Way Back When

Chapter 9

“Welcome back, everyone!”

Head writer Jordana stepped to the podium located at the front of the room. Newly hired director Michael Cravitz had just finished discussing his theories on how to make the show more appealing without losing its touch. The cast members were barley awake during his whole ordeal. Yet, the departure of their previous director, Andrew, did surprise them. That was the only news of departure they had head so far, and the new director had wasted a half an hour of their time talking about things he would probably repeat again sometime or another. Now Jordana came, and they were a bit more attentive. They all knew that she would be addressing the absence of certain people.

“As you know, MMC is going through some very big changes this season,” she began. “We would first like to address the evident absence of three actors- Terri, Fred, and Kerri.”

If somebody had dropped a pin, it would have sounded like a train crashing through the building. The room was dead silent, and it was kind of freaky. Normally nobody really paid attention to Jordana, but now all eyes were on her. Her palms began to sweat as she cleared her throat.

“Kerri Russell has left the cast in order to fully focus on her acting career. We already have plans for what will happen to Andrea on Emerald Cove, so their is nothing to worry about in that department. Kerri asked us to send you all a big good luck with the new season.”

Kait cast a gloomy look over to Tony, who sat on the right side of her. He didn’t look like he was about to die of sorrow, but he didn’t look totally happy either. The now 16 year old removed her right hand from the armrest and placed it on Tony’s shoulder. He looked over at her and attempted to smile, but Kait knew it wasn’t easy for him. She leaned over and kissed his cheek in comfort, then gave him half a hug. He mouthed a thank you to her, then they both brought their attention back to Jordana.

“Now, to be honest with you, Terri and Fred- if they were here, of course- would not want us to say that their leaving was an easy decision. Not only did they decide to leave, but we also figured it was time for them to depart as well.”

Bitch, was all Kait could think. Like hell they left willingly. JC saw the look in her eyes and took her hand. The both remained the only ones who knew the truth, but now would definitely not be a good time for them to go telling everybody. Over their summer, the topic had come up more than once, and they had decided they weren't going to let the writers know that they knew the truth. At least not yet.

In front of her, Kait saw Britney crying beside Justin. Why she was that emotional, Kait had no clue. The newbies had only been there for one season, and couldn't be as upset as the others. The reason you didn’t see older cast members who had been closer to those departed was because they were used to members leaving. Every season, at least one cast member was lost. Those who had been around were used to people leaving. They were always missed, and at least one remaining member always kept in touch with one that had left. That way none were ever really forgotten, and nobody worried too much.

“To start off, I would like to introduce two kind of new cast members, whom some of you may know. They have both been a part of the cast before, left to join a group you know as ‘The Party,’ and are now here to join us this season. I hope you will all warmly welcome Chase and Tiffany back to the cast.”

JC and Tony groaned as the two new members stood and waved. The boy, Chase, had stubby red hair and stood tall and scrawny. The girl, Tiffany, was just as tall as Chase and had short, dark brown hair. Since Kait had never watched the show before she joined the cast, she had no clue what to expect form these two. Yet, JC and Tony did. What they were thinking was obviously not positive either.

“What's wrong with them?” Kait asked JC. He sighed then turned slightly to face her.

“I wasn’t on the cast when Chase was around. I only know him from when ‘The Party’ would visit the show. Yet, I have come to know him as a rotten, cocky kid. A great actor, okay singer, but much too confident in himself.”

“And Tiffany,” Tony began, drawing Kait's attention to the side of her he was sitting on, “She is amazingly sweet and innocent to the cast members she likes, which are mainly guys. But if she doesn't like you, then she can be a bitch. Tiff is more of a dancer than anything, she is okay at acting and has some singing talent. The thing with that, is that she wants to sing all the time. She will become pissed off if she doesn’t get to sing a song that she wanted to.”

“Wow,” Kait said, amazed, as she turned her attention back to Jordana. She was talking about the new way the stage they were building, and the new way they would begin the show. Basically just some boring stuff, so Kait didn’t bother to listen. Instead, she kicked off her sandal and leaned against JC. He grinned and wrapped an arm around her, glad that they were sitting in the last row of people. That way, nobody would stare at them from behind. Gently, Kait ran her foot against his leg. Both of them relaxed completely and Kait closed her eyes.

“To start off the new season,” she heard Jordana say about 10 minutes later, “We will be performing a special concert for viewers that will be broadcasted live on the Disney Channel. This concert will feature a few skits and best moment clips, but mostly performances of some oldies, and some new songs that will be sung over the seasons. All songs will be performed live, not to a tape. Therefore, the performers have already been chosen. Everybody will have a role in the show, and those roles will be given to you on Monday. Remember this- there are absolutely no changing of your parts in the show. Once we have secured you, that's it.”

Kait’s eyes glittered with excitement at the last announcement. She loved to perform live. To her, lip-synching was an insult. That was her least favorite part of the show. Only a select few times had she been able to perform live in front of a large audience, and desperately hoped she would be picked as one of those to sing. She didn't care if she were to do it alone or with a group of people, she just wanted to be up on stage.

After Jordana discussing some more things nobody really cared about, the cast was dismissed for the rest of the day. JC, Tony, and Dale were heading for a Chinese place to talk about their summers. Kait, Britney, and Christina planned on watching some movies and a night of girl talk. All the other cast members had made plans as well.

"Bye, baby." Jc said as their groups of friends approached Kait's door. The onlookers watched as the couple shared a short kiss and hug. "I'll call you later tonight, okay?"

"I'll be waiting," Kait replied, grinning as they kissed once more. She waved as he, Tony, Justin, Ryan, and Dale walked back down the hallway. As she entered the room with her two friends, Kait set her card from the crew down on the table. When she walked into the living room, she saw the others giggling. "What?"

Christina rolled her eyes, and Britney spoke, "It's just so funny."

Not knowing what they were talking about, Kait went into her room to grab some of the movies she had received from cast members over the day. They all knew she was a total movie freak, so most of them bought her movies for her birthday. Not only was she grateful because she loved to watch movies, but also because she was always totally bored when she couldn't sleep at night, and the movies would definitely help.

"Kait? Do you realize how lucky you are? I mean, seriously." Christina asked. Kait popped in the movie Mark had given her, Coming to America with Eddie Murphy and Arsenial Hall, then went to cook some popcorn. Since she didn't reply, Christina continued. "You're sixteen years old, and it is completely obvious that you're totally in love. And, this love is not one sided, may I remind you. JC loves you back just as much, if not more. Most teens like us just go out, we don't get these feelings. But Kait, you have this like storybook romance here. Have you two ever even fought?"

Yes, we've fought." Kait lied. The only fight the two had ever been in was against somebody else, not against each other. Sure, they had many disagreements over the course of the summer, but none were very serious. In the end of those disagreements, they always made up anyway. But Kait didn't want to talk about that with them. "Can I, for one night, just not talk about my boyfriend and spend some time with my friends? Yes, I love him a lot, and I'm positive he loves me back. But, that's not something that needs to be discussed with the entire world! Okay?"


"So, Jace, I forgot to wish you a happy birthday." Dale said, remembering that August 8th was that day for JC.

"Thanks man," JC answered. Dale handed him two cards, one of which was addressed to Kait. "So, you remembered hers too?"

"Well, I actually didn't. At least," Dale continued, looking down to hide his embarrassment. "Until Matt asked me what I got her and I kinda went... ummm oops."

Chuckling, JC put Kait's card aside and began to open his. The other two opened the fortune cookies that were to conclude their meal. As the tradition with the 3 roomies went, they would each read their fortunes aloud and guess what it meant. They had been doing it since their very first visit to the Chinese Restaurant located a few miles away from the studio. They went so often that it became a tradition, and a meal there wasn't complete without the fortune ritual.

Dale was the first to go. "Things may be going the same in your life, but an unexpected turn in your life will certainly be for the better.

"I predict that this means that for a little while things are going to be boring and the same for me," he began, stating the obvious fact from the cookie's prediction. Dale sat quietly for a moment before he continued. "But, soon I am gonna meet a sweet lady who will make my day."

JC half laughed, and Tony rolled his eyes before speaking. "Dude, Dale, every single time you interpret it to be something, its about a girl! And tell me, cuz I seem to have forgotten, how many times has that hypothesis been correct?"

Dale looked at his feet. "No times," The other two laughed, and Dale just gave them one of those looks. "Now is a better time to start than ever!"

After shaking his head, Tony cleared his throat and began to read his. "A previous surprise devastates you, yet your future looks brighter without that certain thing."

Everybody around the table pretty much knew what that past devastation was. Yet, Tony spoke his opinion anyway. "It means that I am better off without Kerri here."

There was a respectful silence before JC read his own fortune. "Outside and inside forces will try and pull away something you cherish deeply."

Before even predicting what it meant, JC mentally thought of the things he cherished. Secretly, beneath the table, he counted off on his fingers. There was 1- his life; 2- his family; 3- the show; and then there was 4- Kait.


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