Way Back When

Chapter 1

"Are you sure they wanted this Kaitlyn Reynolds? I mean, there has to be some sort of mistake... they could not have wanted me to go.."

Nicole rolled her eyes and chuckled at her overly nervous daughter. This was typical of somebody who was heading to where she was heading. "Honey, you have been saying those exact same words for the past week now. And I have given the same response for the past week- there may be another Kaitlyn Renoylds in this world, but not a Kaitlyn Reynolds who is as beautiful and talented as my daughter. That is why they chose you Kait, and that is why your going."

Kait looked at her mother and noticed the tears forming in her brown eyes. "Mom, are you sure you are gonna be okay without me? I mean nobody is gonna be home with you and all.."

"Kait, I already told you I am going to be just fine. Your Aunt Dawn lives just down the street and I can always call your Uncle Bryan for help with anything." Nicole bit her bottom lip and smiled at her daughter as the boarding call for her flight was announced. "Thats you sweetie. I want you to go and have fun on the other side of the country, okay?"

Kait smiled and dropped her bookbag, allowing her to embrace her mother in a goodbye hug. She loved her mother dearly, and was a bit unsure about leaving her alone. Her father had died many years ago and it had always been just her mother and herself. Now they were going to be apart, and that was not something they were prepared for. "I love you, Mom."

"I love you too sweetie."

Kait kissed her mother's cheek and picked up her bookbag, heading into the terminal. Nicole watched as her only baby walked off towards her dream. She was only 15, still so young. Yet, things were happening so fast. There was no doubt that the lord had truly blessed her only child. Kait could act, dance, and most certinley sing. And all her talents had proven useful when they had recieved a call saying that Kait was one of the few who had been chosen as a new cast member on the next season of, 'The Mickey Mouse Club.'

And so, there she went. Off to make new friends, go through new experiances, and start her new life.

All Nicole could do was hope that her baby wouldn't forget what she had left behind.


Kait sighed and set down her book. The first of her two flights was extremley boring. She had waited in the Memphis airport for about an hour before being allowed to board the plane that would take her to Florida.

It wouldn't have been as boring if her cousin, Jessica, had made it. Sure, Kait loved in Califronia and Jessica in Texas, but they still were very close cousins. It was the closest Kait had ever come to a sibling. Though most times being an only child was a blast, other times were boring. Thats the only thing she disliked about it.

"Mom... will you stop treating me like a baby? I'm twelve years old for cripes sake!"

Kait glanced to her right to see a young boy standing beside the seat next to her. The young boy, who had a mop of curly blond hair and a slight southern accent, was putting something into the overhead compartment and stood beside what appeared to be his mother.

"Honey, I am just worried about you! You are my little boy, and I care about you! I want to be there before you leave me!" The curly haired woman replied, placing her hands on her hips.

"Yeah, but you could have done all that in the airport instead of convincing the ticket woman to let you on." The boy rolled his eyes and finished securing his luggage. The mother just laughed and they began to say goodbye.

Kait turned, not wanting to overhear this Mother/Son bonding moment. To occupy herself, she thought of what was to come. Oddly, she had never actually watched the Mickey Mouse Club before, so she had no clue what she was getting herself into. Her friends in Orange County who watched it said that it was a hilarious show with some pretty hott guys. But Kait wasn't looking for a guy, she was looking for some fun. And that is exactly what she planned on having.

Finally she heard the boy fall into the seat beside her, at the same time mumbling something she was unable to understand. When Kait turned to look at him, his eyes were shut and he was taking deep breaths, talking to himself softly. Unable to control it, Kait giggled, and also caught the boys attention.

Kait met his gaze and stopped giggling. "Your mother, she is... overprotective?"

"You have absolutley no idea. Oh gosh she scares me sometimes." He opened his eyes and smiled at the pretty girl sitting beside him. "It took me about 2 weeks to convince her that she didn't need to come with me, and even then she was unsure. And she even thought about moving down here to be with me."

Kait laughed. "I guess all moms are the same. Except, my mom stayed in the terminal."

He also chuckled. "Well, that's mothers for you." He flashed an incredible smile and stuck out his hand. "I'm Justin."

Smiling, Kait met his hand and shook it gently. "Hey Justin, I'm Kaitlyn. But everyone calls me Kait."

"It is nice to meet you, Kait." She could hear his Tennessee accent in every word he spoke. "What brings you on this plane?"

Sould she tell him? Kait bit her bottom lip while pondering. There was really no objections to telling him, but the only question was- would he believe her? "Well, umm.. I... You wouldn't believe me."

"Oh come on, I bet I would." Justin again flashed that smile and Kait almost fell. Keyword here is almost. Again she refused. "Okay, well you probably won't believe mine either. I have been casted on the All-New Mickey Mouse Club this season."

Her jaw dropped. What were the odds of somebody actually joining the cast sitting beside her on the plane? "You have got to be kidding me."

"Umm... I'm not kidding. Why? Don't like the show or something?" Justin asked, raising his eyebrows in question.

"Oh, I have never even watched the show." Kait told him. "Ironically enough, I am a new cast member as well."

"Really?" Justin asked. Kait nodded, and he still wasn't sure. "No lie? You are really on the cast?" Again Kait nodded. "Croos your heart and hope to..."

"I am not lieing, Justin! I am a part of the cast, I went to the audition and I was picked and they called me and said I was supposed to be down in Florida so we could tape and I could meet the new cast members who would be..."

"Kait!" Justin shouted, startling the young female beside him, who was rambling on and on. "I get the point! You made it! Thats cool, we can be buds."

For the rest of the flight, Kait and Justin talked like there was no tomorrow. They figured since the rest of the cast and crew would be complete strangers at first, they could at least make friends with eachother. That way, they wouldn't be left standing alone if something happened.

When they landed in the Orlando airport, Kait and Justin walked off the plane together. Once they entered the airport, they were clueless as to what would happen next. All they had been told was that somebody would be meeting them in the airport and would be their ride. Both figured it would be a producer or something, but stil had no clue what the person was supposed to look like or anything.

In the distance, Justin could see a tall boy standing beside a short girl, holding up a sign that said something on it. They were waiting for somebody, and Justin could almost recognize the taller boy as one of the cast members already on the show.

"Kait, I think I have found our people." Kait followed his pointed finger to where the two were waiting. "Lets go check it out."

Shrugging, Kait followed Justin. If anybody had any clue as to what a cast member would look like, it would be him. From what he had told Kait, he watched the show "every week" and would "sing along to the songs and stuff". Kait found it incredibly cute. If Justin liked what they did on the show, chances are she would too. From their short plane ride, they already figured out they had alot of simalr intrests. Of course there was singing, dancing and acting, but there was also basketball, for example.

As they edged closer, both could make out the words written on the sign. It said "Justin Timberlake & Kaitlyn Reynolds" in big black letters. These were obviously the people from MMC and thats all they were looking for.

"Umm.. hi. I'm Justin and that is Kaitlyn." Justin introduced to the taller one. "You are from the MMC right?"

"Yup, I am."

Kait looked at the male who had answered Justin. He looked around 16, maybe older. His hair was a dark brown, almost black, and was grown out in a wavy kind of mushroom cut. His eyes were a deep blue, and Kait noticed the slight sparkle of happiness in his eyes when Justin mentioned the MMC. He must really like this, Kait thought.

"Hi, I'm JC." He introduced while shaking her hand. Kait smiled shyly and met his firm grip.

"I'm Kaitlyn, but everybody calls me Kait."

"Well Kait and Justin, you are the final ones to arrive, so lets go out to the lot. As you know, your luggage had a special sticker put on it and is being picked up by somebody who will then bring it to the van. "

Both Kait and Justin nodded and began to follow JC, Kait looking forward to getting some rest when she arrived back at where ever they were heading. A tap on her shoulder inturupted her thoughts of sleep. She looked to find the owner, seeing a short brunette with a large smile on her face. "Hi! My name is Britney!"

This should be interesting, Kait thought as they continued to walk. "Hi there, Britney! I'm Kait!" She decided being overley happy as well was the only way to communicate.

"So, Kait, how old are you?" Britney asked.

"I am 15 years old one week ago."

JC's ears perked after hearing her age. He had to admit, from second one he had found Kait very pretty. Now with knowing that she was closer to his age then all the other new cast members would be, JC knew that they would be able to get alot closer.

"You are only 15?" Britney asked, getting a nod from Kait who knew exactly what was coming. "Well, I mean no offense or anything... but you look older than 15 years old."

Kait just chuckled. "Don't worry, I get that all the time. I almost worry when somebody doesn't say that I look older than I actually am. I personally take it as a compliment." Kait shrugged. "So how old are you?"

"I'm 12." Britney said, smiling. "People say I look younger than 12, but I don't think so. I think I look the perfect 12 years old, don't you think?"

"Oh, yeah." Kait rolled her eyes seeing Justin's shoulders move up and down, obviously laughing at her unintrest in Britney's conversation. She stuck her tounge out at him, a real juvenile act that went unseen by everybody's eyes. Britney began to talk to Kait about her time on Star Search, and she paid attention to where JC was leading them. After exiting the airport, they went to a small van which had the letters MMC painted on the side with the classic Mickey logo.

Kait entered and headed straight into the back of the van, signaling for Justin to come and sit beside her. Britney, who was walking in front of Justin, saw her gesture and immediatley thought that it was directed towards her. Making her way through the van, she plopped herself down in the empty seat beside Kait.

"You really want me to sit with you?" Britney asked wide eyed . Justin laughed and watched as Kait tried to figure out something to say.

"Well, umm... actually I wanted..."

"Great! I'm glad you want to be my friend!" Britney set her pink bookbag down and began to talk again. "So like I was telling you, my daddy was so happy when I won Star Search..."

Kait again rolled her eyes then looked over to Justin, mouthing 'I'm sorry' at the same time. He tried his best not to laugh as he occupied the seat beside JC. Kait bit her bottom lip and prepared herself for a long ride.

* * * * *

"Okay Kait, I'll be right back. I am gonna go into the bathroom." Britney said, making her way to the door and to the rest station the van had stopped at. Kait nodded, hoping when she came back her mouth would be taped shut so she would just shut up. Normally, Kait was a good listener. But Britney was just blabbing on about how talented she was and how she was gonna be a big singer one day on broadway and all that crap. It was discusting.

Once Britney was out of a hearing distance, Kait leaned her head back against the headrest and let out a breath. "Oh my freaking god."

"Annoyed, are we?" A voice asked in front of her. Kait opened her eyes to see Justin looking back over the seat, grinning. She wanted to wipe that grin right off this face and make him see how it felt to be put under this cruel and unusual punishment.

"Damn right I am annoyed. That girl can freakin talk!"

"Tell me about it." JC said, turning to look over the seat at Kait. "It was her and I for a good hour before you two finally came. She told me all about her episodes of Star Search and how she had alot of guys who wanted to be her boyfriend after she won. Then she asked me if I had a girlfriend, and when I replied no she told me all about the one boy she liked that she was waiting to go out with. I swear... she is like a talking robot."

"Oh somewhere in her chat about all her achievments she asked me if I had a boyfriend too. Then when I said no, she told me that she had broken up with her boyfriend so she could be on the show." Kait said dramatically. "I guess the same story just wasn't good enough for a second time."

"Aww, you guys are mean. Just give her a chance!" Justin said, nudging Kait's shoulder. Kait smiled mischeviously as an idea came to her mind.

"Justin, would you come and sit beside me for a second please? And bring your bookbag."

Oblivious to what she was doing, Justin picked up his bookbag and sat where he originally intended on sitting. "What do you need, Kait?"

Kait grinned evily as she picked up her bookbag and hopped over the seat into the one that was once occupied by Justin. "Okay just move over into my seat..."

JC watched, now knowing what Kait was up to. Justin still had no clue and scootched over into her old seat. "What are you doing Kait?"

"Justin, I'm letting you give Britney a chance! Thats all she needs!" Kait replied in mock censierity.

His eyes widened and he began to shake his head in protest. Just when he was about to speak up, Kait did for him.

"Hey, Brit, while you were gone Justin and I switched seats. I didn't think you would mind because I want to get to know JC here a bit and Justin told me that he wanted to be your friend!"

Her eyes lit up. "He... he wants to be my friend?" Britney turned to Justin. "You really do?"

Justin swallowed a lump in his throat and smiled weakly at Britney. "Well, yeah!" He said, trying not to show his odd fear of listening to her talk. "Of... of course I want to be your friend!"

Kait laughed seeing the death stare she was recieving from behind her. Justin was going to try and get her back, no doubt. But she would be prepared like she always was. She broke from her thoughts to hear JC laughing.

"That was perfect." He said in between chuckles. "I could not have done it any better myself! Wow, you must practice to be that good."

"Yeah, I know. Everybody was always nice to me back in California because I would get them back really bad if they pissed me off."

The grin on her face was classic. "You wouldn't do anything like that to any MMC cast members would you?"

"Hmm..." She gave him an innocent look that made her look like she could never do anything wrong. "Maybe, but you don't have to worry. I like you already."

"Aww, thats sweet. Thanks." He said in mock praise. "But seriously, you are from Cali?"

"Born and raised in Orange County!" She said happily. "Its an awesome place. The only downside is earthquakes, and we don't get big ones to often."

"Thats cool. Probably alot better than Maryland, thats for sure." He said, giving her a hint to where he was from. "Have you ever surfed at all?"

Surfing. It was odd for a girl, but she loved it. And she was the best in her town. "Hell yeah I surf. My Uncle Bryan and I drive to the beach every other Saturday to catch some waves. There is a beach just for sufers... no swimmers. It is like heaven."

"Maybe you could be on Emerald Cove then." He said, giving an idea. By the look she gave him, he could tell she had no clue what he was talking about. "Have you ever watched the MMC before?"

"Well, no not actually. My TV doesn't get Disney and I guess I never watched it before with friends or anything." She just shrugged. "But what is Emerald Cove?"

"It's a little club series about a group of High Schoolers who go to Emerald Cove High School. 5 of them are in a band called 'High Density' and they have friends who tag along with them. And Emerald Cove, the place in the show, is like a surfers haven. I play 'Wipeout', the surfer guy. I say gnarly so much on it that its becoming a usual word for me now."

"Thats typical surfer stereotype! We don't say gnarly, unless you want to be 'cool' or something." She giggled slighty then looked at JC seriously. "They probably wouldn't be looking for new cast members to be on it though." Kait said, semi dissapointed.

"You never know. As far as I know, you are the oldest new cast member. They had to actually cast a few actors and actresses to play roles that we didn't have MMC cast members for, so I bet if I ran the idea for a new surfer girl by, they might go for it."

"You shouldn't do that for me, JC..." Kait blushed and looked down at her hands.

"No, really. Just the other day they gave me a script and said, 'I think it is time that Wipeout gets a girlfriend'. It kind of blew me back because Wipeout isn't the boyfriend type, but they're the writers." He just shrugged. "Besides, they don't need to get somebody who can't surf. They can get a real one."

"You know what? That would be awesome." Kait said with a thankful smile. Here was this guy she hardly knew, and he was already helping her get more roles on the show. It was really nice.

Just before he was about to reply, a yawn escaped her lips. "Jet lagged?"

"Oh yeah." She shut her eyes and leaned her head back against the headrest. "Would anybody kill me if I took a nap?"

"Oh no. We don't reach the studio's and stuff for another," he loked at his watch and quickly did the math. "Another hour or so, so you can nap if you'd like."

"Then I am out." JC watched as Kait shut her eyes again and began to drift off into sleep. He was surprised at how drawn to her he was. He had never been attracted to a girl like this, not even his old girlfriends. And here she was almost 2 years younger than he.

As her breathing slowed, Kait leaned her head sideways rested it on JC's shoulder. Though he was a bit surprised, he knew that it was just her unconciousness taking over. But he wasn't about to just push her off. So, being a bit tired from his early wake up call that morning, he closed his eyes and relaxed, hoping sleep would consume his body as well.

Soon enough, JC was out like a light and his head drooped down to rest a top hers, leaving both asleep and close.


Chapter 2 - Way Back When - Home - Contact Me