Way Back When

Chapter 4

"And thats it! Wrap on the first episode of the new season!" The director called from his position behind the camera. Everybody on the set and in the audience clapped and cheered, for the show was great. Everything went smoothly and just as planned. All in all, it was a great first episode.

"You'll recieve the next three scripts after the party tonight. Tomorrow we will be filming some MMC Van stuff, but everybody will be doing something." Jordana told them. "Robin is getting ready for some musical numbers and others will be meeting with the coreographer at set times. All of that information will be dropped off at your room tonight."

All nodded, wanting to leave as soon as possible. It was 4:30, and they needed all the time they could recieve to get ready for the party tonight. It officialy started around 6:00 and they had to perfect their appearances for some of it was being recorded for a memory tape.

Kait was the last to enter her assigned dressing room. Once inside with the other three new girls, Nikki greated her with a large smile. "Hey Kait! You did great out there!"

Kait sat down and began to take off her shoes. "Thanks, Nikki. We all did a great job, in my opinion."

Christina emerged from the bathroom included in their large room and looked at Kait and Nikki. "Do any of you know if the audience sticks around? There was this cute boy in there that I was talking with while filming the end and I wanted to catch him before he left."

"I am pretty sure they are all still out there. Bill the audience prep guy is most likely thanking them for coming and telling them when the show will air and all of that stuff." Nikki said. Kait was secretly amazed at how much knowledge was coming from her, since she was normally kind of ditzy. "You can probably wait for them by the exit door."

Christina stood, still in her stage outfit, and headed towards the door. "Well then I am heading out there! Anybody want to join me?"

"Sure!" Nikki said, immediatley jumping from her seat and rushing over to the door with Christina. "Maybe I can find a boy I like too!"

The two left while Kait chuchled slighty and turned in her chair to take off her makeup. Those two were definitley boy crazy. Just the other day Christina had told Kait that both her and Nikki had a crush on a male cast member, but Kait figured they moved on quickly. As she began to take off her makeup, Kait absentmindedly began singing the song JC and Tony had sung earlier. Britney walked out of one of the many racks of clothing along the walls of the room smiling. She had just found the perfect outfit for the party tonight. Her smile grew even wider when she heard the tune Kait was singing. Slowly she sat down and began to sing along, also taking off her makeup.

All Kait did was grin while the two of them sang in harmony the tune they had memorized. Once they were done, Kait noticed Britney's grin and remembered what she was looking in the racks of clothing for. "Did you find anything to wear?"

Her grin widened in excitement, and Britney picked the outift up from where she had draped it over Christina's chair. "Isn't that cute? I am so glad they are letting us wear the stage outfits because I didn't pack anything for stuff like this!"

"I have an outfit that I am gonna wear. It's funny, because I thought I would be bringing it for no apparant reason. But now I get to wear it!" Kait said, thinking about her "date" with JC. She definitley wanted to look good for him, considering that he was older and had been a cast member longer.

Rasing her eyebrows in sudden intrest on the dazed look on Kait's face, Britney sat back down in her assigned chair next to Kait's. "If I tell you a secret, can you answer one of my questions?"

Figuring there was nothing wrong, Kait shrugged her shoulders. "Sure, whats your question?"

"Well I am gonna tell you the secret first, so then you have to answer my question." Britney told her, using the tricky knowledge her older brother had taught her. "Okay. So umm... Justin and I are kind of, kind of going to the party together."

Kait giggled in mock surprise. Justin and Kait were friends, so he had told her as soon as Britney accepted his offer. It came as no surprise, but Kait decided to make Britney happy and pretend like she didn't already know the 'secret'. "So you guys are going out? That is sooo cute!"

Blushing, Britney looked down at her hands. "Yeah, I guess. I didn't know he liked me until yesterday." Britney sighed and looked up, staring straight into Kait's eyes. "Now for my question, which you have to answer. Whats the deal with you and JC?"

Biting her lower lip, Kait lightly shut her eyes. How Britney had found out was not in Kait's knowledge. As far as she knew, both her and JC had kept mum about the whole situation. She herself didn't want to make a big deal about it. Silently she contemplated whether to tell Britney or not.

"Kait! Did you die on me or something?" Britney asked as she waved a hand in front of Kait's face. As Kait snapped back into the conversation, Britney just giggled. "You must like him or something because you just completley zoned out!"

Looking down at her hands, Kait chuckled slightly. "I guess I did."

Britney noticed as Kait suddenly became greatly interested with the ring on her finger, twirling it and doing anything but looking up. Britney cleared her throat, hoping it would bring Kait back to the question. Britney very well knew something was going on with her and JC, she just needed to find out what.

Realizing she would not be able to get out of this, Kait just sighed. "Brit, if I tell you this then you need to promise me that you will not tell anybody! Even after the party, don't tell Justin, don't tell your mom, don't tell your dead cat. Just don't tell anybody."

Nodding, Britney locked pinkies with Kait and grinned. "I swear on my pinkie finger that I will not tell a single soul- living or dead. Now tell me!"

Slightly sighing, Kait prepared herself to tell the young girl in front of her. "Well, we aren't going out, but we are kind of going to the party together."

"Oh my gosh! I knew you and JC liked each other!" Britney exclaimed while bouncing up and down in her seat. "That is so cool. You and JC and Justin and I can go on double dates!"

Putting her hands on her friend's shoulders, Kait stopped Britney from getting over excited. "Will you calm down please! I don't want this to go out, because I don't know if we are going to progress to a couple. So as of now, no double dates. So please, show no real excitement?"

"You got it! I am not excited at all." Britney said before letting out a tiny gille. "Okay I am sorry. Now I am really not excited."

Within minutes, the two had left to their rooms to get ready for the party, Christina and Nikki following close behind.


"Christina, you can head to the party without me! I am just gonna finish up here then I will be there in five minutes!" Kait called from the bathroom of their room.

Christina gace the closed door an odd look. "Don't be foolish, I'll wait!"

"NO!" Kait said suddenly, then realizing her mistake. "I mean, no. I don't want you to be late because of me. I mean, it's the first party of the season, you don't want to make a bad impression like I am gonna."

Slowly walking towards that door that led out to the hallway, Christina shrugged. "Okay, I'll see you there!"

Shutting the door, Christina began to walk down the hall to the room where the party was being held. She didn't know why kait had wanted her to go ahead. If she didn't know any better, she would think something was up with Kait. But she didn't think it, because Kait would have told her of anything happening tonight.

As she edged nearer to the end of the hallway, Christina saw JC walking quickly in the other direction. Wondering what was up, she decided to ask, "Hey JC, where is the fire?"

JC turned to look at her and began walking backwards. "Oh, hey Christina. Just in a hurry to get to the party. But I can't talk, so I'll see you there!"

"But..." Christina began. After seeing she had lost his attention, she lowered her voice's volume so she was telling herself. "...the party is the other way."


A knock sounded at the door. Kait's palms began sweating and she lost all calm she had before. All she could do now was hope that for the rest of the night, things would go okay.

Kait felt a little bad for kicking out Christina, but she didn't want her to be all giggly or anything. All she wanted was to say hi to JC and leave for the party. It wasn't going to be a big deal to anybody. Kait kept telling herself that, hoping that it would be true.

Quickly sighing, something she had grown accustomed to since her arrival at MMC, Kait opened the door reveal the person she was expecting. JC smiled at her appearance and took her hand. "Don't mean to rush you or anything, but are you ready to go?"

Kait smiled, shutting the door and grinning. "Definitley."

Together, the two walked, talking about the first show and its outcome. Kait made sure to compliment JC on his beautiful singing voice and JC also complimented her on her natural acting ability. Basically, they just chatted until entering the party.

The beginning of the party was actually pretty boring. They all had a sit down dinner and just talked quietly. Kait and JC got to talk more, not noticing the constant glances from both Britney and Christina. Britney's were giggly, while Christina's were from curiosity.

After the crew members gave speeches, the dance started. Everybody started having a really good time showing off their skills on the floor. During the few slower selections, Kait and JC danced while talking to each other quietley.

Neither noticed the glances their way from Christina, but they did notice something else. The feeling they got while dancing wasn't one they had expected. Both Kait and JC got a friendly vibe, and nothing else.


"So how did you like the party?" JC asked as they slowly edged nearer and nearer to her door. The party officialy ended about 10 minutes ago, but the two stuck behind to talk with Jordana. She had informed them of the new character on 'Emerald Cove' Kait would be playing, and what her role in the show would be. Needless to say- a surprise for both of them.

"It was fun, actually." Kait told him. "I could have done without the diner and speeches, but the dancing and stuff was fun."

Smiling, JC nodded. They finally reached the door to her room and stopped in front of it. Neither really knew what to do. Both had something on their minds to tell the other, but didn't quite know how to let it out. After moments of silence went by, they both decided that they were just gonna come out and say it.

"I think we should just stay friends...." They both said in unison.

Both laughed, and JC spoke after. "I know that I like you, but I don't think I would feel right limiting you to just me when you don't really know anybody from around the area."

Kait nodded then began to state her own reasons. "Plus, even though we have talked alot, I usually hang out with a guy more before I start dating him. Plus, you are a good looking guy, I bet there are other girls who are lining up to date you."

Both agreed on staying good friends. After a "friendly" hug and a few "friendly" kisses on the cheek, Kait entered her room and JC left for his own room.


Kait looked to see Christina sitting on the couch already dressed in her pajamas. "I have been waiting for 10 minutes! Were you with your new friend JC?"

"Yeah, my friend JC." Kait said, taking off her shoes and preparing to tell Christina the whole story.


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