Way Back When

Chapter 3

"Okay, so how about we get this moving?" Jordana, co-head writer of the MMC crew said. "How about we first find out who everybodys favorite is. I mean which one really stands out as a spark in your minds?"

This meeting was happening on Friday while the new members filmed their opening shot. Yesterday, Jordana and her two co-head writers had spent most of the day talking with the eight new kids. First they talked individually and then as a group.

"I think," Scott, a co-head spoke. "That Justin has amazing character. He would be a great guy to use in the skits with older cast members. He would totally stand out and it would make it even funnier. Plus, he has a good backround and is a great kid all together."

"Okay, Scoot favors Justin. What about you, Troy?"

"I thought Kait was a great girl. Her personality was bubbly, her smile was beautiful, she got along with everybody, and she just gave off good vibes." Troy told the other two.

"Alright then, heres what I think." Jordana smiled and began to voice her opinion. "Britney was absolutley adorable. Some may have found it annoying the way she talks so highly of herself, but I look at it another way. I think all the self confidence she has is amazing for somebody so young."

Each of the three nodded, agreeing with everybodies opinion. The three were chosen as co-heads because of the way their minds think and how they could interpret even the littlest things into something that would make all of the difference in the end result. They were doing that in their meeting right now. Seeing who could do what and how they would favor everybody.

"What about couples? We need to get those together, right?" Troy asked as he doodled on his note paper. The other two nodded and he spoke with his idea. "Then Britney and Justin."

Jordana smiled. "I was thinking the exact same thing. There is this cute chemistry about them that makes them so compatible. They would look adorable together in the couple skits."

"I agree." Scott said while making his own notes. "What about Christina and Ryan?"

Imnmediatley Troy shook his head. "I thought about those two earlier and I think that they would be better as a friendly thing. Like, put them in skits together, but not as a couple."

"What do you two think," Jordana spoke. "About pairing Kait with an older cast member?"

"That," Troy started. "Could work, but it all depends on who you have in mind."

"Were you thinking along the lines of Matt? Or maybe even Marc? Remember that it can't be Tony because he is with Kerri. But maybe even..."

"Scott!" Jordana spoke, inturupting his ramblings. "Its not Matt, Marc, or Tony. I was thinking about putting Kait with JC."

Both thought about it, and Jordana spoke her opinion more. "I mean, she is the oldest new member, and she really knows how to surf. Weren't we discussing a couple of weeks ago how Wipeout needed a girlfriend? I mean, I know we weren't going to allow new members to be on Emrald Cove, but something about her and JC just screams couple."

"Jordana, I think you're right." Scott said. "I think they have a certain chemistry between them already. Remember the footage from Disney? They rode on all the rides together, and JC even did her interview/introduction thing."

Troy smiled. "I think that it would be a golden idea to put them together."


"Okay now, stand up straight... right there." Claudia, costume director, instructed Nikki as she measured her pant size.

All eight new members were in the wardrobe room and reading the first scripts they had recieved. The show would be recorded tomorrow and each of the "newbies" would be in a skit or two. TJ had come up with the nickname "newbies" when they were in Disney the other day. All eight of them were to stand in a group in front of Cinderella's castle while introducing themselves individually. Then they would all say, "And we're the new cast members for The New Mickey Mouse Club!"

Most everybody thought that was to long. They were told that they could come up with something new and shorter. TJ said the word, and they recorded it with the ending being, "And we're the MMC newbies!"

All eight became great friends after hanging out in Kait and Christina's room the night after meeting the writers. They were laughing and having fun while getting to know eachother. Terri had heard the commotion and came to see what was going on. Since the boys weren't supposed to be in a girls room, they had to hide. Ryan and Tate jumped in the shower and hid behind the curtain, and TJ and Justin rolled underneath the girls' beds. Kait and Christina staged it as a "getting to know the girls" kind of thing and Terri smiled, believing every word of it.

Everybody was less shy and more friendly now. Even Britney was less interested in herself and more interested about others. Tate was not shy once somebody got to know him, but he was still quiet around the older cast members. Kait, Justin, and Ryan became great friends. Nikki and Christina were becoming close, and TJ was the all around nice guy. It was a great beginning.

As one at a time they were measured, the others practiced reading their lines aloud and with eachother. All were in at least one skit, with a select few in two.

"Okay, I am gonna read my introduction thingy now, okay?" Kait told them after they finished doing what they could of one skit. She was to introduce the musical performance of the show. "You guys have to pretend you're the audience, okay?" She asked as Nikki finished her measuring.

"I am the last one, so we're done you guys." Nikki said as she picked up her script.

"Just let me practice this before we go, okay?" She asked as a new member walked in the wardrobe room. The boy looked towards them and Kait recognized him as JC. He waved and smiled at her and she couldn't help but smile back.

"Kait! Are you with us?" Ryan asked while waving a hand in front of her face. She stopped smiling and looked back at her fellow newbies, a shade of pink coming across her face.

"Sorry you guys, I just kinda zoned out there." She apologized while looking over her part a minute.

Britney smiled, knowing that Kait hadn't just zoned out. She too had seen JC walk in the room, and Brit saw the smile that was directed towards Kait. They had to have liked eachother in some way, because JC would have said hi to everybody if he didn't feel anything towards Kait. This is going to be great! Britney thought.

"Whos ready for some cool music?" Kait asked. The others cheered and a smile appeared on her face. "Well then give a hand for JC and Tony singing 'I Saw Her First!'"

Laughter escaped her lips as she finished and the others joined in as well. They didn't really know why Kait was laughing, but they were laughing at her. When she laughed she sounded like a cross between a seal and a dolphin, and was hilarious. They also just felt like laughing. With all the work they had been doing and the work that was to come, they needed to have a good time.

Once everybody had calmed down, they decided it was a good time to grab a bite to eat for lunch from the dining hall. Kait was about to leave when a voice stopped her.

"Kait, could you stay behind for a minute please?" Claudia asked as she searched through a basket with needles and thread as JC stood off to the side.

"Sure." She said, then turned to the others who were waiting. ""I'll catch up later guys. Go on and eat."

All seven nodded, leaving Kait to sit on the couch. JC saw her and sat down beside her as Claudia began to stich together a tear in his Emerald Cove costume.

"Hey JC, whats up?"

"Not much. Just getting a shirt tear fixed for the Emerald Cove shirt I am supposed to be shooting in. You?"

"We had a measuring a few minutes ago and now Claudia called me back to stay, so here I am." Kait said, moving her legs to sit Indian style on the couch.

"Forgive me if this sounds rude or anything," JC said while sitting up a bit. "But, you guys are always hanging out together and stuff. Don't you ever seperate?"

Kait chuckled slightly. She didn't take offense at all, because she felt the same way. "I wish we seperated, but I guess some of them just think we are supposed to band together like this. I would like to hang out just a few at a time, but somehow another finds out and the whole group is invited."

"That must stink." he said, looking at his hands to try and find the courage for his next question. "Umm, I was wondering... have you heard about the dance/party thats going on tomorrow night to celebrate?"

"Somewhat. I don't really know the details, just that the set is gonna be turned around and its gonna be alot of fun."

"Well, its a really casual thing and I was just wondering..." JC took a breath and tried to find some words. "Well, there are alot of dances and stuff, and I was just... would you like to go with me?"

Kait raised her eyebrows in suprise. "You mean, me be your date?"

"Yeah, I guess. If you don't want to then I completley understand. I mean, you just got here and haven't gotten a chance to get to know all the guys around here, and not just the ones that are on the show. I mean, Ilana sees a guy outside of the cast, so if you want to do that too then.."

"Yes, I'd love to." She told him, stopping his ramblings. JC looked up and smiled at her, hearing her answer though he was going on. His cheeks were flushed with embarassment at his ramblings. He felt like a complete idiot, but at the same time he felt relieved because she had said yes.

"JC, the sewing is done." Claudia said, walking over and handing him the once split shirt. "Kait, I'll be right back."

She left into the backroom and JC stood up, shirt in hand. "I need to go, but I can call you later. What time are you usually up to?"

"I usually hit the sack around 11:00 or 11:30." Kait told him softly, knowing they were supposed to be in bed by 10:30. If Claudia could hear she may get in trouble.

"Ok. Toni and Kerri are usually on the phone until 10:00, but they may even be going out tonight. So expect around 10:00 or 10:30 okay?"

"I'll be waiting." Kait smiled, waving as JC said goodbye. She uncrossed her legs, wondering why she had to stay back and what she was gonna wear to that party.

"Hey, Kait?" Claudia asked as she came out from the backroom. "I'm sorry I kept you back. We don't have the thing I am looking for, so you are free to go. Again, I apologize. The shipment should be in next week, I will have you come when it arrives."

"That's okay." Kait smiled and waved, leaving the room she had been in for the past hour and a half. Her stomach was still doing somersaults, remembering moments before when JC had asked her to be his date.

As she walked the hallways, Kait decided not to go to lunch but to retire to her room. Christina wouldn't be there, so it would be a break from the constant attention everyone always recieved. And it would be great just to relax and think about things. She did really like JC. He had been a great guy since the moment they had met. Her mom would definitley approve of him.

After entering the room, she went straight towards the bedroom. Once in the room, she fell backwards onto her bed. Her eyes shut and a cheesy smile came across her face. In the beginning, she hadn't been wanting a boyfriend. But JC would definitley be an exception.


"So she said yes?" Dale asked JC as they waited for their scene to be called.

"Yeah, she is gonna be my date tomorrow night." JC said, amazed that she had actually said yes. Aside form the ride in the van and Disney, they hadn't really spent alot of time together.

"But, dude," Marc Worden began, "Isn't she young?"

"Kait old me," JC said, remembering the first few hours they spent together. "That she just turned 15. I just turned 16, so its not like a big time gap or anything."

Kerri turned to JC. "Wait a minute, she is 15?" JC just nodded, not knowing why she was questioning her age. "If she is 15, how come she didn't join the cast earlier? I mean, she would have been old enough."

JC remained silent. He didn't know why she hadn't been a part of the cast earlier. It was possible that they didn't contact her until now, but the talent producer usually never held out on a new member when a new season rolled around. It was something he definitley needed to ask her.

"JC and Dale, we need you out here."

Leaving the green room to enter the set with Dale, JC had his mind elsewhere. He knew Kait had some kind of mystery inside of her, but he didn't know what it was. It was something he was determined to solve.


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