Two In A Million

Chapter 28

"J! Let me go man! She needs me, can't you see that?" JC argued, trying to break free from Justuns hold on him.

"No. Not yet. Almost.. but not yet. If we let him do this, they can put him away." JC gave in and resumed to his poisition at the window. Though he wanted to kill AJ, he would have reather seen him rot in jail. Once again, he eavesdropped on what his girlfriend was saying.

"I told you AJ. You regret it. But guess what? It's to late now. Get the hell away from me." Kait tried to keep her voice from rising, fearing what he might do. She had never once seen AJ act like this, so she didn't know what to expect. All she did know was that she wanted to be back in JC's arms. To hear his voice tell her everything was gonna be fine. But if he didn't come soon, she feared she might never be able to do those things ever again.

"Shut up! That was always a problem with you Kait. You never knew when to shut your mouth. Well, let me help you learn.." AJ leaned in and forced his lips hard against hers. He had her hands pinned to the wall so she couldn't push him off. She squirmed under his strong hold, but that only made him push harder.

"Let her go."

AJ turned his head to see JC standing a few feet away. His fists were in tight balls at his sides, an apparant red color in them. AJ heard Kait gasp then call for him. "JC.. please help me."

"Hold on baby.."

"Shut it JC." JC shut his mouth, but the look directed at Kait told her she would be okay.

"You better not touch him AJ." Kait looked directly at him, the fire in her eyes burning into his. AJ shook his head and rammed Kait against the wall yet again. When he turned to take care of JC, he was up in his face. So AJ brought back his fist and it connected with JC's right eye.

"AJ.." Kait whispered seductivley into his ear. He turned to look at her. "I'm sorry.." She brought her lips closer to his, but just as they were about to caress his, she slid over to his ear. "Sorry for not doing this earlier." AJ doubled over in pain as Kait's knee pounded into his stomach.

Kait turned on her heels and ran over to JC. He was slowlky raising off the ground, amazed at what she had just done. His eye was a little sore, but as she returned to his arms all of that pain was forgotten. He stroked her hair as she began to cry. "Are you okay Josh?"

"Shh.. I'm fine now that your here Kat. He can't do anything to hurt us." JC whispered, holding her tightly for fear she might slip away.

"Don't lie to your girlfriend. It's rude." The couple broke and saw AJ standing, armed with a gun. "I didn't wanna have to resort to this, but you leave me no choice." Kait stood behind JC, gripping his hand tightly. She couldn't fight the tears that streamed down her face, she was absolutley terrified. Nobody had ever pointed a gun in her direction, let alone threaten to shoot. JC was also afraid, but held it in because he wanted to stay strong for Kait. AJ pointed the gun at JC and lughed. "I had warned you. I told you to stay away. But no, you couldn't listen."

"You.. you wrote those threats didn't you?" Kait asked. AJ laughed again and nodded. "You bastard. Just leave us alone."

"Oh, I'll leave you alone Kait. Just let me do my job." AJ turned back to JC. Justin came running out of the back and lunged at AJ, who pulled the trigger. Kait jumped in front of JC to protect him. Even though AJ's aim was ruined because of Justin. But he did something.. or someone.

Chapter 29
Two In A Million