Two In A Million

Chapter 4

Later, at 3:00

"Andy, we have to go NOW!" Ang yelled as she slammed the door to the meeting room shut. She sighed, and beckoned for the bodyguards waiting patiently outside of the room. "Come on guys, we are late. Remind me to kill Andy, will you?"

Eric, one of the four guards laughed and ran ahead. "Shades on? Okay lets go." They all headed toward the front entrance where the limo awaited their arrival.

"O C'mon E, I don't think it make much of a difference anyways." Sill laughed. They packed inyo the limo and hurried off to Planet Hollywood, where they would meet *NSync.


"What time is it?" Lance asked his four friends and groupmates as they sat around a table in an iscolated section of Planet Hollywood. Joey looked at his watch.

"Uhh... It is 3:15, and they are late." Joey told him. "Don't blame 'em though. It's prbably not their fault, and it isn't like we've never been late before."

"Heaven Sent... I like that name. I like them too." Chris wiggeled his eyebrows. "They are really hott. Too bad I got Danielle." The guys shot him looks of dissaproval. "WHAT?! I'm just tellin the truth for cripes sakes."

"Well Chris, I have to agree with you on that one. But.. isn't one of them dating a Backstreet Boy?" Justin asked looking at his friend. Joey and Lance's jaws dropped.

"Correction Curly. One of them was dating a Backstreet Boy. Kaitlyn was dating AJ, but they broke up." Chris informed them. "Yep so theres her who is now single. Then their is Angela who is also single, and finally Priscilla who is taken. But he isn't anyone famous."

"Jesus Chris! What did you do... study them or something?" Lance asked. Chris' cheeks turned a shade of pink and the other three involved in the conversation began laughing.

JC looked at them and shook his head. "You guys are Really pathetic you know that? They'll be here soon so lets drop the topic okay..." His voice drifted off as a tall brunette walked by their table. He kept his stare on her, and she turned her head to look at him. She kept the gaze for a minute, smiled weakly, and headed towards the ladies room.

"That, my good friend, was Kaitlyn. The one who dated AJ." Chris said, after following JC's gaze. "Now wasn't he a lucky man?"

"Yeah man... sure was." JC was still in awe of her beauty. Never before had he seen sich a beautiful creature. Her light brown hair fell just above her shoulders with visible golden highlights that shone in the light. Her eyes, from what he saw, were two green orbs. Much like Lance's, but there was a hint of sadness in them. Probably because of her breakup. Great. A beautiful woman comes into play, and she is mourning over an ex. Well, I can hold myself back if I have to. But I'll still get close to her.

"I am so sorry we are late!" They heard. Turning, they a black haired woman. "Hey... I'm Angela."

"And I'm Priscilla... excuse Kait's absense. She'll be back, but right now she is visiting the ladies room." Silla told them.

"Well girls, It is very nice of you to join us!" Justin smiled.

"Oh come one! We are gonna release our second album and we had a meeting!" Angela protested as she sat in a chair next to Silla and Joey.

"Just playin with ya." Justin laughed at his own joke. He stuck out his hand. "I'm Justin."

"I'm Joey."

"I'm Chris."

"I'm Lance."

"And i'm JC." The girls went down the table with introductions, shaking each guys hand. They then began talking. Soon, Kaitlyn joined them.

"Kait! Sit down girl! We got you a coke." Silla said. Kait took her seat in between Silla and JC. As she sat, she brushed arms with JC, and grew tense. Why am I feeling like this? I can't... it's too soon. As the guys introduced themselves, she cleared her thoughts and shook their hands. A tingle sensation came when her hand met with JC's. Something she hadn't even felt when she first met AJ. And that scared Kait. She didn't know why, but it did. After their introductions, they ordered, and returned to their conversations. Kait stayed distant, thinking about what had just happened.

"Excuse me for asking.. but are you okay? You aren't talking much." JC whispered to her.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just thinking." She replied, taking a sip of her coke. He nodded and their food arrived. Over lunch, they began to talk about the tour.

"I think it would be better if we performed first." Silla said after swallowing some fries. "We know you guys have more fans than us, and we'd be better off going first."

"But, wow fan u ay hat?" Chris asked, his mouth full with the burger he ordered. the table laughed as he swallowed. "I mean.. how can you say that? You guys have tons of fans! I have seen them!" They continued to talk and again, Kait found herself not listening or paying attention. Just thinking.

"You think alot don't you?" JC asked her. She giggled and sighed.

"I guess. I'm gonna take a walk.. you wanna join me?" She arose from her seat, and JC did the same.

"Sure. Better than these guys." He quietly said. Then he turned towards the remaining people at the table. "We'll be back soon."

The rest of the group acknowledged their disparture, and went back to their conversations on crazy fans. Kaitlyn and JC left through the back door.

Chapter 5
Two In A Million
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