Two In A Million

Chapter 30

Since they arrived at the hospital around midnight, they the remaining two of Heaven Sent and the five guys of *NSync stayed the night. Andy and Jonny had since arrived and were handeling the media that had gathered. And Kait's parents and siblings had arrived. It was morning now, around 6 o-clock. Yet, they still hadn't heard from the doctors. But that would all soon change.

"I take it your all here for Ms. Smith?" The doctor asked, looking around the room. They all nodded in return and JC stood up.

"How is she?"

"Oh she is just fine. Along with the bullet wound, she suffered a minor concussion. We'll want to keep her for one night to make some observations. But that's about it."

Kait's mom stood up. "May we see her?"

He shook his head. "I'm sorry, but right now she is getting some much deserved rest. When she awakes, you'll all be able to see her. I'll have a nurse tell you, alright?"

She nodded and sat down next to her daughter Kim, Kait's sister. JC also sat back down next to Kyle, her brother. They were going through cards that people who attended the party sent. It was a kind gesture, and Kyle was getting a kick out of it. Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera, Joe, Jennifer Lopez, and the staff of MTV were among the many who sent one. Right now Kyle was looking at one from Lenny Kravitz. "Yo, this is Lenny Kravitz!"

"Lenny sent one too? Gotta show Kait that one, she'll love it." JC smiled and looked at another. And she'll be able to see it, He thought Cause she's alright. She's fine. "I'm gonna go get some coffee alright?"

"Sure, I'll tell 'em if they ask." With that, JC left down the hall to get some coffee and relieve himself. On his way, he didn't notice that he passed a nurse walking down towards where he recently came from.

"Excuse me everyone. Ms. Smith is awake and able to see visitors. We ask that immediate family go first." Kait's parents along with Kyle and Kim went in first. Where did JC go? Lance wondered. He's gonna wanna go in..

When Kaits family emerged, they all were cheery and happy. Next to go in was Lance, Chris, Joey, Justin and Jonny. JC still hadn't returned when the guys came out so Angela, Priscilla and Andy went in.

"Where'd they go?" JC asked, coffee in hand.

"She woke up JC. Shes waiting for you. You are the only one she hasn't seen." Justin patted JC's back and gave him a slight push towards the door to the room.

"And we'll have to rescheduale a bit but thats all... Kait?" Andy turned and saw JC standing in the doorway. "Okay, I get the picture. Lets go you two."

"Bye sweetie." Ang patted Kait's hand and left.

"Stay strong Smitty." Sill faked punched Kait's right arm and walked over to JC. "Shes all yours, Shazzam."

JC smiled and walked over to Kait's hospital bed. Kait returned his smile. "Hey."

"Hey. How are ya feelin?" JC sat in a chair next to her bed.

"Like someone who has just been shot in the arm and has a killer headache." JC placed a loose piece of hair behind of her ear. "So when do I get out of this place?"

"There gonna keep you overnight." He spoke softly. "And the media has gotten hold of it all."

"Oh great. Just what I need. Honey, can you hand me the remote please?" JC did as told and Kait turned on MTV.

"What are you doing, Kat?"

"Well, even though everyone has been in here I have not heard a word about AJ. And the media always finds things out before I do, especially MTV."

"Last night at the VMA's, many surprises arose. But the biggest surprise happened after the event at Club New York. Kaitlyn Smith of Heaven Sent was shot in the left arm by ex boyfriend AJ McLean of the Backstreet Boys. Smith is now at the hospital recovering, the name being with held for privacy reasons. McLean was let out this morning on bail, a trial will be set for a later date. But for now, Smith will be safe by putting a restraining order on McLean. Thats all the news for now.."

"Looks like I am going to court." Kait joked.

"As long as your here and okay, you'll be fine."

"As long as your with me I will be."

JC leaned in and caressed Kait's lips with a love he had never felt before. Kait gladly returned the kiss, knowing that he would protect her. Now and forever.

Two In A Million