Way Back When

Chapter 7

"So tell me about that cute blond guy on the show."

Kait looked at Abby, her best friend of nine years. "Which blond one? We have like, two of them."

Abby pondered a moment before replying. "He's the one that has a really nice voice and really blond hair."

Sighing, Kait crossed her legs Indian style. The two of them had spent the day the day surfing at the beach with Kait's uncle. Now they were resting while he had run off to get some subs. "Okay, Abs, that was absolutely no help at all. Are you sure you watch the show?"

"Yes, I watch the show. There is a blond kid with straight hair and curly hair. the guy I am talking about has straight hair."

"Okay, then you're talking about Ryan." Kait replied as she saw her Uncle's truck come into view. "What do you want to know about Ryan?"

Abby rolled her eyes. "You know, the basics. Who he hangs out with-"

"He and Justin are like, best friends. Partners in crime. He is also really close with Tate and TJ."

"Okay," Abby thought. "How old he is-"

"I am pretty sure he is 13, but then again I could be wrong."

"And does he have a girlfriend?" Abby asked shyly, ignoring the fact that he was three years younger.

As Kait began to laugh hysterically, her Uncle Bryan came with the subs. He handed Abby hers and sat down in a chair beside the girls' towels. "I haven't seen her laugh this much since before she left for the show! What did you do, Abs?"

Abby rolled her eyes. "All I did was ask if a kid on the show, Ryan, had a girlfriend!"

Bryan's eyes widened as he grinned. He was very involved in Kait's life, especially since her father died. "Is this the same one who-"

"No, Uncle Bry! Let me tell her!" Kait said as she calmed herself and received her sub from her Uncle. Her entire family had heard this story before. They all found it very humorous. Kait took a deep breath then began.

"Okay, so really early in the season, Ryan asked me out. I told him no, then that night JC and I began dating. I guess he was jealous, but I'm not entirely sure if what he was doing was out of jealousy. We stayed friends, but he started bringing these random girls that he met at Disney to the parties we had. He would dance with the girl near JC and me, I guess trying to make me jealous. By the end of the night, the girl would end up ditching him for whatever reason. TJ even ended up with a girlfriend from one of Ryan's chicks!"

Abby almost choked on her turkey sub as Kait finished the story. "Are you serious?"

"Yep." Before continuing, Kait took a sip of her lemonade. "Ryan is a great kid though. He's funny as all hell. He was just trying too hard. But he eventually stopped when he realized I wasn't gonna break up with JC for him."

After discussing some of the things that had happened in school while Kait was gone, the girls took a walk down the beach as Kait's uncle went back to surf more. Their black wetsuits were no different tan those worn by the few other people who were around. They were on the surfing section of the beach, which meant no swimmers allowed.

"So let's get back to the kids on the cast." Abby said as her bare toes squished in the sand below. "What's with the little girl who crinkles her nose? You know, she kind of smiled and makes this face," Abby smiled and scrunched her nose to imitate the face Kait knew all to well.


"Yeah, I think that’s her name." Abby replied, not quite remembering.

"Brit is such a little sweetheart." Kait began, bringing up one of her best female friends on the cast. "First off, let me say that everybody- the director, choreographer, producer- they all tell her to stop doing that face."

As Abby chuckled, Kait continued. "She is 12, and a little dancing machine. In the beginning everybody thought she was annoying. Then she started being nice, everybody backed off, blah blah blah. Now she is really nice, but sometimes too nice. I always tell her, "Brit, you gotta start saying no and putting you're foot down more often' then she goes-"

"Wait a minute." Abby stopped Kait mid sentence. "You are giving this poor young girl advice about putting her foot down and being not nice? This coming from Ms. 'Sure-I'll give-you-an-autograph-on-my-second-night-home-while-I'm-out-with-my-friends-for-the-first-time-in-a-year!' Please, Kait. Let the girl do her own thing."

"Ok, Abs. First of all, the girl who asked me for my autograph had to have been about 8 years old. I am not goon say no to that. Second of all, I am trying to help Britney so she won't end up like me."

Kait missed little playful arguments like these. Abby and Kait had been friends for nine years. They met in the school sandbox when Abby's older brother, Jake, pushed Kait and called her stupid-face. Kait was very soft at this age, and began to cry. Abby then went and told her mother on Jake and the two girls became an unstoppable duo.

The night all of Kait's closest friends had taken her out was like old times. The 5 of them- Kait, Abby, Michelle, Deryck, and Steve- went to eat at the local burger joint and then driving in Michelle's new car. Along the way, they all cracked jokes on eachother and had a good time. The others would watch amused as people would recognize Kait and ask for a picture and an autograph. Until then, the fact that their good friend was watched three times a week in home across America never really hit them.

"-so anyways, Britney kind of goes out with a cast member. You know Justin? They are like you and Alan when you were in 6th grade. You hung out, held hands, danced and whatnot. You were just adorable. Britney and Justin say their a couple, but I doubt they have really even kissed yet."

"So you and JC are the most serious couple on the cast?" Abby asked as they sat back at their original spot.

"Well, yes and no." Kait sighed quickly, thinking of how much she missed JC. "Tony and Kerri are way more serious; at least when they're together. They are like a soap opera couple. They're on, they're off, and you always wonder what they're gonna do next."

"Now, correct me if I'm wrong, but JC and Kerri are good friends?" Abby asked, remembering the talks about JC they had been through.

"Yeah. Us and Kerri and Tony have even gone on some double dates because JC is such good friends with the both of them. I guess that has brought me closer to them too. But Kerri is so beautiful! I wouldn't be surprised if JC thought she was prettier than me."

"Oh, Hun, shush. Don't even talk like that. I don't know JC personally, but from what you tell me- he wouldn't think that."


Kait's Uncle Bryan was running towards them, board in hand, dripping wet. Both paid attention as he continued to make his way to them. "We really need to head back! It's so late, and traffic is gonna be really heavy because of the tourists coming for fireworks tomorrow."

"Oh! That's right!" Abby said, remembering the big day. "Tomorrow is the fourth of July, and you're big 1-6!"

Kait just ignored Abby as they walked to her Uncle's red pickup. She would be really excited tomorrow. Hey, you only turn 16 once! Yet, that was also the problem. All her friends at MMC- including JC- would be missing the big celebration. Even though they would definitely be having a party to celebrate the summer birthdays when everybody returned, it still wouldn't be the same without them there tomorrow.


The phone in Kait's bedroom rang. Glancing at the clock on her bedside table, she saw that it was 9:00 am. This was far to early a time to be woken up, especially on her vacation. This person would either have to be JC, or be dying in order for Kait to stay on the line.

"Hello?" Kait asked groggily as she sat up in bed.

"Happy Birthday, sweetie!"

"Mom? Where are you and why aren't you home?" Kait asked, wondering why her mother was on the phone instead of there in person.

"You are going to be an excellent mother one day." Kait could almost hear her mother smiling through the phone. "But anyways, I was just out getting some last minute things for the party tonight."

"Well, okay. Uh, did you just call to say happy birthday?" Kait asked, standing up to stretch her tired muscles.

"Pretty much. Just wanted to be the first to say Happy 16th and also waking you up. I bet you will be getting alot of calls throughout the day, and I wanted to you hear as many as possible."

"Thanks, Mom." Kait yawned as she got out the outfit she was to wear that day. "See ya later."

"Bye, sweetie."


Nicole hung up the phone then sat, twiddling her thumbs nervously. What she had been waiting for would be arriving any moment now. She just hoped that there was no confusion as to who she was and where to go. Everything was planned perfectly, and the rest of the day was supposed to run on perfect schedule.

Mrs. Reynolds knew Kait's sweet 16 would be sad enough as it was. No father attending the party, and also missing half of her friends. So she hoped this part of her present would cheer her up some. She definitely knew her daughter would be very surprised.

People passed as the woman became even more nervous. It embarrassed Nicole a little. She was a 47 year old woman, acting like an anxious 5 year old awaiting a candy reward. All she could do was wait, and pray that everything would go as planned. Nicole didn't want any crying breakdowns, injuries, or anything. She wanted her daughter's Sweet 16 to be perfect.

An equally nervous boy walked up to her. Nicole smiled as she sat upright as the boy held out his hand for a shake. "Hi, Mrs. Reynolds? My name is-"

"Yes, dear. I know who you are, so no need to worry about silly things like that." The boy smiled back as she stood up. "Shall we leave so you can get to my daughter as quickly as possible?"

"Yes please. I can't wait to see her!"


For the tenth time that morning, Kait hung up the phone. Her mother was right, bunches of people had called already. Though Kait loved the fact that everybody remembered her birthday, it was quite annoying as well. The ring of the phone was like a shrieking broken record. How she wanted to rip the cord out of the wall.

As Kait collapsed onto her bedroom couch, the phone rang yet again. Groaning, she began to get up. As the tired muscles in her legs reacted, Kait lay right back down again. This person would just have to settle with the answering machine for now. She would call them back later.

After the recently recorded message finished, she closed her eyes so she could relax and listen at the same time. The separate phone line in her house had been turned off while she was away and recently had been turned on so she could talk with her friends while in her room. It was now, and had always been, an extreme convienece. Kait was finally comfortable as the message began.

"Kait!" She knew this voice very well, and suddenly didn't feel so tired as she walked over to the opposite side of her room. "Where are you, babe? I know you're home! But anyways, Happy Birthday! I won't be home for you to call me back but-"

She picked up the phone to interrupt his message. "Hey there, stranger."

"I knew you were home." Kait grinned as she sat on her bed. He began to wish her the usual birthday happiness as she picked at the thread of her pillow. A figure walked by the slightly opened door to her room and she figured her mom was home.

"I miss you." Kait said softly. In each conversation they had, one of them always started the 'I miss you' stuff. It was like a necessary thing, and each meant every word of it.

"I know you do, and I miss you too. But don't worry, you'll see me soon."

"Two weeks is not soon, JC." She stated. "This really sucks, I wish you could be here for my birthday."

There was an awkward silence, and Kait couldn't tell if she had lost connection or not. Just before she was about to call his name, he spoke. "Are you still picking at your pillow like that? Is that like your habit?"

"I don't usually but I am just passing time while we-" Kait stopped mid-sentence as she realized what he had just asked. "What?"

"Babe, do me a favor and walk out into your main foyer." Without speaking, Kait exited her room and walked in the front part of her one story house. "Now head on down the hallway to the guest room."

The cord stretched to its limit as Kait turned to look in the guestroom as instructed. She dropped the phone as she saw JC on the guestroom's phone, leaning against the opposite wall. He grinned as he hung up the phone and stuck his hands in his pockets. Kait began to walk towards him.

"How did you-"

"I flew in."

"When did you-"

"I arrived about 1 hour ago and your mom picked me up. I called you from your kitchen phone as soon as I got here. Didn't you see me walk past your door? Then I switched when I got to this room."

There was a moments pause as the couple stood face to face. Kait then jumped into his arms and held on tight. JC held her for the first time in two and a half weeks, and it felt wonderful. Now he would be able to hold her whenever he wanted. JC kissed the side of her head as he remembered words shared just before she left. "You haven't broken our promise have you?"

Kait lifted her head from his shoulder as she grinned. "No, but I honestly think I may break it soon." JC looked at her confused. "You see, I promised that I wouldn't kiss anybody until I kissed you 4 and a half weeks from that day. I have to break it, because I can't wait two weeks until I kiss you."

The two shared a smiled as they both rested their foreheads against the others. Slowly they leaned in for a quick and sweet kiss.


"Thanks, Abs!" Kait said, adding the $30 dollars she had received from her friend to the growing pile of money. The money, along with most of her MMC salary, was going into savings for college and a car.

Nicole handed Kait the next present in the pile. Kait read the funny happy birthday greeting aloud, then read the side note to herself. Kait, bet ya didn't expect to see a present from us! We decided to send it with JC so we wouldn't have to wait till you came back down for the next season. Just to give you a little history, the picture was taken the first day while we were all in the van on the way to the studio. See you soon and Happy 16th! Love, Justin & Britney

Kait tore the wrapping paper to reveal a framed picture she didn't even know existed. She covered her mouth in surprise as a tear of happy memories rolled down her cheek. Everyone asked what it was as Kait stood up and walked to JC, picture in hand, and sat on his lap. People smiled as the two began to talk about the picture and they remembered the day it was taken. Kait remained on JC's lap with his arm around her as the picture was passed around the room.

"What's the story behind it?" Michelle asked as she and her brother smiled and passed the picture along.

"I was the old cast member who met Kait, Justin and Britney at the airport when they arrived." JC began. "We all sat in the van and talked during the ride."

"I had started off sitting next to Britney," Kait picked up. "We stopped for toilet break, and I tricked Justin into switching seats with me. So I sat next to JC, and he dealt with Britney's talking syndrome. We talked, bonded, and fell asleep!"

"I guess they took the picture while we were sleeping." JC finished, tightening his arm around Kait's back. For the rest of the part, the two remained as close as they were then.


The picture looked absolutely perfect on the nightstand beside Kait's bed. The girl sat, looking back and forth between the two-framed pictures that sat there. There was the one she received earlier, and then one taken when she was 12 years old. Kait was standing beside her father, on her way to her MMC audition. He had died a year later.

Kait grasped the picture in her hand and leaned against her headboard. It had been a while since she had reflected upon her father's death. She hadn't cried about it since before she had left for the MMC. Now she was back, looking at the picture, and feeling that familiar feeling in her throat. She was going to cry.

A tear escaped her eye and made its way down her cheek. She wasn't crying because of his death, which surprised her at first. She was crying because she had accepted it. Throughout her new experiences, life had taught her that everything did indeed happen for a reason. Though her father's heart attack was sad and sudden, maybe there was some silver lining on his cloud. And though it had taken Kait a long time to realize it, she knew it was there.


Chapter 8 - Way Back When