Two In A Million

Chapter 7

The next week, first show.

"Girls! Get your cute lil booties in motion! We have 20 minutes!" Justin yelled through the hotel door. The guys were all waiting so they could head out for the arena to do the show.

"Keep your pants on Timberlake! We're coming!" Silla yelled back. She sighed then turned to the remaining two girls. "You got everything?"

"Yeah lets go." Ang replied grabbing her bookbag. She opened the door to reveal the guys and security. "So who do we have today? Sexual Chocolate I see."

"Our security is the best, no doubt about it." Joey replied as they all entered the elevator. It began its drop and they kept the converstaion going. Kait didn't listen. God, they have the stupidest conversations! They were fighting about who's security was better. Personally, she didn't care, as long as she was safe. So Kait sighed.

"Guess I'm not the only one who isn't quite in tune with this conversation." JC whispered in Kait's ear.

She giggeled as the large group stepped out of the elevator towards the tour bus. "Tell me again why this bus is so big. It's bigger than ours." She sat with JC in the very back.

"That would be because there are five of us, and three of you." JC replied. "C'mon, your bus isn't that small."

"I know I was just kidding! But I am gonna be on your bus all the time. I don't wanna have to hear Ang snoring." JC laughed and put his arm around her shoulder. "I can't believe it's the first show already!"

"Are you ready for it?" JC asked as the pus pulled forwards.

"You bet." Kait yawned and rested her head on his shoulder. Her thoughts began to drift to the previous week at the rehersals. How she had ran to the bathroom crying, and how JC's words had helped her.


"I wrote it for him." Kait cried on JC's shoulder. JC stroked Kait's soft brown hair as the tears came from her eyes.

"Kat, I'm gonna be honest with you." JC began. "I know you still aren't over him. Not only because of now, but I can see it in your eyes. When I first met you, your eyes were sad. Never before have i seen a glisten in your eyes, or seen them sparkle like I know they can. And if someone can do that much to you, he must have really meant something. But trust me when I say, he isn't worth the tears that are falling from your eyes. No man who can hurt you so much is. And plus... he's a Backstreet Boy."

Kait released from the hug and wiped her reddened eyes. "I can only imagine what you guys would say if I were still dating him now."

JC laughed. "I don't know about the other four, but I would be jealous that he had such a beautiful woman."

*~End Flashback~*

After that they had spent alot of time together. Jc was actually very surprised he had come out to her like he had. But still, they remained close. To his knowledge, Kait still wasn't over AJ yet. Though the saddness in her eyes was leaving, little by little.

*Later that night*

"We go back on in 5, are you two ready?" Silla asked as the girls prepared for the finale of the concert. They would join the guys in a hit from their 2000 CD.

"YEAH! Let's head for the stage. I still can't believe it's almost over though. I have so much energy!" Kait said as they positioned themselves on the rising platforms. The others laughed and awaited their 'rise' to the stage.


"Well Orlando, we had a great time tonight." Lance yelled through his mic over the screaming fans.

"The girls are supposed to be out here by now." Chris told the fans. "GIRLS!!"

No answer came form them so Chris called again. When no answer came, he turned towards the guys. "They aren't answering. Guys, try it with me. 1... 2... 3."

"GIRLS!!!" The group yelled, but still no answer.

"I have an idea. You... all of you gotta help us." Justin pointed to the audience. "1... 2... 3."

"GIRLS!!" The whole audience yelled.

"WHAT??" Kaitlyn, Angela, and Priscilla yelled. Their mics were now turned on so they could be heard on stage.

"It would be time to get on stage to say goodbye." Joey yelled. "So get your butts up here!"

"Oh. Be right there!" Ang told them, as the platforms started to rise. The guys stood in the front of the stage so they would be 'surprised' when the girls came up. The girls reached the top and fans began to scream. The group each out a finger to their glossed lips to quiet them down. Slowly, they made their way towards the front of the stage where the guys were. "BOO!"

"Girls! okay now lets take our bows..." JC began. The guys bowed and started off the stage. The girls just stood there.

"WAIT!!" Kaitlyn yelled. The guys stopped and she went on. "Theres one more thing..." They walked back towards the front. "Off to the sides, its our turn." They walked over to the sides as the girls positioned themselves in the middle. "Ready? 1... 2..."

They began doing coreography to a familiar beat. Then Kaitlyn began singing.

I'm doing this tonight
Your, probably gonna start a fight
I know this can't be right
Hey baby come on

JC joined with her for the next verse.

I loved you endlessley
When you weren't there for me
So, now its time to leave
And make it alone

Now Silla and Justin sang.

I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I wanna see you out that door
Baby Bye Bye Bye

Then all eight of them sang the chorus to the well known hit 'Bye Bye Bye'. They continued with the song, until the concert ended.

Chapter 8
Two In A Million
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