Two In A Million

Chapter 3

The next day at the hotel

"Thanks the lord above! I thought that flight would never end!" Ang cried as they all met in her suite at the hotel.

"Ang, would you keep it down please? It's seven o clock, and most people here are still asleep." Kait said, referring to the time. They had flown from California to Orlando, and it was about seven in the morning. The girls were all exhausted.

"I am tired like them, so lets get this thing going." Sill sat on the bed, in front of Kait who was in a chair and Ang who was on the floor. "Okay, so we have a little break until 12:00 when we meet Andy about the album. Then at 3:00, we have our meeting with the guys. After that we have dance rehersals." She yawned. "Okay so now I am gonna go get some sleep. But Kait, I'm gonna call Dan. Want me to tell him you said hi?"

"Of course!" Kait said. Sill nodded and headed towards the door of Ang's room. "And Sill.." She turned to face Kait. "Meet in my room at 11:30, no sooner, no later. Got it?" She nodded and left. Kait sighed and shut her eyes. "She has all the luck.. I swear. Dan and her go so good together, and they have a perfect relationship."

Ang looked over at her friend who was holding back tears. She handed her a Kleenex and sighed. "Girl, I am sorry to say this, but you have to get over him. No way is he worth it. You deserve so much more than him. Plus, you've forgotten who we're going on tour with. *NSync, which equals five hott guys!"

Kait rolled her eyes and hit Ang's arm. "Whatever. I thought me and AJ had something you know? Dan and Silla have it, and I want it! I'm not loved!"

"Kait, every female thinks a relationship they have with a male is special. Hell, why do you think you wrote that song?" Ang questioned. She knew that was a mistake when Kait began letting the tears fall from her eyes. "Kait I'm sorry hun. You are loved you know. Me and Silla love you like a sister. Andy loves you like a daughter, your family loves you. And most important, the fans love you. You can't say you aren't loved."

Kait stood up. "Thanks Ang. I know that, but I meant in another way. And before you mention *NSync again, remember I just recently broke up with him. I am NOWHERE near ready for another relationship. Plus... why would they go out with me? I'm on the rebound." Kait walked over to the door. "My room at 11:30... buh bye now."

Walking down the hall, wondering why it was her who had the worst luck in love. There was Dan, who had been her best friend since fifth grade. When they tried a relationship, it just felt to weird and they broke it off. But, he met Silla through me, so thats a plus I guess. Then she thought to AJ. Sure, she had other failed relationships before him. One guy she dated turned Gay, but her relationship with AJ just stood out. The way he acted towards her, you would have never thought he was the one who broke the whole thing off. He was always sp loving towards her, and she loved him. Then why did he end it? Was he mad at me for getting bigger in the busnieuss? Or was he jealous? The thought had never crossed Kait's mind before that AJ could have been feeling jealousy, but it made more sense as she thought about it more.

Was he jealous of *NSync? She thought as she collapsed on her bed. Why would he be? I wouldn't have done anything, and I doubt they would have. He's an ass for not trusting me. Kait thought no more about the subject, for she soon fell sound asleep.

Later, around 11:15.

Kait awoke to the faint sound of her cell phone ringing. She arose, remembering it was still in her carry-on from the plane. The ringing grew louder as she pulled the blue phone out and cleared her throat. "Talk to me."

"Sweetie, if you keep answering the phone like that, you'll scare people off. It sounds like your a drug dealer talking to a client." He laughed on the other line.

"Brendan hun! Gosh its been so long! What are you up to back home?" She asked her good friend Brendan. She dated him a while ago too.

"Absolutley peachy keen sweetie. How are you doing> I heard about the tour I'm sending you two things- Kudos, and jealousy. You get to travel with those 5 hott guys. Bug change from the BSB. No offense or anything to your man... but.."

"You didn't hear did you? AJ broke things off with me the other day before we left."

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry! I always said he was an ass... guess I'm right. Ha I love it when I'm right!"

"Thats okay B, you didn't know." Kait jumped when a knock came at the door. Looking at the clock she saw that it was 11:25. "B hun, I'm sorry but I have to go now. Busnieuss calls. But I thank you for calling. your right, he is an ass."

Brendan laughed on the other line. "Okay your welcome. Keep in touch, don't forget about us back here. All the guys say hi, and we can't wait till you come home again."

"Okay well tell em their number one fan says good luck on the season! Okay buh bye B!" Kait hung up and walked over to the door. Opening it, she saw her manager Andy. The look on his face wasn't very pleasent either. "Ansy, what are you doing here? The meeting is at 12:00, and its...11:30."

Andy walked in. "Whats Up?! Whats Up?!" Andy repeated, turning to look at her. "I'll tell you whats up! JIVE is jumping at my ass because you and AJ broke up. You were 'the perfect couple' and 'boosted sales and publicity' and they are pissed that you two split."

"Sorry to say Andy, but HE broke up with me. You think I'm enjoying this? Well... I'm NOT! Go yell at Aj, and I'll see you at noon." Kait pushed Adny towards the door. He was trying to apoligize, but she just kept shoving till they reached the door. "Bye Andy."

Kait slammed the door and fell to her knees. She buried her head in her hands, and ignored the knocking at the door, figuring it was Andy. She ignored when it opened and Sill and Ang walked in. She ignored when they asked her what was wrong, and tried to comfort her. She ignored everything but the thought that kept racing throught her minds. Why did I ever become famous?

Chapter 4
Two In A Million
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