Two In A Million

Chapter 8

"So now what do we do?" Angela asked as they entered the bus area after the concert.

"Now my dear..." Joey began. "We go clubbin. It is an absolute must after the opening night concert. So get dressed in your best and get ready to PARTY!"

The girls laughed and entered their bus. As they neared the area with their clothes, Silla spoke. "I think this is going to be a LONG night."

They got in their 'clubbin' clothes and met the guys. Ang was wearing black leather pants along with a candy apple red tube top. Silla was wearing Kahki bellbottoms with a pink halter top. Kait had on a pair of black flares and a baby blue tank top.

Kaitlyn rolled her eyes as Angela and Silla tried to make up a song about 'goin clubbin'. No wonder I write all the songs. She thought as they waited in the limo. Their stealing the Ice- Cube song! We be clubbin'? Geeze. "You know, I'm glad you guys don't write songs because that was pitiful. You stole half of it anyways!"

Angela and Silla just laughed as the guys entered the limo. Soon they were off, and ready to hit the clubs.

*Later that night, at the club*

"So, Kat, tell me truthfully... did you have fun?" JC asked as the two sat for a drink at the bar.

"Oh yeah! I am ready to do that every night!" She replied. "That was our first thing even close to a headlining gig. Usually we just open. But seriously, that was fun!"

"You won't be saying that a few months from now!" JC joked. "Well, I didn't come come here to sit, I came to Dance. Come on." He took Kait's hand and led her to the dance floor. She smiled as they began to move to the up beat tempo of a Britney Spears song. Wow he can dance. Kait observed as she watched JC's body move.

She has some nice moves. JC thought as he worked a sweat on the floor along with Kait. The two kept dancing, slowly moving towards each other after each song. Then a slow song began to play.

"Whew! I thought I was gonna pass out!" Kait said as she wiped the sweat off her brow. "Well..."

"Aww.. Come here." He said, pulling her body close to his. She wrapped her hands around his neck as his made her way around her waist. "You know Kat, you have very beautiful eyes."

"Well Joshy, thank you. But I would have to say the same for you." She smiled and rested her head on his shoulder. "I love this song."

"I honestly have never heard it."

"You've never heard of S Club 7?" Kait asked. "I don't blame you, they had a TV show on Fox Family that my younger sister watched. This is like, their only good song."

"Well, I guess you're right." He sighed. "I haven't done this in a long time you know. But I'm glad I'm doing it now."

"Me too. I am really enjoying it." They continued dancing until the song ended. "Over so soon?" Slowly, Kait pulled away. But only to be pulled back by JC when yet another slow song came on. This one being very familiar.

"You have spoken too soon." He whispered as she returned to his arms. The song in the backround? None other than 'Special' by Heaven Sent.

"It feels wierd you know?" Kait asked. "Hearing my voice sing... it's all so surreal."

"I know, but you get used to it after a while. But.. you sing beautifully Kat." Her cheeks turned a shade of red at the words he whispered. After a few seconds of silence, JC continued. "So how are you feeling about... you know..."

"Oh you mean AJ? He's a jerk." She responded. "You and everyone else are right. He isn't worth my tears. It just took me a while to realize it."

"Good. I am glad you feel that way. Now theres something I've been meaning to ask you..."

Slowly, she lifted her head from his shoulder. "Ask away superstar."

"Well," He looked into her eyes. "Would you like to join me tomorrow after the show for some dinner?"

"Are you asking me out?"

"Well... yeah. Are you saying no?"

"NO! Josh.. I'd love to go out with you..."


"But I'm not sure we'll be able to you know? I mean, we leave for the next place after the show tomorrow. I'm not usre we'll be able to go 'out' if we're on a bus."

"I see what you mean. How about this then... we'll watch movies on the bus while eating McDonalds or something." JC proposed.

"Good thinking. Now thats an idea. I think we have a date."

"I think so too."

*Later On*

"Now ladies, wasn't that fun?" Justin asked as they entered the limo that was picking them up from the club. The night was a blast for all of them, and they were all ready to go back to the hotel to hit the sack.

"Never danced so much in my life." Kait said as JC took a seat next to her.

"Yeah, but Kait... usually when a slow song ends and a faster one comes on... you stop slow dancing and actuallly dance." Silla replied, referring to how Kait hadn't left JC's arms the whoile night. They laughed and chatted some more, until they finally reached the hotel.

"C'mon, I'll walk you to your room." JC walked with Kait, slowly dragging behind their group of friends. They made some small talk, just talking about things that didn't really matter. Once in the elevator, they rode in silence. And now, they were standing outside of her hotel room.

"I had a fun time Joshy." She said as she looked into his eyes. They are so beautiful.

"Me too." He gazed right back into hers. "Well, I guess this is goodnight."

Kait smiled and kissed his cheek. "Goodnight Joshy."

"Night Kat."

Chapter 9
Two In A Million
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