Two In A Million

Chapter 6

5 Days Later

"Yeah! I Love Hell week!" Chris yelled jokingly as they entered the large practice arena. 'Hell Week' was their slang for the grueling week before the tour starts. Everyone was edgey, trying to get everything right. It was pure hell, all the hours they put in to get everything perfect. Hence the name, hell week. Right now was the first day of hell week, and they weren't to excited about it.

"I think the girls are still practicing. Lets watch 'em." Joey suggested. They bounded down the hallway, heading for the stage. "We know JC wants to be there to watch 'Kat'"

The guys laughed and snuck in a few oooo's . "Joe, do us all a favor and Shut Up." JC wacked the back of Joey's head and rolled his eyes. It was true though, he did want to see her. Ever since their walk the other night, she was all he could think about. Think was all he could do, because the dance rehersals and tour meetings didn't give them much time to talk.

"Well JC, its kinda funny." Lance's deep voice joined in. "You just met her like, 5 days ago, and already you have a Pet name for her!" The guys broke out in hysterics.

"And Kat, that is a true petname. You know Cat, Kitty Kat..." Justin walked over to JC. He raised his hand to block what he was saying. "Pussy cat."

JC's jaw dropped as he punched Justin's arm. Justin stopped and winced in pain. It didn't really hurt, he just wanted to get away from JC so he didn't really hurt him. JC and the rest of the group made their way into the pit arear of the arena, now joined by Justin. They found some stray chairs and sat to watch the girls finish one of their songs.

"Great job ladies, way to nail the coreography." Andy said through a microphone at the finish of a song called 'Something More'. "Finish on that for now. Moving on, Angela's skit into 'Special'." The girls nodde as Angela began her little acting job.It was one of those 'Quick Change' moments, where they would run backstage and change out fits. As soon as Ang was finished, she would run out stage and talk.

The band started and Ang began to sing, starting off the song.

From the day I met you,
I couldn't believe my eyes.
Something so peaceful,
Beautiful has blessed my life.

And now I have you,
I never want it to end.
But I know that won't happen..
We'll be together till the end.

"Wow, nice lyrics. I wonder who wrote it." Lance whispered as Kait began.

Cuz I know I can trust you
With my heart and my soul.
And once you see them you
Will never wanna let go.

"What a beautiful voice." JC whispered. Kait was singing with such emotion, and her angelic voice added to that. All in all, she produced a beautiful sound. Now came the chorus with a 3 part harmoney.

O you make me feel so special,
Like I'm sittin on top of the world.
My mind races around
Knowing God must have found,
Time to make it all work out.
You've helped my special come out.

"They are good... really good."Joey said. the guys all agreed and watched again as Priscilla began.

Just want you to know that
My love will never die.

Just then Kait ran backstage crying. "What happened?" Andy asked. The two girls looked at each other then ran backstage. They knew exactly what had happened. Now they just had to find her.

"I'll be back guys." JC stood up then jogged backstage. He had to figure out what happened, though he had a pretty good idea. AJ was the name that ran through his mind. That song must have reminded her of him somehow.

JC searched along with Ang and Priscilla through teh dressing rooms, the hair and make up area's, everywhere... but they still weren't able to find her. He stopped and leaned against the nearest wall to think. Where is she? he asked himself. No one was able to find her. Andy was going crazy, calling her cell and all that. But she couldn't have gone too far, right?

Suddenly, he heard the faint dound of crying through the walls. He turned to see the door to the women's room. Oh great, the one place... God forgive me, and pray that she's the only one in there.

Checking around to make sure no one saw him, JC reached for the handle. Slowly, he made his way into the bathroom. Kaitlyn was sitting on the floor against a wall, head in her hands, crying. She didn't notice him come in, so JC quietly made his way over to her. He sat down, and put a hand on her shoulder. "Kat, whats wrong?"

She lifted her head from her hands. Her eyes were red, and her make up was smudged. The look on her face was one of saddness and surprise. "Josh, you are NOT supposed to be in here!"

"Obviously." He slightly smiled. "But I want to know whats wrong. I'm not gonna let you sit here and cry."

She sighed and wrapped her arms around his neck. She didn't know what posessed her to do it, but right no she didn't care. "I wrote that song."

A little surprised, he returned the hug. Holding her felt so right, and he wasn't sure why. But he returned to their little converstaion. "Well, the song is beautiful. But.. whats the problem?"

"I wrote it for him." She cried on his shoulder, and JC immediatley understood. He knew what things like this felt like, and they hurt bad. So he whispered words of comfort in Kait's ear, trying to ease her pain.

*Note- that is MY song, written by me, so don't take it!*

Chapter 7
Two In A Million
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