Two In A Million

Chapter 27

Briskly, Kait exited the bathroom. She needed to talk to JC about the whole AJ thing. As she turned the corner to re-enter the party, she was pulled back by a strong grip and a large hand was placed over her mouth. She jerked and pulled trying to get away, but the figure wrapped an arm around the front of her and pulled her back. Her eyes went up, and Kait saw the face of the strong figure. She tried to scream but the hand muffeled it, making it hard for even her to hear.

"Now now Kait.. we can't be like this. We wouldn't want anything to happen now would we?" Tears stained Kait's cheek as she was pulled out of the back door, leading into an ally. Little did he know, this wouldn't remain a secret.

* * * * *

"Where is she?" JC asked aloud, looking down at his watch. Kait had been at the bathroom for 10 minutes, and he was beginning to grow worried.

"Wheres who?" Justin asked, coming up behind JC.

"Kait. She has been away a the bathroom for like 10 minutes." JC replied. "And I just have this feeling. Something can't be right."

"Relax man. Silla and Ang just went to the bathroom too, so I bet their just talking or something." Justin patted JC's shoulder. "She'll probably come back with..."

"JC! Oh my god!" Sill said, running over to him. This was all lke de-ja-vu in his mind, the other two girls saying something is wrong. "JC.. gosh.. its.. shes.."

"Shes? What.. wheres Kait?" JC stood up from his seat at the bar. Justin put his hand on the small of Sill's back and calmly asked what was wrong.

"She walked out of the bathroom and.. AJ took her." Silla's eyes began to water, for fear her friend might get hurt. Just then, Ang and the rest of *NSync came running towards them.

"Girls.. where did they go? Where did he take her?" JC controlled his anger, trying to hide it from the people around him. Loads of anger were filling his body, and he could kill AJ. But at the same time, fear was racing through as well. He didn't want anything to happen to Kait.

The two girls led the way through the crowds of people. Soon they reached the dark hallway. JC took control of the situation, staying as calm as possible. "Chris, Joey and Lance.. keep Ang and Silla back. Justin, you need to come with me."

JC and Justin headed towards the end of the hallway, stepping quietley in case AJ were to hear. As they edged nearer and nearer to the slightly open door, they could hear some of the conversation going on outside.

"So Kait, you decided to run to one of those *NSuck fags for comfort huh? Couldn't go on without me?" AJ pestered, looking at her face. A face he had longed for for the longest time. He had no clue why he was treating her this way. He figured it wasd the anger taking over, he would never hurt Kait. But right now he was so upset with her that it didn't matter.

"Sorry to report this to you AJ, but I didn't need comfort. I was well over your sorry ass. Not once did you cross my mind." AJ slapped her across the face. "Aah.. what was that for?"

"You never say anything like that to me again.. do you understand me?" AJ's voice was harsh and full of warning. No answer came from Kait. "I said DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME? DAMNIT!" AJ shoved Kait hard against the brick wall behind her. Her head hit against it hard, and a dizzy sensation came over her. Kait winced in pain and rubbed the sore spot. Damn that hurts. Where are you Joshy? I need you here, now.

JC looked through the glass window of the door and a Kait's face. Almost instantle, he could tell what she was thinking. Don't worry baby, I'm coming.

Chapter 28
Two In A Million