Two In A Million

Chapter 9

"Next stop, the wonderful state of South Carolina!" Ang yelled as the buses pulled out of the hotel area. The shows in Orlando were finsished, and they were on their way to other places for the next show.

"So.. what movies do you have?" Kait asked JC as she shut the door to the 'lounge' area in the back of the bus.

"Well, the only one who had any movies was Justin. I hope you like Titanic." He removed the first cassette from the case and stuck it in the VCR.

"Are you kidding?" Kait asked. "I can recite like, every line! May sound shallow, but I used to love Leo."

"I believe it but.." JC began. "Used to? Who is it now? Matt Damon? Ben Affleck?"

Kait sat down next to him. "Well, actually, I had my heart set out on a member of a certain boyband I happen to be touring with."

"Really?" He asked, a little amused by it all. "And who, may I ask, would that be?"

"Justin Timberlake. That kid is hott." She snickered. JC's jaw dropped at the response she had given him "Oh come on! You know I'd never go for that curly haired wonder."

"I know, your too smart." They laughed and sat back to watch the movie.

"Kait! JC! We're at McDonalds!" Sill called from the front. The two looked at each other and went to get their food.

My heart will go on and on

The ending to the well known theme song signaled the ending to the long movie. They had finished their food a while ago, and now Kait was sleeping. A smile appeard on his face when he looked at her. She looked so peacefull in her sleep, and she looked beautiful with her head rested on his shoulder. Gently, he leaned in and kissed her forhead. Stirring only a little, she spoke. "Oh Lance."

A look of disbeliefe came upon JC's face. Kait fluttered her eyes open. "Hey cutie." She kissed his cheek. Resisting the urge to speak back, he grunted in response. "O come one Josh, you know I was only joking! You know, I was just Joshin ya!"

Shaking his head, he got up and relocated to the chair across the room. "Joshua! You are starting to piss me off!" Still no response form him. "Fine... you can give me the silent treatment if you want. I will just have to go talk with Lance about this. I'm sure he wouldn't mind..."

As Kait began to turn the doorknob, JC pulled her back towards him. "O come on Kat, I was only joking! You know, just Joshin ya!" He mocked. Kait lightly puched his arms and smiled, rolling her eyes.

"You know Chasez, sometimes you make me wonder where you came from." Kait said as she sat on his lap on the chair.

"Thats easy. You see, my mom and my dad got together one night.." JC wasn't able to finish, cause Kait leaned in and kissed him. Not really what he was expecting, but hey, he had no problem with this. It wasn't a very passionate kiss either. Just a sweet and simple on. Casually, Kait pulled away. "Now Kat, what was that for?"

"Well, I didn't want to know what your parents did in their spare time, so I had to shut you up somehow. Why.. do you have a problem with that?"

"NO!" JC blushed. "I mean, I don't know. Maybe we should try it again so I could find out."

Kait rolled her eyes and kissed JC again. He pressed his lips against hers as they did their own dance. This time, JC pulled away. "Nope, no problem with it at all."

"Thats what I thought." Kait rested her head on JC's chest and closed her eyes. JC began humming an unknown tune, and they both fell asleep.

*Next Morning*

"Guys! Come on we're here!" Angela yelled above her pounding on the door. Kait opened her eyes and looked at JC, who was sleeping soundly. Smiling, she looked at her wrist watch.

"Angela! Its early!" Kait yelled, forgetting about her sleeping compainion who jerked awake.

"Kat, its 3:30 in the morning. Go back to sleep." JC mumbeled, shutting his eyes again.

"I'm sorry but... We're at our stop. Do you want any coffee or something?" She asked, stepping towards the door. JC stood up and began to stretch.

"Coffee sounds good, now that I am awake." He stretched his arm around her waist. "Morning Kit Kat." He kissed her cheek.

"Morning Joshy." She smiled then turned her head towards him. "And Joshy... don't call me Kit Kat okay?" They laughed and headed out with the rest of the group.

Chapter 10
Two In A Million
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