Way Back When

Chapter 8

Familiar faces surrounded her as she entered through the studio doors. The summer break was over, and now it was time to get back to work. Kait had no regrets about the summer, for she had an absolute blast. She was able to surf again, hang with her friends, chill with her friends, and she even spent some unexpected time with her boyfriend.

After the time spent at her house over the summer, Kait and JC had flown to Orlando and spent the remainder of the summer vacation with JC's family. It was obvious to everybody around her that her time spent there was a blast. They even brought her to get her learners permit. All of them made trips to Universal and Disney, and it felt nice for Kait to not have cameras following her while she visited the park. She could freely hold JC's hand and didn't have to worry about making sure to not sit with him on every ride so the audience didn't get suspicious.

Now they were back and ready for a new season. Kait and JC remained the only two who knew about the departure of Terri and Fred. Both nervously anticipated how the crew would break the news to the cast. It was not going to be a pleasant night this evening after the opening meeting. The new season would be an interesting one to watch, and the parents of the couple were interested in how it would carry over. There would definitely be a lot of changes, and nobody really knew how it would all go down.

Kait and JC had dropped their bags off their stuff the day before, so they each walked in with a simple book bag. As they entered, their arms were around each other’s back and Kait's head rested on JC's shoulder. Over the couple the couple had become even closer than anybody in the cast could imagine.

the two decoded to run to their rooms for a quick setting change and to settle in again. So they walked past the brouhaha in the lobby towards the two dorm hallways. They didn't speak as they passed the groups, just flashed friends simple smile. As they reached the junction, JC kissed Kait's cheek before they departed into their different directions.

JC smiled, glad to be back at his "Home away from home" that he had spent numerous months in each year. Some of his most memorable moments in life happened in this room and he enjoyed being back. He couldn't wait to exchange summer stories with Tony and Dale, and to visit his partner in crime, Justin, again.

Speaking of Justin, he walked out of his assigned room as JC passed. "Hey, JC!"

"Yo, lil J!" JC slapped hands with his friend and gave him a quick guy hug.

"How was California?"

"Awesome, man. Beautiful out there. Plus I got to spend it all with Kait, so that just added to the fun." JC chuckled. "How was the family time?"

"It was some awesome memories, I guess. I love spending time with my mom, and she helped me spend some of the money she insisted I saved," Justin grinned. "How did Kait like her present?"

"Oh, it was a big surprise for both her and me. We had no idea that picture even existed, and everybody at the party kept asking about it. It really is a great picture, Justin." JC sighed, remembering how much joy it had brought him seeing the look on Kait's face whenever she looked at that picture.

"Hey, maybe I should become a photographer for a living." Justin suggested.

"And waste those vocals? No way, lil J." JC laughed and gave his friend a playful noogie. "Well, I have to be heading to my room to be situated. I'll see ya later?"

"You bet! See ya, JC." As Justin walked off towards the main lobby, JC continued on his quest to his room. He had talked to Tony on the phone just last week, and knew that he would be in the room unpacking at this moment. Tony had chosen to take a road trip with some of his old friends from back home in the car he had bought with his MMC earnings. Dale took a much-needed trip back home to visit his hometown and his hometown girlfriend.

No matter what was to happen without Terri and Fred around, JC was ready. Something inside told him that there were going to be some changes around the set, and not all of them would be good. The one thing that he did know for certain was that there was going to be a different feeling around the cast when things went on without the guidance of Terri and Fred.

A smile crept upon his face as the familiar door came completely into view. Even though during the season he longed to be home with his blood family, off-season was different. When away from the MMC family on vacations, all he wanted to be was working on set. It may sound weird, but that was just how JC functioned.

The dark haired boy singer swung the door open and began his search for his friend. "Tony, man, where are you?"

Not finding him in the main part of the room, JC headed for the bedroom of their little dorm. The only light in the room was the dim one that cast a glow from Tony's top bunk. Not being able to tell if his friend was there or not, JC flipped the switch to the powerful overhead light. JC grinned as he heard Tony's groan. "Oh, man, no bright lights."

"How come you're sitting in the dark, Tony?" JC asked as he tossed his book bag on his bed. "Everybody is out socializing, so why not come and join em with me?"

Tony sat up and set the picture he was looking at down. Before speaking, he leaned back and rested his head against the wall. "She's gone, Jace. She left."

Not knowing what was going on and whom he was talking about, JC asked, "Who is gone? I don't know who you're talking about."

"Kerri. She left the show, man."

JC's eyes widened. This could not be happening. Before Kait had come to the show, Kerri and JC were the best of friends. Even when he and Kait started to date, Kerri and JC still remained close. And this would definitely change Tony. This was Kerri, his on again/off again girlfriend who he spent all his time with. Things were already seeming glummer than before.

"Tony, man, I'm sorry. Are you gonna be okay?" JC asked in concern. Even if the two had broken up again before the break, Tony would still miss her terribly. "How are we gonna film Emerald Cove without Kerri playing Andrea?"

"When Kerri and I talked she told me that after dinner tonight everything would be discussed. They're probably just gonna have us break up for good now that Kerri isn't here. The producers already know."

"I'm really sorry, man."

"JC, I don't want to sound rude or anything, but can I just be alone for a while? I know you just got back and all, but I just really want to sit and think for a while."

Nodding, JC headed for the door. He didn't say a word as he shut off the overhead light and exited the bedroom. He felt no anger, for he completely understood how Tony felt. If Kait had suddenly left without any notice, then he would be the same way.

JC left the room to go and say hello to the arriving people who still lingered in the main lobby. Kait would probably be there soon as well, then he could just head back to her room so Tony could be alone like he had asked. As JC walked the hallways, there was a different feeling in him. Things just felt extremely uncomfortable for him, and the feeling was hard to explain. Maybe it was because Kerri, Fred and Terri were all gone.

Everybody was huddled into little groups discussing their summers and stuff and JC searched for one to join. He saw Kait talking animatedly with Britney, Ricky, Marc and Nikki. He smiled to himself. Kait was a very popular one among the cast, for everybody loved her personality. JC decided to let her continue talking and he joined over where Dale was standing, bags in hand, talking to Rhona and Illana.

What a social event it was. Everybody was chatting like they hadn't seen each other in years. No matter what rumors were spread through the viewer's homes, the cast mates were great friends. People often thought that spending so much time with the same people would make one get really annoyed with the other. But the MMC cast members learned different. They all appreciated each other’s little annoying traits. It may have sounded corny- but they did work for Disney, mind you.

Kait saw JC walk over to Dale and grinned as Marc finished talking about the surfing lessons he took. Marc and Kait were the only ones who surfed on the cast. Kait had been doing it since she was 11, and Marc had started last summer. Ricky always loved to listen to the stories, and Britney and Nikki were just there.

As Marc told of his major wipeout the first lesson, Kait's eyes drifted over to where JC was standing. He laughed about something then looked over her way. Even across the room, she could see the glisten in his blue eyes as he faked a cough and nudged with his head towards the hallway. She knew exactly what he meant, for they often did this during the summer at times when the room was crowded and they had been separated. She nodded then turned to her group.

"Would you guys please excuse me? I have to use the ladies room," Kait lied. They all nodded as she left and headed towards the hallway. The brunette walked towards her room, not seeing JC in front of her. That left her as the only one walking the girls' hall. Everyone had either not arrived, or was chatting out front. Kait had only been there for 20 minutes and had enough of socializing. She would see these people everyday, so they could talk then.

A toilet flushed as she walked by the Men's bathroom that was located near the middle of the hall. It made her wonder who was in there, for nobody normally used those bathrooms. They always knocked on somebody's door and asked to use theirs. Plus, everybody as out front. Everybody except-

An arm was wrapped around her back, and Kait knew exactly who it was. She glanced up at JC while wrapping her left arm around his back and leaning her head against his shoulder. Silently, they entered her room. Nothing could have been more perfect, and nothing could spoil it.


Chapter 9 - Way Back When - Home