls, as if they were his daughters. "Since the Pre Show kept you, we will only start warmups then finish later when your getting ready for the performance. Alright?"

"Yeah, but one question..." Ang began. "When do we come back to get ready anyways? In all the briefings we recieved, I have never heard one thing about that!"

"It says so on this paper." Sophie looked up from the packet of papers she was reading. "You will need to be behind the scenes after the Best New Artist award is presented. Ohh girls your nominated for that! Anyways.. If you need to leave your seats at anytime, you must wait until a commercial break so no attention is drawn. Resonable."

"Alright, well then lets get started!" Avery called.

* * * * *

With a few minutes to spare, the girls found the guys at their seats. They were finished for now with vocal prep, and had run into a few artsits on the way to their seats. They met Jennifer Lopez for the first time, and chatted some with their friends Dream and Christina Aguilera. When they arrived at their seats, Ang tapped Chris' shoulder. He was in deep conversation with Danielle, his 'friend' who he used to date and a FuMan employee, so he didn't notice. So Ang bent over and whispered something his ear. He immediatley shot up and let the girls through.

"Chris, what did she say?" Kait asked as she passed. He shook his head and mouthed 'nothing important' and Kait kept going. She found JC who was talking with Justin. Kait sat down between them followed by Sill who sat on the other side of Justin.

"Hey, baby." JC whispered taking Kait's hand. Their fingers interwined and Kait leaned in and they shared a gentle kiss on the lips. He smiled in return and rubbed her hand with his thumb.

"Justin?" Kait asked.

"Yeah Kait?"

"Can you be a doll and switch seats with Sill so I can talk with her?" Kait pouted her lower lip and gave him puppy dog eyes.

"Sure Kait." He kissed her cheek, a friendly gesture they had started, and switched seats with Priscilla. She smiled at her friend.

"Sill, do you know who's sitting behind us?"

"No who?"

"Lenny Kravitz."

"Really?" Sill began to turn her head but Kait smacked her arm. "Huh?"

"Don't look back! We'll see him at the after party, I'm sure.." Kait assured her. Just then the lights began to dim, signaling the start of the show. JC could see Kait's body tense.

"Kat, are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah Joshy, I'm fine. Just a little excited." He gave her hand a quick and gentle squeeze knowing it was more than that. But he turned his attention back to the stage where the host was opening up. Kait, just don't worry and you'll be fine. She told herself. Your nervous, just take a deep breath and relax. Kait sighed heavily. Easier said than done.

Chapter 23
Two In A Million
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