Two In A Million

Chapter 23

"And the nominees are..." Macy Gray's voice filled the hall. Kait took Sill's hand and squeezed JC's as a Heaven Sent video appeared. Sill was holding onto Angela's hand, all 3 praying for their name to be called as the winner. The nominees finished, and now was the moment of truth. "And the winner is... Heaven Sent!"

Kait was in shock as she wrapped her arms around JC's neck. "We're getting ready for the performance after this.. so I'll see you later."

JC kissed her quickly and smile. "Okay, Love you. Go get your moonman!"

She smiled and made her way to the aisel where Ang and Sill were waiting, they each took one of her hands and made their way to the stage. They had already lost for Best Dance Video, but winning Best New Artist was better. They climbed the steps to the stage and went to the podium where Macy was standing. They each gave her a hug and went over to start an exceptance speech.

Ang went first. "Umm.. wow!" She giggeled then continued. "Its just cool to be nominated. But to actually win is sweet! This is our first actual award, so we first have to thank god for blessing us in such a special way. We also have to thank our families for putting up with us for the whole ride. Trust me... it ain't over yet!"

Sill smiled and spoke up. "Far from over! Anyways... Andy, you are an awesome manager! All of our producers, writers, our band, security, all of ya involved in making Heaven Sent function. Hey Timberlake! We got a moooonman, we got a moooonman!"

Kait smiled and stepped up. She picked up the moonman and immediatley set it down. "That is really heavy you know? Before I say anything else, I have to say hi to my little cuz Critter who is the coolest Kindergardener around! Anyways.. big shoutouts to our tourmates whom you all know. Joshy, I love you." Kait smiled as the audience screamed. "And to all of you who watch and listen to us, otherwise known as fans! You are the reason Heaven Sent is standing here! Thank you!"

They waved and walked off stage with Macy Gray. Once off, they gave back the award and went to their dressing room. When they entered, they broke into a fit of giggles. "AHH!!!"

"Girls, as heartwarming as this is, I need you three to get dressed so I can put in the bandannas!" Sophie said, exiting the closet area. They smiled and hugged Sophie, then got into their stage costumes. Five minutes later, a knock came at the door. Kait clipped her overalls and answered the door.

A stage manager popped his head in. "10 minutes till your needed on stage."

"Okay thanks!" Kait shut the door behind him as Silla and Ang emerged fully clothed in their outifts. "Hey girls. Okay, Sophie, we have ten minutes till we hit the stage. Where in the world is Avery?"

"Hes right here!" The girls and Sophie looked and saw Avery and Andy standing at the doorway. "I am so proud of you! Best New Artists! Hard work pays off!"

Each girl hugged Avery then looked towards Andy. He hugged each of them and smiled. "My wittle girls are growing up!"

The laughed and made their way to the chairs. Sophie put each girls hair in their respected bandannas while Avery finished warming them up. Their voices sounded great, and their nervousness didn't show. Though inside they were extremley excited, and ready to perform.

Knock Knock. The final warmup was interupted when the same stage manager from earlier poked his head. "Okay girls, you are needed on stage. Follow me please." The girls hugged each person in the room then made their way out, following the man. On the way there, Kait bumped shoulders with a passing figure. Turning, she saw who it was.

"Ohh.. sorry AJ." Kait said softly then walked off. AJ just stood there, realizing how beautiful she had become since the last time he had seen her. It felt so good to know she had actually spokedn to him, even if it was only a few simple words. But he wanted more, much more. He wouldn't be happy until she was his again. She was right that day, he did regret letting her go. But soon that would all change. Soon.

Chapter 24
Two In A Million
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