Two In A Million

Chapter 24

JC watched along with the rest of the audience as Jennifer Lopez and Carson Daly came onto the stage. They were going to introduce the girls, and he couldn't wait. Kait told him it would be 'absolutley fabulous' and that he would love it. And Chris told him that 'the costumes were great', and a living add for FuMan Skeeto. So he and the rest of *NSync were anxiously awaiting it.

The three girls of Heaven Sent, however, were on edge. They were nervous, excited, scared, about every emotion possible was racing through their body. The run in with AJ had completley slipped her mind. She couldn't let it get to her, even though the way he looked at her was pretty scary. The only thing she could think about was the performance. Now was their chance to tell everyone how much they deserved that Best New Artist moonman. They just had to wait for their introduction.

"Here they are! Ladies and Gentleman... Heaven Sent!" Carson finished the intro and the curtain rose. This was it, their time in the spotlight. And they wouldn't screw it up.

* * * * *

"Girls! Excellent job! They loved it!" Andy exclaimed as they entered the dressing room again. Everyone was extremley pleased with the performance the girls gave. "Fabulous! Excellent! I am extremley proud to call you my artists!"

"Thanks Andy, but we need to get dressed if we wanna get back out there. So if you'll please..." Angela shooed a laughing Andy and Avery out of the room. She turned and amiled. "I am guesing that went very well, but these shorts are killin me. So shall we?"

They all nodded and went to their serparate places to change. Sophie helped each so the oufits went on right and fixed their makeup, then during the next commercial they were on their way to the seats. During their walk, they recieved many congrats on their award. Each girl was loving every minute of the night, and finally made thier way to the seats.

"So Joshy, how did you like our performance?" Kait asked as she took her seat next to him, JC looked at her and smiled, shaking his head. "What? You didn't like it?"

"Oh no.. I loved the performance! But.." He chuckeled slightly. "I didn't expect that in the least. The outfits.. they reminded me of something from Austin Powers."

"You know, thats funny because that is EXACTLY what Priscilla was going for." Kait and JC laughed. "So what happened while we were backstage?"

"Oh, well we won Best Coreography in a video and Best Pop Video." He smiled proudly. Kait's grin grew and she kissed the corner of JC's mouth. "I'd love for this to continue baby, but the show is starting." They sat back and watched as the Backstreet Boys came from backstage.

Everyone in the row looked over to Kait. She bit her bottom lip and shut her eyes, trying to block it out and enjoy the night so far. But reality still shone through. I never thought I would say this, but I hope we lose. Oh, what are you saying? You'll have to face him sometime! What are you afraid of anyway? You ran into him earlier and everything was fine, so whats so different now?

"Kat.. take a deep breath baby." JC whispered into her ear. After taking her hand in his, he continued. "There isn't anything to be worried about. Rumor says that O-Town is gonna win anyways. We have nothing to wory about."

Both knew that was nowhere near the truth, but Kait loved the fact that he was trying to calm her down. "Now honey, I know that isn't true. But thanks for trying anyways Joshy." He squeezed her hand in response, and she felt more relaxed knowing he was there.

Up on the stage, the nominees finished showing. Kevin cleared his throat and opened the envelope. "And the moonman goes to Heaven Sent!"

Chapter 25
Two In A Million
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