Two In A Million

Chapter 5

"So Kait, what were you thinking about earlier?" JC asked, as they walked the street. Surprisingly, it was deserted, leaving them alone and walking the Florida sidewalks.

What am I gonna tell him? She silentley asked herself. Well JC, I was thinking about you. Your touch sends chills through me that I can't explain. When you talk, I tense up and panic, trying to find what to say. So yeah basically, I was thinking about you. "Oh JC, I don't wanna bore you with my problems."

"No please... go on. I'm sure you won't bore me. I'd like to know." He replied as they turned down a street. Now what am I gonna do? I can't just tell him. I know... She cleared her throat and began.

"Well, you might have already heard that I was dating AJ McLean from the Backstreet Boys. And, you also might of heard that we broke up. Well... we didn't actually break up, but he quit." JC nodded understandingly and she continued. "Ever since then I have been thinking about it. He threw a 6 month relationship down the drain because I was becoming famous. He didn't exactly say it like that, but I could see it in his eyes."

"So your thinking he was jealous of you?" JC asked.

"Well actually no. I think he ws jealous of you." JC's expression grew confused. "When I first told him about the tour he was jealous. And I just don't understand. I never thought there was an actual rivalry between you guys. And I still don't. the only thing that really bothers me is that is sounded like he doesn't trust me."

"Well, the rivalry hasn't been very big until recently." They turned around after reaching a dead end. "But the trust thing.. I don't understand. i know I haven't known you very long, but I can tell you wouldn't do anything! And I trust all the guys would stay away."

"Theres another thing too... what he said... did he not want me to become famous?" Tears weld up in her eyes. Tears she tryed to hold back, but couldn't. Slowly, one ran down her cheek. "I'm sorry."

"No... don't be. It's okay... really. I understand how you feel." Kait smiled and so did JC.

Kait sniffled and laughed. "Well... Mr. Chasez, what about you? I wanna know something about the one and only C in *NSync."

JC thought for a moment. He smiled. "I am terrified of needles." He laughed at his own joke.

"O Hardy Har Har Josh. You crack me up. Seriously okay?"

"Josh?" He asked quizzacly.

"Yeah... Josh. No offense or anything, but I like that better than JC." She smiled.

"I guess I do too. But.." He returned her smile. "If your gonna call me Josh, I have to get a name for you instead of Kaitlyn or Kait. How about.. Katie?"

"NOOOO!!" She protested. "ANYTHING but Katie. I HATE that name!"

"Okay, I understand." He thought again. He says that alot, Kait noticed. But does he truly mean it? "Then how about Kat?"

"Ooh..I like that. Very creative.. never heard it before. So yes... you may call me Kat."

"Okay, well than Kat, here is something about me. A couple of months ago, me and my girlfriend broke up. Her name was Bobbee, and she worked for one of those teen magazines called J- 14."

"Well, why did you break up?"

"She was feeding personal information to the Magazine. I mean PERSONAL. Plus, even if she wasn't, it would have ended. I didn't feel anything special between us. No love."

"Wow, sorry to hear that." They edged nearer and nearer to the restaraunt. "Well, we better go join 'em. Thanks for comin with me Josh, it helped."

"No problem... now lets go." JC smiled and they walked in, making their way towards the table occupied by their friends. They sat back down and joined the converstaion. Kait felt alot better not that she had told someone.

"Alright, we should get going. What hotel are you guys at?" Kait asked a few minutes later, as she stood up and got out her wallet.

"We're at the Desmond. So are you right?" Justin asked. The girls nodded.

"Kat.. keep your money... its on us." JC smiled. She returned it and put her wallet away.

"Well, bye guys. We'll see you later." Ang said, waving as they left the restaraunt. They entered their limo and left.

"Kat!? Kat!?" Sill asked repetedley. She looked at Ang, then at Kaitlyn and wiggeled her eyebrows. Kait rolled her eyes.

"Well.. when we were walking, I called him Josh instead of JC. So he asked if he could call me Kat." She told them. The other two broke out in hysterics.

"We have a Kitty Kat! Wait... give me a break off of that Kit Kat! Ha! We are never gonna let this go you know." Sill said as Angela kept her laughing going.

"Whatever. You guys scare me... your so immature."

Chapter 6
Two In A Million
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