Two In A Million

Chapter 25

"I.. can't go up there." Kait whispered as JC hugged her.

"Kat, you have to. Go on.. if he does anything I'll take care of it. I promise." Kait smiled and pulled away from JC. "Remember.. I love you."

"I love you too, Joshy." Kait walked down the aisle and again joined the other two in the aisle. Much like before, they joined hands. But this time they had to tug at Kait's arm to get her to quicken her pace. For Ang and Sill, it was just a reunion with old tour mates. But for Kait it was much more. It was a reunion with an ex. Sure, she had bumped into him earlier, but this time there would be an actual confrontation. Finally, they reached the stage.

All 3 girls shook hands with the members of the group. But AJ held onto Kait's. He wouldn't let go, so she had to yank her hand out of his to reach the podium. This was their second award of the evening, so another speech was needed.

"Okay well.. I now know that making two speeches is hard, especially when you aren't prepared for it." Sill began. "Umm.. thanks to Sophie and Jessica for making us look pretty and stuff. Also to Suzie, Monique and Kirstie for helpin with our outfits. And Chris.. FuMan Skeeto all the way!"

"And.." Angela took her step. "Thanks to Avery for the vocal help. And Wade for teaching me how to dance! I'd be out of it if he weren't our coreographer. All of the people in the music programs back home.. thanks for teaching us the basics!"

"Katie, Dan, Bri, Rosie, Brendan, Cindy, Toby.." Kait counted off on her fingers. "All of our groupies back home. And to MTV and all the fans for believing in us. And if we didn't say your name.. it doesn't mean you aren't in our hearts. Thank you!"

The show cut to a commercial as they all walked on stage. The boys didn't say a word to the girls, not even a congratulations. So after they gave the award back, the girls left down the hall. But Kait was pulled back by a strong hand that had grabbed her arm. Turning she saw AJ holding her arm, his grip increasing. "C.. Can I help you Alex?"

"Why Kait? Why?" AJ asked through clenched teeth. Kait tried to pull away, but AJ yanked her back, tightening his grip. "No. Answer my question."

"Why what AJ?" Kait winced at the pain building in her arm. "Oww AJ.. please let go of me."

"No." If it was possible, he was to strong for Kait, and tears were forming in her eyes from all the pain. "I want to know why him. You could have chosen anyone, but you chose JC. The complete opposite of me."

"You have just answered your own question, Alex." His eyes flared and he pulled Kait closer. "Let me go AJ."


"AJ.. oww. Please stop. You're hurting me."

"No. I'm not letting you go again."

"Let her go." JC approached the two and put his arm around Kait's waist. "Lets not cause any trouble. Just let her go, AJ."

AJ squeezed, then released Kait's arm. He began to turn but quickly shot back. His eyes burned fire towards JC. "I warned you. Just be prepared."

With that, AJ walked off. "What does he mean by that Joshy?" Kait grew even more scared. JC gently caressed the spot where AJ had squeezed. It was red and still pain ful to Kait.

"I don't know what he meant. But your staying in the dressing room with Lonnie." She nodded in understanding and rested her head on JC's shoulder. She knew with him she was safe, and nothing would happen.

Chapter 26
Two In A Million
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