Two In A Million


The trial was held a year later in Florida. *NSync was no longer a big sensation, they had moved on to other things. Lance, staying with his managment company and being responsible for some of the most up and coming new artists. Chris' FuMan Skeeto was bigger than ever, and Heaven Sent were still its main models. Joey had pursued his acting career, and was very famous on the big screen. JC and Justin both had went on with solo careers, and were both very successful in singing, writing and producing their own music.

The jury sent AJ to jail for 2 years on no bail. They let him off easy because of his 'good behavior' so they said. But Kait didn't care, as long as he was as far away as possible. Heaven Sent remained at the top, beating out the pop stereotypes. Yet they had moved on a but, expanding to a little bit of R&B. And the audience loved it.

Lance and Angela had stayed close, yet weren't involved anymore. They were too good of friends to jeopardize. But both were seeing other people, Ang's flame being a boy named Matthew.

Justin and Priscilla, still a strong couple. Though sometimes scheduales would get in the way, it was no problem. They had a normal relationship, one where they experianced everything a normal couple would. Arguments, Jealousy, ect. But still they stayed strong.

And last but not least, Kait and JC. Where is the couple now? One year after the VMA's? Happily married and expecting a child in January. Aubree Lynn Chasez is the name they had picked out for their baby girl, and the couple couldn't be more happy. The couple often joked about how their relationship resembeled a romance movie. And as you know... they always have a happy ending.


Two In A Million