Two In A Million

Chapter 29

"KAIT!!" JC yelled as she dropped to the ground. The bullet had hit her left arm, and she had finally blacked out. He took her into his arms and tears were present in his eyes. "Please Kat.. hang in there for me. You can't go."

Justin knocked AJ out and ran over to JC. "Oh my god C.. is she.. I mean.."

"She's still breathing, so thats a good sign. Just.. go call an ambulance." Justin went back to the hall and towards the group waiting at the end of the hallway.

"Justin.. I heard a shot. What happened?" Sill asked. Justin looked up at her with watery eyes.

"I shouldn't have waited so long. He shot Kait.."

"Justin, its not your fault. Don't worry.." Sill allowed him into her arms and rubbed his back soothingly. "Chris, will you call an ambulance please? And the police?"

"Sure." Chris whipped out his cell and dialed 911. "Yeah hello? Someones been shot. I am at Club New York at an MTV party... my name is Chris.." Chris gave him the address and hung up.

"Come on.. we need to go see how she is.." Ang ran with Sill to the door and out the alleyway. When they reached the two, JC was caressing Kait's cheek with his hand singing softly. "JC are you okay?"

"Yeah, Ang, I'm okay. We both are. She's just, unconcious right now. Did Justin call yet?"

"Chris called for me, C." Just then the police and an ambulance drove up behind the ally. A medic came over to JC along with a police officer.

"Sir, how long has she been unconcious?"

"Uhh.. 10 minutes maybe."

A female worker came over to him while they hooked Kait in a stretcher. "Hello. I'm just gonna fix your eye up a bit."

"Will I get to go see Kat?"

"Sure sweetie.. but first I gotta fix that cut on your eye. Did he have a ring?"

"I don't really know."

"Okay. Well this may sting a little." JC winced as the peroxide was dabbed on the cut bove his brow. After a few minutes of stinging pain, the medic let him go to see Kait.

When he finally got over to Kait, Ang and Sill were with her. "Hey girls, how is she."

"I honestly don't know." Sill said looking over to JC. When she looked past him, she saw Justin bent over and talking with Lance. "Ang, we better go talk with the boys."

"Yeah. See ya C." With that they left, leaving JC standing with her. He smiled, taking her hand in his. She looked so peaceful, as if nothing had ever happened. The wound in her arm was covered, blodd seeping through the bandages. But through it all, she still remained peaceful and out.

"Sir, I'm gonna have to ask you to step back. We are gonna take her to the hosptial now, so if you could please follow behind in another car.."

"Alright." JC kissed Kait's hand then let them take her away into the ambulance. "C'mon people.. to the hospital."

The other 6 followed to the limo. On the way, JC stared out of the window silentley. All he could think about is what he could have done to prevent this all from happening. But there really was nothing, and he knew everything happened for a reason. I just hope this is a good reason.

* * * * *

They arrived at the hospital later than the ambulance, but as soon as they stopped he bolted out of the limo and headed straight for the desk. "Hi can you tell me where Kaitlyn Smith is? She was just brought in.."

"She's being treated right now. You'll have to wait right out here. The doctor will be out when your done."


"C'mon C, come and sit down." JC slumped his shoulders and followed Justin to the waiting room where the rest of the group was waiting. JC sat and closed his eyes, listening to the sounds around him. He could hear Priscilla and Justin trying to remain as calm as possible. He could hear Chris on the phone with Andy, and Joey on the phone with Jonny. He could hear Ang getting a hold of Kait's family. He could hear everything but Lance, who went off to get some advil.

This is going to be pure hell.

Chapter 30
Two In A Million